Any radical centrists here?
Personally right and left-wingers are too unintelligent for me
Any radical centrists here?
Personally right and left-wingers are too unintelligent for me
Centrists are fags
While the whole left/right spectrum is stupid (both are for bigger government) anyone who self identifies as a "radical centrist" is just a huge pussy with no actual convictions.
If you dislike labels then just stand on the issues.
I'm a RADICAL you stupid cuck
>looks at OP image
>see this post
jesus man develop some self awareness
this lmao
Not an argument
Radical centrist is just another word for contrarian edgelord. Stop disagreeing with everything you read and hear and you might actually learn something.
Centrists are unintelligent and stupid
wtf is a radical centrist?
>limiting your political views on an imaginary scale that didn't exist prior to 1789
You must not be intelligent enough to see that you're still quite stupid
Stfu pussy. Both left and right are for less governments
>people who don't agree with me are edgy
>Moderation in all things
>Including moderation
Learn more everyone but me gotta learn
>not believing left vs right
Dam you are stupid
Marxism is good though.
Fine hers an argument then, The center does not exist. "Centrism" essentially amounts to a giant middle ground fallacy. A mental trick to use on oneself for people to feel better about knowing nothing.
Understand that centrism is still a claim to political interest. The left (the wrong) and the right are lines that do not actually connect despite what we've been told. A"center" implies a value of Zero between the two. What exists "between" the left and right is a void, nothing. Not "Zero" but a null value; and it's name is being apolitical.
All leafs must be put into a fire and given the ban hammer.
Day of the Rake soon.
Shut the fuck up, nerd
>right and left-wingers
Do you mean "right" and "left" on the economic spectrum or the social spectrum?
You don't even know what centrism is, your post says nothing and your pic is widely considered pseudoscientific trash.
Radical centrist here, specifically a meritocracy expert. I always feel like the Chinaman in the room when I hang out with "alt-righters," but I suppose that's what we have to do, seeing as the left has been co-opted by racist communists whom legitimately consider meritocracy to be a "racist, alt-right position."
Fortunately, we managed to sneak our first candidate into office right under their noses!
>Marxism is good though
I bet you think all those horrible communist dictatorships werent "real marxism".