>a Goldman Sachs jew for Treasury
How many establishment puppets does he have to appoint until you stop calling everyone who calls him out on it a CTR shill?
>a Goldman Sachs jew for Treasury
How many establishment puppets does he have to appoint until you stop calling everyone who calls him out on it a CTR shill?
>Goldman Sachs
Means he's experienced with finances. That's good.
So what? Fuck off, TRS!
Once he picks Romney it's over.
I know CTR shills try to demoralize day by day and I hope they hang by the neck, but god damn it, if he picks a failed presidential candidate, who is a fucking mormon who lost in a landslide to a nigger community organizers re-election and then proceded to spend an hour roasting Trump personally I will literally lose all respect for trump and spit at his image.
I literally voted for Trump to make sure people like Mitt fucking Romney NEVER had a say in politics ever again.
He could pick Kanye West and I'd be less upset. Serious what the FUCK is he even thinking at this point.
>How many establishment puppets does he have to appoint
That's it.
I doubted Pence and he turned out well, I trust Trumps judgement
Has this become the new boogeyman after CTR?
Fuck OFF cuck
You only get the job done with jews and associating with Goldman Sachs is good for everyone
Fuck I hate CTR i thought you cucks got fired already
Nice damage control, TRS shill. Fuck off back to /stormfront/ already!
Romney is probably the single most qualified person in the world
> Harvard
> Charity Work
> Law
> Consulting
> Investment
> CEO & built BainCap off the ground, ran it successfully
> State politics
> Governor
> Presidential Candidate
> Moderate views
> Fit, no smoking/drinking/drugs
> Literally prays to a religion that worships America
I seriously don't know who the person could be that's more qualified than Mitt
>qualified meme
Still not learning yet you dumb chink?
Damn, half-chan Sup Forums is officially dead.
This used to be redpill central. Now it's just neocon cuckservatives.
I'm off to full-chan Sup Forums...
He Began His Career at Goldman Sachs Before Working for the George Soros-Funded OneWest Bank Group LLC
Whoa, TRS out in full force this evening!
Good. Go and stay go.
>implying it's just Goldman Sachs yo uhave to worry about.
Look at his resume
Still waiting on a legit source that confirms the pick
Until then, fuck off
>jewing jews with jews
bretty agurret
lol this guy is literally George Soros' protege. It's a FAR worse pick than Romney for you guys. Literally one degree away from appointing George Soros himself.
bye bye, you're downgrading to 0.02 cents to 0.01
also this. mitt is also based and you need someone as experienced as him in your corner
So are Kerry and Hillary.
If Mormons worship America so much, why did Executive Order 44 exist?
Romney is a pushover cuck.
What's so bad about Soros?
Stop pretending this is a bad thing.
I'm specifically talking about Romney for Sec/state. Trump specifically targeted trade deals as his platform. He wants to attack trade deals.
Romney is one of the most successful American businessmen in the last 50 years who has a firm grasp on trade.
Trump does not want to lose on trade. Why are you guys so upset about this?
Are you guys actually autistic?
His AIPAC speech made it clear that he loves Jews and the fact that his grandchildren are Jews.
Now you guys are acting like Trump "betrayed Alt-Right"? What the fuck?
He respects the business acumen of Jews so it makes sense that he has some in his cabinet.
fuck off CTR
As if I'd ever do it for money, you fuck off you cuckservative niggerbaby
Why don't we agree it just can't get worse than this. Trump is a traitor to this supporters at this point. Might as well just step down and Let Pence and the good ol' boys have this country turned into a neocuck paradise...
I agree with you. audit the fed.
It can get a lot worse than this.
Holy fuck have we really become this bad of a reddit colony?
>hehe guys he's a goldman sachs jewish investment banker... h...h...he's experienced... it..it aint bad!!
>As if I'd ever do it for money
spoken like a true shill. these little subtle criticisms of trump's choices you guys are making recently makes it completely obvious you guys are fucking shills. Romney is the perfect choice and you guys are scared trump will actually go through with appointing him and make the Republican party even stronger
firstly, its transitional cabinet. secondly, hitler also had jews working for him
Actually, the fact you're unable to take criticism is what marks YOU as a shill.
Romney already had his chance to be the neocon plant.
How is it bad then, you massive stormfag?
trump hasn't done anything that deserves criticism yet and won't in the future so it's only right we call you out for it
nice liberal meme to try and split up your opposition
My god, he's actually going to ruin america. I had hoped, but I never thought it would actually happen.....I'm so happy....
>and won't in the future
Well, I'm glad we have you here to keep us grounded.
At some point you need people who actually know how to run shit.
A full on anti-establishment meme team would be great for about a month until government services started grinding to a halt because literally nobody running shit actually knew how to run their shit.
>trump hasn't done anything that deserves criticism yet
Michael Pompeo
I don't get it.
>Sup Forums memes a guy who loves AIPAC and Wall Street into prez with the power of ancient frog gods
>cries about being backstabbed because he's not Hitler after all
If you guys had a problem with Goldman Sachs well maybe you should have supported Jill Stein or Gary Johnson.
Except this Goldman Sachs Jew is against the Federal Reserve
just fuck off CTR, you have no power here anymore.
and what about that was wrong exactly? see
you fucking shills are pissing me the fuck off now
You just don't get it there isn't a limit, because whatever he does, he will still be better than hillary.
He can literally be hitler 2.0 and will still be happy, he can literally be just another puppet, and we will still be happy.
Because since hillary lost, we won. That's all that matters, nothing he does will ever change that, hence will not be wrong.
>drain the swamp
>jump bare-assed into the swamp
choose one
>What is wrong with the guy who wants to establish 1984-esque mass surveillance and has the power to do so?
