It the old days a sandnigger raping an Austrian boy would have sparked a civil war. Now it's embraced with tolerance. Europe is sick and dying.
It the old days a sandnigger raping an Austrian boy would have sparked a civil war. Now it's embraced with tolerance. Europe is sick and dying.
>based putin
>american flag
you can stop alread you stupid cuck
Cold war ended already. Putin hasn't done anything against the USA publicly.
Lol I'd gladly be a henchman for Putin if he got rid of the globalist scum. I am sure there are many real Americans just like me.
Why is putin a bastion of sanity in that region?
BTW the migrant was acquitted by a jury of Austrian women. They even hate white children now. Pathetic.
Because his nation is not part of the EU, and is not secular. Being secular is a carrier of memetic AIDS - you can't resist propaganda, and you die to the first infection.
Putin for Tsardom 2016.
Russia is number one child abuse nation in world.
Is Putin really that popular among the Russian people, or is that just propaganda?
On record, meaning that the issue isn't being completely ignored there. Go read the Podesta emails and lurk on the Pizzagate threads.
No successful color revolution = people don't hate him. I'm fairly sure he is more popular than any western leader - aside from maybe Trump.
If only this guy wasn't so obviously robbing the country blind for himself and his buddies, he'd be top tier Dictator material,
Whats the reactionary case for europe in the coming 2 years or so? Looks like the prog pendulum is up preeety high right now.
>is not secular
It is though.
lol When Trump is inaugurated he will be least least popular president on his first day since they started polling.
Re read your post and think about it
putins a boss, he would beat ant man for raping
Not really. They stick to their values, bless their arms etc. It's not controlled by clergy, sure.
>not secular
Quite contrary my friend, we are probably one of the most secular countries in he world. In sense that government dictates to church, not the other way around like oh so many places.
Thing is - we protect and promote russian culture, while suppressing others. Since russian culture and values are intertwined with that of the Orthododx church, or rather the other way around, it is unsurprising that you might think we are not secular.
>still being an amerifat who hates Russia
Guess you were right. To correct my stance, I'd state that they aren't against their native religion.
Most non libtard russians understand that putin is the best we have right now. He's not peffect by any means, and yes, he's a dictator, but there is simply no one who would be able to replace im once he's gone. There is no other strong politician who would be able to control this country and not suck metaphorical cock at the same time. When putin dies russia will be engulfed in chaos and infighing. It will probably be the 90s all over again. Over the course of history the country has been through so much shit that we have come to appreciate peace and stabiliy far more than 'personal' freedom. So he is is the lesser of two evils right now. For that reason he is either liked, ironically liked or tolerated by the majority
Well no shit he says Europe (EU) doesn't have a future when the fucker himself is doing all he can to cause divisions and frictions within it.
>unsafe military maneuvers
>sponsoring dissident movements
that's pretty heady anti-EU package, and yet some bluepilled sucknuts here are towing them Kremlin line.
>He is causing divisions by forcing his countries will and thus causing the EU to consider child rape by Muslims acceptable.
That is you trying logic right now.
being this blue pilled wew
>tfw no russian secretary gf
Putin is redpilled and one of the best hopes left for preserving the white race
>preserving the white race
That's not his goal, but he doesn't seem to go against it either.
Most don't care about the midget and try to siphon as much money from the country as possible, before it inevitably collapses once again.
Listen up.
Everyone is controlled or controlled opposition. The main thing is that Gorbachev appointed a kgb agent to continue to soviet(zionist) agenda, maybe in a more subtle form and act as an antagonist for the rest of the world and precent real opposition from forming.
Kek. I fuckin love putin.
Can't wait for putin/trump tag team champions