>he literally opposes free speech
Have we made a horrible mistake?
>he literally opposes free speech
Have we made a horrible mistake?
Other urls found in this thread:
>destruction of property is free speech
Burning the flag is not free speech
Burning the symbol that represents everything American is an extremely small act of war
what if it belongs to you?
I thought the canned response the faggots are supposed to deliver when talking about free speech is "free speech does not mean free from consequences of free speech".
Sacks of crap!
I'd make an exception for flag burning because it literally only affects scum and complete idiots.
Of course this was a mistake. Electing a 70 year old dude who loves Putin.
But hey, at least the memes were great.
Scalia is right you are wrong
Kill yourself unamerican scum
what will leftists make exceptions for, since it would only affect scum?
aren't you setting a dangerous precedent?
Why do you keep making these threads?
I hope so. Fuck leftists.
the real spoopy part is that he's supporting cruel and unusual punishment
There's no "we"
Leftists do make exceptions all the time and don't care one bit about the parts of the Constitution that get in their way. See: The Second Amendment.
But what if I told you there was a part of our Constitution, which you claim to love so much, that allows us to amend and modify it?? It's called Article V. With that, we can make things constitutional that are otherwise unconstitutional. Like magic!
Like.... wait for it... a flag desecration amendment:
>b-but Trump didn't say that.
He didn't not say it. He also didn't say he would pass a law to ban flag burning either. You made that part up in your head.
i've probably made a horrible mistake replying to this thread.
>free speech
literally the root of all evil
speech = talking
burning flag = physical action
argument BTFO
The only mistake we've made is letting faggot Redditors like you post.
>"unfair media"
>hate niggers with a burning passion
>kidnap one and lock him in my basement
>tie him to a stack of hay and wheel him out into the middle of a shopping mall
>set him on fire
>get arrested for doing so
>"but but but, muh first amendment!"
>forgetting about freedom of expression
I wake up, what do I see? The internet freaking out because Donald Trump (our new president) says that burning the flag should be illegal! Who are these people?? OF COURSE IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL! Burning the flag is the same as burning a veteran! You disgrace the flag, you disgrace our founding fathers, and every great patriot our country has seen. You are AN ENEMY OF THE STATE if you are a flag burner. And the only problem I see with what trump said is that he doesnt go far enough. It shouldn't just be illegal for an American to burn the flag, it should be illegal EVERYWHERE. Nobody in the world should be able to burn an American flag! There, I said it! If you burn a flag in Guatamala, Bangkok, Munich or Tallahassee, I don't care! America will lock you up! And then we'll see if maybe you should be burned as well! This is just the first step of making America's world great again. FLAG BURNERS MUST BE PUNISHED. It is simply not free speech!!!!!!
>flags bought with EBT (which is against the protocol of EBT usage)
>implying burning a flag is free speech
>Lighting something on fire is not speaking.
>defending flag burners
Hmf. I forgot about that freedom of expession part in the First Amendment OH WAIT IT ISN'T THERE
I'm a 3 tour OIF Veteran. The act of burning a flag is treasonous. Don't fucking do it. You can only burn a venerated symbol so long before someone comes along and plants your balls in the ground to grow another bitch.
>Being so easily triggered
Book burning? That's bad because it destroys knowledge. Torching a neighborhood? That's someone's livelihood.
A flag?
It's a symbol. If someone can legally say "I hate America/the President/the government"... well, that's all that you are saying.
It's a hateful act, but not an illegal one. It's basically IRL shitposting to get a rise out of idiots like you.
Destroying a flag that you own doesn't affect anyone else except in feelings. to ban flag burning is basically a thought crime. it's one step away from not being able to burn bibles and Qurans that you own, because it offends people
>burning puppets of black people on crosses in front on black homes and and shouting kill all black people people is just freedom of expression
>hanging puppets of black people up on a tree on your lawn for everyone to see and shouting kill all black people people is just freedom of expression
What are you, some sort of libertarian?
Freedom of expression lol. Does that mean a faggot can run around naked in public with a dildo up his ass?
Then it needs to be done in a safe way. You need to get the fire marshal to cordon off a flag burning zone so the burning can be done safely.
There is no possible way to safely burn a flag during a protest when there are lots of people around.
Really this is just a public safety issue.
>hates what the founding fathers wanted/fought for.
You are worse than any leftist, people like you should be hung.
>constitutional conservatives
All speed bumps on the road to fascism and nationalism. Fuck off.
>he literally opposes free speech
That was obvious a year ago when he compromised on net neutrality for security.
>Have we made a horrible mistake?
OMG thank you. This is the opposite of the liberals who put a gag order on anyone who disagreed with them. Why would you live here and burn the symbol people have died for in order to provide the many luxuries reaped from living here. It's gross
Kill yourself
>destruction of your own private property can land you a year in jail
You literally cant defend this
>he actually thinks mentally deficient society killing libtards, niggers, muzzles, illegal immigrants, and single moms should have a voice
In Cali, it is illegal to burn the flag or an effigy of any nation other than America. Freedom is only convient to liberals when it futhers their agenda.
it's an interesting paradox
by burning the flag you are disavowing everything it represents
including the protection it grants you to express yourself by burning it
so they will destroy something but then invoke it as protection
but liberals are nothing if not hypocritical
but you have to bake a cake for fags right ?
People are burning flags because their candidate didn't win. The government didn't do anything super unethical because of an election. They had 8 years to change the voting laws, but they didn't.
