Friendly reminder if you are a male your days are numbered you misogynist pieces of shit will be killed and us women...

Friendly reminder if you are a male your days are numbered you misogynist pieces of shit will be killed and us women will rule the world

I could easily beat 900 women to death in a single day, and that's assuming I take a lunch break.

I will rest easy safe and secure in the knowledge that soon after women take over the world they'll find some way to complain about it and let it slowly rot into the stone age because none of them will want to take responsibility for anything.

>us women will rule the world

Until one of you gets something the rest of you covet.

Like a man?

The butch girls will take over the male role. Then eventually they will evolve penises because the only the butches with large clitoris will be bred.

Or a fucking purse.

The trigger to World War 4 will be over a Gucci.

Not that you're wrong, but
>look at this dood

>Women will rule the world
Good luck with that with men occupying 99% of critical infrastructure and engineering jobs.

Trust feminists to turn a genocidal rant onto the topic of eating.



those taiwanese are chinks too, so physically they pale in competition with white soldiers

your average woman can't even pick up a large box by herself. what exactly are they going to do after killing all men?

>implying they could kill all men
>implying most want to
>implying the only women who hate men aren't having a mad case of sour ass grapes

>mfw I had to help two asian women put a boxed christmas tree in their van today

If there was a unavoidable war between all men above age 18 and all women above age 18 (anyone below 18 would disappear off the earth) that ended as soon as every single person of one side was dead, neither side could surrender, and anybody intentionally hiding for more than 24 hours died, how many men would be alive in the end?

95-99% of them

This is incorrect regardless. The bone marrow has to be from a male.

>just a war
war is fighting
how will you make them fight?

>sister can't even roll her fucking luggage down a curb that isnt a handicap curb, up and over the median which also isn't a handicap curb, then up onto the sidewalk on the other side which again, is not a handicap ramp
>women think they can do anything worthwhile
Well she is about to graduate undergraduate school and go to business school at a pretty good place, but still. Just lift the fucking thing 3 inches Jesus fuck.

idk f4m it;s just a hypothetical scenrio get off my dick faggot

And you will all starve to death in the cold and dark. Women will NOT be able to support themselves. As a group, they never have. The only thing which women have ever been able to build is credit card debt.

>men are entirely useless
Why have men when you can (extremely painfully) conceive a child with bone marrow? (with extreme birth defects)

Also men being dominant and stronger is patriarchy

Not kidding around 90% atleast

I identify as a transwoman. You have just committed hate speech, verbal assault, death threatening and transmisogyny.

I identify as not caring

what ya gonna do now

25% of men would join the women to be white knights
that would be enough to give them the edge

>take over

you should learn science and manage Muh Feelz 1st ;)

>ignoring the spirit of the question
I'm sure you've been told so before, but you are a drag.

Just think of all the jars that would go unopened.


I identify as a transdimensional omnisexual chicken hawk, stop assuming my species

oh jeez user yeah that sickly and frail jew firing an SMG while sitting down is really intimidating me i guess we would lose

Reminder that the majority (albeit barely) of white women still voted for Trump. Deep down our women know that if they destroy their men, they'll be raped and destroyed themselves by the darkie scourge. You need to wake up and see feminism for the Jewish scheme it is, an attack on white women and men. There is nothing more noble and precious than motherhood just as there is nothing more degenerate than a roastie thot.

You should literally hang yourself.

Give them all of the nu-males, cucks, trannies, faggots, whatever else and they'd still lose.

ofcourse these fat degenerate fucks first thought is to eat as a solution.

why am i not surprised.

Dumb OP, the kitchen isn't all of the world

4 billion

damn i want to fuck her tits pham

And when pic related is invented, women's days will be numbered. And men holocausting women is a lot more likely to happen than women holocausting men, since we were built for combat.

Look toots, keep up that talk and we'll implement Generalplan Fritzl. You won't be overthrowing the patriarchy as long as you're all kept separately chained up in our basements. Now come to bed. I'm keen on trying a new position I like to call the Cervix Smasher.

None, since man need woman to create offsprings