Trump surrounding himself with Goldman Sachs cunts. WTF is this shit?
Trump surrounding himself with Goldman Sachs cunts. WTF is this shit?
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idk bro
still, it's just like
just because you worked for GS at one point don't necessarily mean you're cunt
still though
I don't know, man.
>"I'm going to appoint the best people for the job"
>Appoints an world renowned international banker for Sec of Treasury
I dunno I guess we were hoping more for outsiders?
I don't really know much about Mnuchin. He seems like a scumbag.
But look at Steve Bannon. He worked for Goldman, and during the course of his employment there, he realized that they were evil fuckers.
You can see him talk about it here:
Just because you join one of these banks doesn't mean they will always be successful in tearing out your humanity. It's possible that once you're inside the machine, you see how horrible it really is and you leap out and try to sound the alarm, like Bannon has done.
There are plenty of jobs where an outsider would be appropriate, I don't know if that is one of them. I think Trump picked the best guy for the job assuming he's keeping a knife to his throat. That is what has yet to be seen.
You mean robber barons.
He's letting the 2008 crash drivers run the boat.
idk dude, Iv only met one person who worked there(was a executive of some kind or something higher up) and he was without a doubt the most self absorbed cunt I'v ever encountered in my life.
>wanting important governmental positions to be filled by outsiders with little actual experience but fierce loyalty to the person who appointed them
yes but in a job where you are supposed to represent the nation it doesn't help to hire people who have only ever looked out for themselves.
At least it's not Hillary Clinton's end times regime.
And Trump himself.
Like he said, he was on the inside. And he is trying to fix it because, unlike basically our entire fucking "mainstream" leadership, he gives a fuck about the future of the country.
Like math folks from Harvard or young bankers who haven't already set the house on fire?
Christ, my neighbor can balance a checkbook.
Stalin's kids were loyal to him because he made them from nothing and could destroy them. Trump's Goldman Sachs cunts can just go back to being millionaire bankers.
>he fell for the 'Trump is going to MAGA' meme
Obviously he should have given that job to Bernie. Obviously.
He'd be killed if he didn't.
Government Goldman etc...
also, don't reply to concern sliding like this
You must be a huge cuck, aren't you?
>he was on the inside.
And look what it got him.
He shipwrecked a casino in New Jersey.
How do you fuck that up?
It's literally nothing.
Get rekt
Give the God-Emperor a chance to work his magic, he's testing them.
>Reminder that 99% of "outsiders" don't have experience.
Goldman Sachs is expected. Steven Mnuchin is extremely close with Soros, it goes far beyond an employee/employer relationship. Soros gave him $1 Billion to start DUne Capital which he still runs.
Granted, it helps to have vets on board, but why the Goldman crowd?
Why not Schwab or a Treasury insider?
"keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" watch them spew that saying at you while Trump fucks everyone as much as Hillary would
lol, so funny to watch trump supporters in denial about what a goldman sachs head of treasury means.
Try to rationalize it any way you like, at the end of the day, ya'll got played. Trump is a con man, and he tricked you all into believing he was the next manifestation of Adolf Reagan E. Lee but he's really just Bill Clinton's gold buddy. He isn't going to change the establishment. He IS the establishment. He's not going to challenge the Bankers, or the War tycoons.
golf buddy* woops
He hasn't worked for GS since you were a tickle in your daddys ballsack.
Im already in the process of applying for jobs over seas to work in China. I'll move back if and when America is great again.
No shit.
"A bigger Navy" means higher stock for Grumman, Lockheed, and BAE.
Just didn't expect it to be this obvious, this early.
>nice eights
I was born in '68 so you're an idiot nonetheless.
I don't really think anyone cares about that.
It's exactly the same with the AfD...i still vote them even though i know they wont do shit for the lower class.
But the want to keep traditions alive and bring back nationalism.
And most importantly they want to kick out the fucking foreign cunts.
You can't have everything but i rather get fucked from a government that atleast keeps the country to the native population.
>native population
They got conquered. Lost a war and get fucked.
