What happened here?
What happened here?
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His wife shot him
Lizard people.
It's all im saying.
Someone shot the president with a bb gun.
the S.S. agent standing next to the Cadillac has something under his vest and holding something under his right hand. it was an inside job the illuminati iced him
a parade
>inb4 muh fed
Multiple shooters and multiple people involved
but WHY
You can see the wife gets out a gun and the blood spray comes out on the right side of his head. They obviously made his wife shoot him, and she was probably okay with it since he shagged Marilyn Monroe on a daily basis.
Are you serious? He tried to abolish the federal reserve and he spoke kindly of Hitler.
the changing of the route at the last minute,
the manipulation of evidence.
ruby allowed into the garage to kill oswald
those 3 alone couldnt have happened without the help of pic related. inside job
"...he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made."
Actually it's because he tried to stop Israel from getting nukes, the Fed stuff is all misdirection
Liberals celebrating the death of a fucking white male
who here from the universe where there was only 4 people in the car?
Secret service agent standing up in the car behind JFK's had poor trigger discipline and when oswald's first shot went out and the SS's car came to a sudden stop, he accidentally discharged his weapon and got JFK in the back of the head
are lizard people in your united kingdom?
there were always 6
Hell no. The six seat car doesn't even look right
oswald dindu nuffin
>Marshall islands
Hows it going lad?
i'll never tell
This is either the RAREst shit ever, or a faggot with a proxy, both of you post a picture of your right hand.
From the 4 person timeline, does the theory the driver shot him even exist in this timeline because it wouldn't make any fucking sense with that car
Let me blow your mind here quick. The Fed and Israel might have had a reason to work together.
>trying to slide the goldman sachs threads this hard
What flag is that?
Well that's not the right car, for starters.
gutter shot from the front
What even are you?
I've always wondered, do they think we can't open multiple tabs?
360 noscoped
>What happened here?
Back and to the left.
I saw the documentary on this theory. I tend to believe that most conspiracy theories are completely horseshit but this one seems extremely plausible given the bullet hole in JFK's head was too small for Oswald's rifle, and the trajectory of the shot.
I'm not 100% convinced that it definitely happened but it is the most convincing explanation I've heard so far.
Zapruder v2 is pretty much what berensteined me beyond anything else.
>ITT: People who didn't see watchmen.
Are you guys fucking retarded, were you sleeping or something?
I send you the HD version if I could
JFK was too cool for school
ok we got it, now do Micronesia
Jackie blew his brains out.......next
bingo burrito. the parade route changing to take him by oswalds window, the weird selection of gun with a weird firing sound in an area with building to echo and create confusion, the secret service and dallas pd being taken out and overserved alcohol the night before , someone stole jfk's brain in a jar from the privately owned office space with a vault where bobby kept all the evidence he could find, then they shot bobby.
come the fuck on, how could it not be a conspiracy?
good point
>Someone stole his brain
Well that's fucking new. This true?
Are you suggesting that watching fucking comic book movies is a good thing? If so, then yeah, I was sleeping, whoops! What'd I miss?
>Liberal with a brain
good one
Courtney Love did it.
He was shot from the front by a secret service guy. After first shot by Oswald SS guy accidentally? discharged weapon into JFK's face. Watch the video.
Member of Jewish mafia Jacob Leon Rubenstein made sure truth would never come out.
no, he challenged the military industrial complex. he was killed by the cia because of the failed bay of pigs invasion. the invasion was a rogue cia operation and once discovered the cia thought jfk would declare war on cuba. he refused and made a lot of people in the cia look stupid and lose influence. that's why he was shot
the biggest threat to the usa is inside our own country
Something still strange about this photo. There should be an exit wound on his face if shot from behind. Go shoot a hole in a barrel or whatever. Generally the bullet exit is larger than entry point.
And old story is someone in the car yelled "Jesus Christ they're gonna kill us all!" and Jackie was just kind of getting the fuck out of there...
There is video of a photographer bothering Jackie on a sidewalk in some city, pestering her, following her, taking pictures... in the video she grabs the guy and flips over her and dumps him on the ground. And he's just sitting there with a broken camera holding his head as she walks away like a boss.
I'm gonna buy into the skull fragment theory.
Who let those niggers stand in the front row?
that photo is from a movie
Agreed, provided that picture is real.
Liberals would probably rule it as freedom of speech.
what is the point of this video? the guy is factually wrong right off the bat. jfk was shot from behind, the exit wound proves this. also you can see his head snap forward quickly when he's shot then his head falls back
What a shot he got though in all honesty
It's not even him m8
one less leftist cunt
Did you watch video? Physics must of took the day off.
We all know what happened
he zapruder film? yes, i've watched it. you clearly haven't or you just have stupid monkey eyes. you can see his head snap forward when shot then fall back because of his weight distribution while seating leaned up against the seat.
He was shot by a Sniper who had been paid to do so while he was living in Russia. America failed to pick him up after he returned and he successfully completed his mission.
ted cruz's father shot JFK
any year now...
Federal Reserve, kikes.
James files
The last good Democrat got shot
He spoke out against the powers that be and the CIA shot him.
JFK detonated his suicide vest early.