>burning a flag is reason enough to strip you of citizenship
See, this is what happens when you meme in someone like this. You can't back out and say he is wrong because you shilled so much for him for 2 years that anything that resembles dissenting opinions is seen as shilling itself.
> using free speech.
It's called en.wikipedia.org
Destruction of your own property is covered by the first.
No it isn't.
How fucking stupid do you have to be to see this as equivalent?
I don see a problem. if you denounce you citizenship you can't buy a firearm. What else could burning your win country flag represent
>How fucking stupid do you have to be to see this as equivalent?
How fucking stupid are you
>How fucking stupid do you have to be
>on Sup Forums
Have you ever looked in a dictionary what act of war means?
Burning the flag to show you hate your country. We would be doing them a favor
>all our constituional writes must be protected!
>making english our official language, preventing non-european immigration and upholding national symbols is unconstitutional
>where did all the white people go?
The US is just an administrative unit as long as the Constitution continues being infallible.
Fascism all the way.
I love TRUMP. You're a just a crybaby faggot with a small penis. Burn a flag and kill yourself loser.
>Sup Forums constantly says how nazis were right
>loves the death of leftists,
>there was a fucking GET about some guy saying killing communists wasn't the same as killing people and got over 300 replies in praise
And yet burning a flag is an act of war because it makes them upset
Also what the fuck happened to 4chans saying "Nothing is sacred?"
Oh I know you love him. You love him a lot.
Nothing you listed has to be exclusive. Back to R.eddit
And opposes free press. And will shred net neutrality... It's going to be a fun 4 years.
What did he mean by this?
Wow nice come back. Did your wife's son come up with that one?
build a cross and burn it and see how that goes for you
What did she mean by this?
I meant he had a Reddit format post and is quoting Sup Forums shit from a decade ago like a redditor
>wants to change net neutrality
>the thing that helps props up Sup Forums
This is like saying the guy making your house is a genius, and defending everything he does is great even if he makes it prone to catching on fire, and even long after he's gone
I saw Sup Forums for like 10 minutes earlier in the day. Literally half the threads were about trump and that flag burning tweet, which was pants on the head retarded but holy shit. Glad the mods at least cleaned them up a bit.
Is Sup Forums being invaded?
You're replying to the fucking reddtior
Do you understand sarcasm?
>comparing burning a piece of fabric to two planks of wood sitting in front of a house
What a fucking idiot
The military probably burns more flags each year than citizens do. I guess it's okay when they do it.
not if it's on their property, and not if you're specifically targeting, stalking, or following one family or person- that's targeted harassment
But in a public space, (not the burning one, that's a fire hazard and dangerous in a public place), or on your own property? Absolutely yes
you seem to need your citizen revoked, cuck.
get deported
>mmmuhmhumuhmuhmh frrfffreee spppechchchch
leftist logic follows all the way to isis death squads. No thanks.
Hahahaha spotted the redditors. You can tell because they get mad and deflect. Ps TRUMP won and you're both faggot cucks. 4 long years!!!!
The fact anyone thinks he's actually going to enact flag burning laws is hilarious.
>Burning a Quaran is an act of war
This is how stupid you sound Amerifat.
Let them burn the flag . The spirit of uncle Sam himself will smite them down
I voted for trump, you cuck. Was just helping you against a redditor but then again it seems you're a baka desu
>Is basically a thought crime
>The left has been telling everyone you can't say that, you can't think that for the past eight years
Once they admit they've been doing it far worse I'm willing to let this all drop. In all honesty I wonder if the man did it on purpose to bring this exact point up.
I think flag burning should be covered under freedom of speech. But remember that freedom of speech is not freedom from rebuttal or consequences. A flag can mean a lot to some people. And burning it can be the ultimate insult, legally allowing them to rebut with a punch to your smug leftist face and stomping your head when you're trying to pick up your teeth.
The flag doesn't belong to you - it's not your property. It's a symbol of this nation.
It represents everything this country stands for. Millions of people have sacrificed their lives for it. By disrespecting the flag, you are disrespecting this nation and all of those that have fought and died for it. If you hate America so much that you feel obliged to burn the flag, you should revoke your citizenship and find a new country to live in.
>Not manspreading and committing fart rape on every public transit ride?
Nice try ctr shill
Burning the American Flag wasn't protected by the First Amendment until some (((judges))) decided it was in 1989.
People need to stop acting like the Founding Fathers were some kind of left-leaning band of anarchists. They were far to the right of even the Nazis, creating a country where only rich white men could vote, the Supreme Court had no power to review laws, and the Senate wasn't even an elected office.
Wow at all these faggots that are getting their ovaries in a tangle over a stupid piece of cloth, so many internet tough guys in this post, do you assholes really think trump even cares about the flag that much?
Flags are just pieces of paper at the end of the day
Literally a fascist
Slippery slope to full on suppression of speech along with "opening up" the libel laws and interning Muslims. This is straight out the Hitler playbook folks. I am disgusted our country is turning into this!
you're not getting your wwIII, you faggot
Remember when Sup Forums supported free speech?
Scalia voted to protect flag burning, and Trump admired Scalia
It's a piece of cloth
Burning the flag isn't any different than spitting on the graves of thousands of good goys that died for your freedoms. It should be treated as an act of treason.
The (((Supreme Court))) can go fuck themselves and their constitutional rulings.
No it's not.
A piece of cloth has no meaning.
A piece of cloth doesn't represent anything.