Am I, as a man, obligated to get up and give my seat to a woman? If society is moving more towards equality for women, does it make sense for me to be less chivalrous?
Am I, as a man, obligated to get up and give my seat to a woman? If society is moving more towards equality for women...
If men and women are equal then I shouldnt have to worry about giving up my seat for a woman.
If she is older or pregnant yes. If not press "M" to manspread and carry on your day.
Only for women who have given birth, older women, etc.
Single childless women who take birth control must stand.
No. Maybe if she's pregnant or old.
Only if the woman is pregnant or disabled, or elder. Otherwise. no.
Haha fuck no.
I don't give my seat up for anyone. Fuck them.
This isn't 1920s America where there are beautiful white people everywhere. We're in a dystopian multicultural shit hole now where nothing matters. Buckle in kid
In an all white society yes, but how things are today? nope. The browns can stand.
This is exactly how i feel.
>give seat to old lady
>see everyone else on the bus look away from you quickly, their heads turning downward in shame
>Crowned king morality of the bus
I gave my seat to a burka wearing mom with a stroller once. She didn't even say thanks. I could only see her eyes and they looked scornful and glared at me, like she thought I was going to rape her or something.
Fucking subhumans.
No, the only people I give my seat to are the elderly. They don't have many years left, and they should spend the rest of their lives in relative comfort.
>sitting on dirty ass public transport seats
I bet you forget to wipe too
t. Someone who has never rode the 8th circle of Hell known as mass public transportation
I only give up my seat for old people and pregnant chicks.
Maybe retards too. Depends on how retarded.
Our public transport is not shit like yours son.
1) you'll be carrying on the legacy of being men - not doing what the feminists order you to do
2) lgbt feminazis btfo angry at your demeaning offer
3) real women appreciate it
You should always aim to be unaware of your surroundings when using public transportation.
It's like how some woman getting rape, don't fight back and just numb themselves instead and go somewhere else in their mind.
That is how you should behave when using public transportation.
Don't engage with anyone, unless they initiate contact and even then ignore, then the first time.
i give up my seat for seniors or disabled people
everyone else can fuck off
Sup Forums-tier retarded?
This is the only correct response.
Yes to old ladies
Yes to pregnant ladies
No to fat chicks
I used to do that. And hold doors for women. But after a few times of being verbally attacked and accused of muh soggy knees, I'm done with that shit. Fuck 'em.
only white and latina old hags and pregnant sluts can have my seat. sorry niggers
t. spic
I always give my seat up to women. It's good to be chivalrous. I was raised in the South and our manners dictate that I give up my seat to women and my elders. I also give it up to people with their hands full. The only people I don't offer it to are fatties and that's because I know it would make them feel weird.
Then again, I'm not a dick.
If I ever meet a woman who doesn't dress like a slut she can have my seat.
lol America.
I give up seats for disabled people, old people, and people with kids. I don't count fat as disabled. Fatties can stand, they burn more calories that way.
>using public transport thank god i'm not a yuropoor or a new yorker
>But after a few times of being verbally attacked and accused of muh soggy knees, I'm done with that shit. Fuck 'em.
But that's the perfect time to say something like "it was my privilege to be helpful" or some other corny line that will piss them off
Offer her a seat on your lap like a gentleman. Sweeten the deal by offering to rub her shoulders if she says no.
>Be on bus.
>Manspreading as usual.
>legs wide open with a hole in the crotch of my sweatpants so as to air out my balls.
>Women sitting everywhere looking uncomfortable.
>look down and notice a stray pube has exposed itself from the sweat-hole.
>Put the put back in my pants.
>Apologise for my crude display of hair, and tip my fedora to the angry pink haired lard-shifter who has taken the form of the chair it has sat on.
>Female of the non-lard-shifter variety stumbles upon the public transport vessel. This must be a special occasion.
>She awkwardly looks at me, the only male to have dared take public transport this typical British day.
>Looks away almost immediately, hoping I haven't noticed her.
>But I have. And am already close to enacting my master-plan.
>I immediately stop manspreading, cease texting this muslim woman (I was mansplaining to her that this is an islamic nation, and therefore she must do as her husband says, and that she should have voted for right-wingers if she wanted to avoid this).
>I get up and stroll over to the beautiful women, only missing three teeth and has a nearly human shaped head, is is actually less wrinkly than my ball-sack. Seriously, she was beautiful.
>I offer to give her my seat, boner now slowly becoming noticeable as it's length reaches my gut.
