for the geographically impaired, pic related.
You must migrate to an Asian country, which one do you pick?
self bumping, would pick singapore
The one where I get a job and isn't a goatfucker country.
India for sure. It's based.
Russia, Thailand, Japan, or Malysia
Hong Kong
Thats like a pretty bad choice right now
Kazakhstan, Russia or Korea. Although Singapore and Hong Kong are very prosperous.
japan desu
The Philippines, for sure. You can live comfortably in Manila for very cheap on a modest income. The work I do is web based so that would not be a problem for me. Furthermore, everyone in the country speaks English, so adjustment would not be that difficult.
Iran because it's a really beautiful country, but this means I'd have to quit internet and pretend to be a mudslime.
Well, considering I'm Dutch Indo.....
Russia. Some depressive, cold siberian town to get in touch with my true inner slav.
Probably Israel.
this is a proxy right? there is no way that's Bermuda
Japan maybe? Apparently high living standards but inhabited by autists.
what do you think Sup Forums will migrate to, retard?
Japan, no question. I even know the language already because I'm that much of a horrible weeb.
user, even though croats are slavs, they're honorary aryans
cmon now
jap land easy.
japan or south korea, 我会说中文所以我学习日语还是韩语就没有问题。
isn't it obvious?
fpbp, my second choice would be South Korea.
Home to Israel
Enlighten me, Canacuck.
I need not but stay where I am.
Has a non-shit model of those headphones been released yet?
Political trouble. Tanking ringgit.
Not saying therell be a happening but until it blows over, its a bad pick
Japan/Korea are the only one there that is not complete subhuman shithole.
Japan and Worst Korea, aka the 2 white colonies are the only 1st world countries on this entire continent so the choice is an easy one
Stay in America with the CaucASIANS (:
Hong Kong or Singapore, followed by Shanghai or Tokyo. Too risky to live in Seoul (NK Artillery) or Taipei (ComChi Artillery).
Glorious Georgia.
>nk will shell sk
>china will shell taiwan
The West Bank
>be half-Jewish through mother's side
>the Israeli government will literally pay me money to move to Israel and steal Palestinian land
>hole myself up in my comfy desert fortress while fucking Jewish girls and shitposting on Sup Forums all day
Doesn't count
Russia ofc.
Second choice China.
Dont hope for it. Yuumei is full of shit.
Hawaii cause its east and then more east.
I went to Malaysia a couple of weeks back and I couldn't live in a place like that. Too close to the equator and too dirty.
But if I did live in an Asian country like that I'd like to own one of the many computer hardware stores with some online based programming work to earn me them US dollars.
Where's the NZ of Asia I'd live there
canadian education everyone
when cs go servers than MUAH RUSSIA GO IN ASIA
fucking double standarts
I did.
>wheres the nz of asia
Youre already there m8
I see what you did there
I don't mind you guys playing Euro servers