Hard life but its like that and wont be anything else with europe but nationalism is on the rise again so dont think that will happen.
This is the problem with nationalism. You think purifying society by excluding certain races or groups is going to solve anything.
Median wages haven't risen since the 1970's, despite increases in productivity and inflation. Our money is fake, and our whole economy is held together by a criminal financial system which has enormous influence over the government. And you think poor fucking mexicans are the problem?
Guess what, Hitler never made Germany great again. The idea that Trump will represent middle America is fucking laughable. The dude lives in an apartment made of gold at the top of a tower he named after himself... he was born a wealthy manhattanite, and he convinced millions of downtrodden rust-belters that he was going to save their jobs. lol.
Where would you find an outsider for Treasury.
Someone who is anti-bank and never had a job in banking should get the job of Sec of Treasury to you?
I'm not getting mad at you but I can't think of a way to get an outsider to become Sec of Treasury?
Wikileaks showed that Citigroup basically appointed Obama's cabinet. Same shit is happening right now. Trump is being told point blank if he doesn't choose the right people it will be bad for him.
>Adolf Reagan E. Lee
>New Jersey
That's how
what the american presidential election was all about was making SJW and immigrants go mad over the fact that people elected someone they didn't like because he was "rude" (even though the other candidate was a fucking crazy warmonger that would have caused WWIII). It's true what they say: we're trapped, (((they))) control everything and everyone and since people seem to be reluctant to believe those bastards are the ones causing all this mess or using others to do so, it'll be a never ending: we dindu nuffin...fucking nigger/chink/mexicans/whitey/sandniggers and so forth. Whoever believe that guy wasn't involved with them was deluded as fuck.
>wah I hate bankers
Bankers literally dindu nothing wrong and their collapse is our biggest concern. He's probably trying to create a more stable/growing monetary system
This thread is shit and OP is a faggot but I just wanted to say that Bill "The Butcher" Cutting did nothing wrong.
>bankers are dindus
>Guess what, Hitler never made Germany great again
Actually he did lots of stuff that made Germany great again. He would have gone down as one of the best leaders we had if it wasnt for the whole war and gasing the jews part.
Again...i never said "purifiying society by excluding certain races or groups" will solve everything. But it solves other things.
Things that are important to me.
Like my language, my culture, not to mention i don't want the crime to rise sky high anymore just like it did with all the poor 'refugees' coming in, when everyone very well knows 70% of them are not even real refugees.
I just want to live in Germany, with germans. Not in Germanistan, with a multiculture pot of people where no one has an identity.
Why do you seek to destroy this great diversity and history we have achieved over such a long time?
In 2002, Mr. Mnuchin left Goldman and later was hired to run a credit fund set up by billionaire George Soros.
In 2004, Mr. Mnuchin and two former Goldman colleagues founded hedge fund Dune Capital Management LP with financial backing from Mr. Soros. Dune soon expanded into the entertainment business, striking up a film-financing deal with a unit of 21st Century Fox. Among the films Dune financed was “Avatar,” one of the all-time box office hits.
It's not too late yet, they only have to listen.
Saged and hidden.
He's preparing for the 2017 financial crash that has been inevitable for the past few years, ((they)) will probably help things along to try and test him but he's made a good choice.
thats quite the woman
>0.02 shekels have been deposited in your account.
>reverse search
all i see is articles on how trump is surging gold prices
awww...little banker got mad.
He doesn't know what he's doing.
Sure he does.
He's doing what he's told to do.
>it would be a shame if those videotapes came out
Or it could mean cresting jobs for Americans which give a fuck about their nation and are willing to fight for it while earning meager wage. Better than outsourcing the dirty work to terrorists in other countires.
>he thinks he's going to get one of those jobs
>can't even spell "countries".
He may have inherited wealth but he created much more. Better than stealing wealth via the most corrupt charity foundation in the history of humaity.
He's appointing a jewish hollywood financier / Goldman Sachs alum
who admits he supported Trump just for a shot in the administration
>“Nobody’s going to be, like, ‘Well, why did he do this?’ if I end up in the administration,” he told Bloomberg Businessweek in August.