
So are you all the racist white pretentious assholes who voted for Drumpf (apparently your lord and savior)?

My friend showed me this website because I literally could not believe that people are actually saying stuff like this...I didn't actually believe her until I saw it myself.

I mean it kinda does make sense why an anime website full of virgin losers would praise someone who runs their campaign based on grabbing female vag to get his way (no thanks, i'm all set btw). and has a sissy fit when he doesn't get his way.

i'm just genuinely curious DOES it feel knowing that your candidate is going to absolutely get DESTROYED once they do the recount and find out that this tool had to use bribery to his advantage and DIDN'T EVEN WIN THE POPULAR VOTE.

p.s. it's fucking stupid how i have to put up an image every time i post comments...what a fucking stupid website.

Other urls found in this thread:


LOL what does that even mean???

just wait until the mandatory pussy grabbing laws.

it will soon be illegal for cute teenage pussy to go ungrabbed.

Weak bait at that

>unironically using Drumpf

Even libshits don't do this anymore

or maybe you can climb out of your mom's basement...

Fuck off, vagina nigger

will u b my gf???


So today in group therapy (I'm in rehab) this black girl would not shut up about white privilege and it was only two other white males in the group. I wanted to call her out and said if she felt uncomfortable sharing around mostly other white males (I guess that's who drinks in this city) than maybe I feel uncomfortable sharing around a Black female.

lol namefag newfag Audrey

shit-tier b8 m8

so in other words you're just sexually frustrated and have to resort to hateful language that you cannot even COMPREHEND the meaning behind.

gotcha ;)

It's an IMAGEBoard you stupid nigger.

It means you being "new" to the site would likely not have figured out how to reply directly to a post. Remake the thread and try again with this in mind.

Libcucks using drumpf unironically everywhere i have to fear for my life?

>grabbing female vag to get his way

Oh if only the world did work that way, my goodness

Sage but I had a laff

Guess what...
you caused this.

read and heed

Shut up you cracka ass bitch made lookin faggot honkey


i already have pussy to grab.

just waiting for more

I can't figure out which is more upsetting, the garbage bait...or that it seems to be working.

watch and learn why your candidate lost:

Audrey next time if you want your thread topic to go to the top of the list you put your email into the name box and the site will send you a link that bumps you to the top everytime. :) You're welcome!

It means to educate yourself, figure out why you're protesting in the first place, and not let mainstream media such as CNN twist your thinking.

i mean if you acknowledge that you have white privilege then that's a good starting point at least.

i do hope you feel better though, hun.


...yes that's my name...

lol im so confused right now


i'm like not even black lol...

Good meme.

I feel fine. It was just annoying that she gets to objectify us because she's a minority. She literally mentioned the patriarchy. And of course she bitched about the election.

well that is his name

>I mean it kinda does make sense why an anime website full of virgin losers would praise someone who runs their campaign based on grabbing female vag to get his way (no thanks, i'm all set btw).

but im not white, and i hate illegals and political correctness, thats why u KEK , SAGED REPORTED KILL YOURSELF FAGGOT

in other words "lalalala i don't like facts lalalala i cant hear you lalala"

Some of the racist, misogynistic and downright hateful comments here are ALARMING to say the least. I don't know what rocks you troglodytes crawled out from under but do everyone who has actually attended college and go back!! This sort of rhetoric is why Republicans will never win another presidency after Drumpfkins first and ONLY term in office.

Absolutely deplorable behavior here.

Try harder faggot

Truck Fump sounds funner.

um get help? get help :)

Don't worry about the recount...are you ready for Operation Fuck you Leonardo?


Ok i will call Bruce Jenner, Bruce from now on


Hopefully the rhetoric here will be so salty that you literally die and cleanse the earth of your foul presence.

So you're anti-immigrant?

How rude.

CNN is not nearly as bad as your holy grail fox news

>calling him anything else

*thumbs up*

I thought you already had a half swedish half english boyfriend slut

Only if he's a "refugee".

you look like such a douche in that picture

That's it. Im opening a Swiss bank account.

Based off your comments, you sound like a retarded 18 year old girl on social media. Tits or gtfo.


>Trying this fucking hard
Just leave. Either your real, and a fucking faggot ass - jew lover or are just baiting and still trying to hard.

is this sarcasm?


libcuck life: the comment

yes it does

Go back to Facebook, there are no feelings to be hurt here

ahahaha ok bye

ummm when did i say that

>oh hai guys I'm new here what's this
>knows how to reply to post id's

>i'm just genuinely curious DOES it feel knowing that your candidate is going to absolutely get DESTROYED once they do the recount and find out that this tool had to use bribery to his advantage and DIDN'T EVEN WIN THE POPULAR VOTE.

i don't have a boyfriend...therefore i'm not a slut? ya, that sounds about right!

no i'm pretty sure the refugee is the one who has to be fearing for his/her life

Drumpf is literally like 2016's Adolf Shickelgruber. I'm literally shaking rn.

>p.s. it's fucking stupid how i have to put up an image every time i post comments...what a fucking stupid website.

Newfagging this hard

Babe.. I'm sorry. I just thought that I would back up my lady. You're so brave to fight these scumbags alone but I want to be of some service besides clean up duty, you know?

Don't embarrass me in front of these rats, honey. None of them are even black.

I forgot to tell you, Laquavious called. He's running late I'll cook your guys kids some dinner.


You're fat, still have braces, and should really go back to cutting yourself


i'm not out to hate, just to see if this place is real or not...

>freaking out over porn
you're not worthy of kek's blessing

You had one yesterday you dumb cunt.
Old bait is starting to smell now Audreyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

it's not that hard when you have a friend looking over you're shoulder telling you what to do...

How can we expect to enforce gun control when unarmed black men get murdered by the racist police?

so not funny









Nice bait, m8


im pretty sure i dont know you llol

In all seriousness, how can anyone be so retarded to think the recount will change anything? Even liberal cock-sucking npr admitted it today.

>criminals are gunned down by police doing their job

What, don't you agree with me?

Hey Audrey, how about TITS or GTFO.
Now quit being such a fucking nigger.

no braces, not fat, no thanks.

At least you put a little thought into this bait


you sound cute. do you like anime?



Lol. Bet you don't even know when fox news was founded or why

are you a schitzo?

>1 digit from a full house

hell yeah it is

think fast fuckface

We're being raided again, time to /vip/

how can i if i don't know what you're talkign about