>She's nearly in tears, but puts on a brave smile to show the lard-shifter that everything will be okay.
>Boner is literally in tears by this point.
>She takes my seat, and my leftover ball sweat puddle.
>"T-thank you..." she murmers.
>At this point I've already ripped my dick out and using the bus drivers hand to jack off.
>"It's my privilege".
>She bursts into tears.
>Women are all mourning the death of their liberation.
>Lard-shifter escapes into some gap in the floor.
>"john white guy" bombs the bus.
Yes, it's always worth giving up your seat for a woman. You have privilege, exercise it and oppress them.
No, you are not obligated to give up your seat for anyone.
Its often considered polite do give up your seat for those who are less fit then yourself. but that is just a courtesy not a requirementl
Only if it's a white teenage girl holding a black infant.
Or accuse them of being shitlords for assuming my gender and not asking me my preferred pronouns.
Nah, but I usually do.
I'm not obligated to do a lot of shit that I do, doesn't mean I don't still do it.
Why is he always alone?
Fuck 'em. They wanted this world so let 'em have it.
I aways offer my seat.
Sometimes young women and girls sit on my lap.
Or "share" the seat (sit both at the same time.
The physical contact is good.
Only the elderly, anything below 50 years old doesn't get my seat. If she is holding heavy bags too maybe or has a kid and the kid is already sitting. It depends man, but not on a sex basis.
I always give up my seat. I really don't care one way or another I'm just used to it and do it on auto mode. It's just a 5-10 minute train ride it's not like the seats are comfortable.
No, and to do so can be construed as sexist/possible hate crime.
>Sometimes young women and girls sit on my lap.
>Or "share" the seat (sit both at the same time.
>The physical contact is good.
How often is it that this is completely consensual, brazil?
Only for Seniors and pregnant bitches
I would for an old lady but any women younger than me can fuckin stand.
I also make exceptions for really old men, and cripples.
Man and woman are not equal, only a fool or a Jew would believe this.
I don't usually sit on buses or trains.
Commuter stuff is different but a bus around would have to be some kind of faggot to sit like your fat ass can't stand for 8 minutes.
>shitposting everywhere
Only times I'll ever surrender my seat is for the elderly or for a pregnant woman. Everyone else is welcome to fuck right off.
Jesus Christ, you guys are a bunch of pussies.
Do you carefully examine every girl on the train to see if she gave birth or some arbitrary shit?
Either give up your seat or don't it's not a big deal
What are you a fucking retard paco? I bet your piece of shit Pueblo doesn't even have a bus
only give it up to old, disabled and pregnant.
men should give themselves up to inevitability
Not manspreading and committing fart rape on every public transit ride in le current year?
Thanks for the (you)
I have been in so many situations where I was carrying heavy boxes or awkwardly shaped items and needed the door either held open for me or to be let in or out the door first and to date no woman has ever helped.
I find men are more kind and considerate to other men than women will ever be. This is why I don't hold doors open for women, give up my seat or help them, in their mind I am trying to get my dick in their pussy, never does it cross their mind that I'm just being kind.
I always give up my seat no matter who's taking it. Why? Because it makes me happy doing favors for anyone, if I can cheer up anyone or make their day a little bit better I will.
He'll never get a girlfriend
>Did you see that alpha on the train stacy
>Yeah, I totally fuck him!
>women with the personality of a man
I don't see the problem
Plus Keanu is too based
I ride a motorbike so I don't have to catch public transport.
I am SO fucking glad I fixed my bike. Public transportation has seriously taken a turn for the worse since the refugee crisis
and it's not like it was good to begin with
>uhhhh is that man old enough? should I give my seat to him?
>is she pregnant or just fat???
>that old lady stands 4 steps away from me, will she hear me if I'll offer her my seat quietly?
>uhhh that's a mother with a 5 year old kid, are they entitled to take my seat???
You should give up your seat for the following people, from highest priority to lowest
>Very elderly people
>Heavily pregnant people
>People with leg injuries (eg, leg in a cast)
>Moderately old people
>Moderately pregnant
>People with other injuries (broken arm)
Everyone else is on equal playing when it comes to seats and it's first come first serve
I wold say very young people as well, can';t really leave a toddler throwing around a bus.
>can';t really leave a toddler throwing around a bus.
sure you can
Give up your seat, then stand there awkwardly with your crotch or ass right in their face the rest of the ride. It never feels quite right.
Says who user?
I got up for someone last week. Turned out she was just fat...oooppps