It's a stupid concept - and if you don't know your own heritage, history and culture - you're a fuckhead.

Identity always exists on atleast 3 levels:


Judging one's ethnicity by superficial classification on physical appearance is pants-on-head retarded

You can tell if someone is Japanese, Chinese or Vietnamese based on facial structure and you can do the same for Europeans.

>That guy has an Italian nose
>That guy has Germanic cheek bones
>That guy has a French beard

Oh really
Can you scientifically determine whether an individual has an Italian father and French mother by observation alone?

>user can't tell Asians apart! HOW FUCKING RACIST!
>Being able to tell Europeans apart? That's fucking stupid!


>implying implications

Looks like he's from some Nordic country.

I honestly, unironically, want to respect other people's identities, races, sexes, remember about the plight of native americans and black people under collonial rule and under slavery etc



No, it doesn't. You used image search. Nobody on the planet - including Norwegians - would peg him for a Norwegian if they saw him on the street.

Look at the bridge of his nose. It narrows in the middle.

And this guy is Swedish
Your pseudointellectual bullshit doesn't belong on /pol

ofc senpai...


Are you seriously going to quiz me on the entire fucking population of Europe until I get one wrong?

Facial structure varies roughly from area to area. Being able to easily traverse long distances is a fairly recent thing, so unless you were invaded, you likely wouldn't share too much in common genetically with people very far away.

We're all just slightly different human phenotypes.


I just realised gingers are the only real white people

we gotta kill all non gingers ffs asap

Nobody has posted a picture for the sake of quizzing you. It was to illustrate that phenotypical diversity makes it impossible to correctly guess a person's origin every time.

>until I get one wrong
Standardized scientific tools have reliable and valid measurements no matter who uses them. Therefore you should be able to provide a comprehensive list of physical attributes and features that are mutually exclusive to a defined group.

If you're simply winging it and saying, "this dude looks nordic because he has a long braided beard" then kindly GTFO

No, no you can't.

If you are good at it, particularly if you are from the same area yourself, you may be able to do significantly better than random, but you won't come near being able to reliably identify them, you're just making educated guesses. And a lot of those guesses are going to be subconsciously derived from things like posture and clothing, so your guess percentage will get worse if you had a scientific test with all subjects naked and posed the same.

>Implying I'm beige and not white

Ireland looks like Phil Collins in his younger days kek.

Also Japan looks surprisingly not Asian. I mean clearly Asian but...Korea looks very Asian. Actually Korea looks Japanese. Japan looks like pic related.