>What is wrong with being judged as guilty until proven innocent?
I only supported Trump because Hillary's pick wouldn't have been any different, but it's still abhorrent.
Die in a fire CTR
In 2002, Mr. Mnuchin left Goldman and later was hired to run a credit fund set up by billionaire George Soros.
In 2004, Mr. Mnuchin and two former Goldman colleagues founded hedge fund Dune Capital Management LP with financial backing from Mr. Soros. Dune soon expanded into the entertainment business, striking up a film-financing deal with a unit of 21st Century Fox. Among the films Dune financed was “Avatar,” one of the all-time box office hits.
Is this legit enough for you?
>trump isn't draining the swamp
this is what the (((media))) has been going on about since he got elected, repeating over and over he won't live up to all his promises, because that's the only thing they have left to do. he's unstoppable and is 10 steps ahead of all you cucks
god where are all these shills coming from, mods really need to permaban you fucking cucks
Ross aka Rothschild wasn't?
>Trump wants to switch to the gold standard
>Selects a banker to head the treasury
Jesus, you niggers are fucking stupid.
You need a banker to handle the treasury. Who better than a money-grubbing kike?
Nope. They got their info from the NYT, which does not say that Trump picked Mnuchin, but that he was "expected to" by "people close to the transition team"
Your argument is only valid if you turn against him if this appointment is confirmed. Otherwise, you're just dwelling on a technicality.
He isn't. He's stocking the swamp up with more alligators.
i see nothing wrong with those considering the kind of threat our country is under right now cause of these fucking muslims. you need to try harder, shill
>trump wont talk to the media
>thats why OP didnt post a source
>because it wont have anything definitive
He hasn't been picked yet and others are on the list for the job too. What's your point?
>people crying about lack of experience in Trump Team
>picks someone with loads of experience
>crying intensifies
As an aside it's not like there are non-jewish bankers.
Yes you need a banker, but you shouldn't choose a kike, Pick one of the rare-non kike bankers for the position.
Anyways, politics is all a sham. None of these crooks have our best interests in mind and are just trying to exploit us whole-sale.
Our strength lies in warfare.
trump is a fucking fraud
Powerful stuff...
>unironically defending muslims
Nice try, Ahmed. How does it feel knowing that Trump's gonna bomb the ever-living fuck out of Iran on his very first term, huh?
t. mohammad ibn ahmed kareem
i didn't know CTR employed terrorists but it's not beyond them
This guy gets it. Fight or perish, stop electing criminals to fix the very problems that they created!
Godspeed, Based Bolton!
Nice, looks like we have Neo-con trying to spout his Zionist dribble about how we should all be giddy about bombing a country that hasn't waged an offensive war in over a hundred years.
Fuck off shill.
Godspeed, based Bolton! Can't wait to see you working with Trump!
Reading further, the article you posted literally has this line
>Officials with Trump’s transition team declined to confirm Mnuchin’s selection, which may be announced as early as Wednesday.
If I wake up tomorrow and this guy is Secretary of the Treasury, I'm done supporting Trump. I'll be happy if he manages to build the wall and help Britain out of the EU, but the negatives are starting to outweigh the positives.
Give me a source that says this kind of surveillance actually helps in capturing terrorists or preventing crimes. If so, I may agree, but I highly doubt that that's the main purpose of these programs. I don't trust most sand niggers to even have internet, but I expect their leaders are smart enough not to use it communicate their plans. This is an excuse to spy on Americans, a violation of the fourth amendment, and overall an absolute travesty for personal freedom. But it's okay because Trump does it.
Maybe look up what the word shill means, and then you'll realize that you're the one shilling here.
There are. He could've picked Donna Bland or Greg Mitchell.
I was NOT defending mudslimes, you fucking idiots! If you truly believe that, then you're either morons who completely missed the point and didn't comprehend the speech, or outright shills.
at least try to make it subtle ahmed, you're making it too obvious to weed you fucks out
Trumptardism is a mental illness. It's like liberalism but even more out of touch with reality.
I don't think he will pick Romney. It will probably be Giuliani, but regardless it's going to be a neocon who would do everything Hillary would but on authoritarian steroids thanks to trump being King. I wonder how long it's going to take you guys to realize what you've done.
>Zionist dribble
Butthurt fakestinian detected. Greater Israel is coming and there's nothing you can do about it, filthy slime!
Trump has chosen for US Secretary of the Treasury “one of the most notorious bankers in America.
“Mnuchin was present for every recent major banking innovation, including those that brought the country to the brink of economic collapse,” writes NR’s David Daven.
“Critics have raised many questions about Mnuchin’s financial dealings, from a lawsuit over pocketing profits in the Bernie Madoff case to his suspiciously quiet exit from the Hollywood production company Relativity Media just before it took huge losses and filed for bankruptcy…to his chairmanship of OneWest Bank, a major cog in America’s relentless foreclosure machine.
“Even among the many bad actors in the national foreclosure crisis, OneWest stood out. It routinely jumped to foreclosure rather than pursue options to keep borrowers in their homes; used fabricated and “robo-signed” documents to secure the evictions; and had a particular talent for dispossessing the homes of senior citizens and people of color.
“OneWest accomplished these foreclosures through fraud.”
“Rather than punishment,” reports Daven, “Mnuchin reaped huge rewards from OneWest. In 2015, the firm merged with CIT Bank for $3.4 billion, more than doubling the return for Mnuchin’s investment group. OneWest still operates 70 branches in southern California under its own name, and Mnuchin serves on the board of directors of the merged company, continuing to profit from the unreformed foreclosure activities.”
Trump’s main money-chaser has profited off the suffering of ordinary Americans for years. There’s no reason to believe Trump will offer a better deal to the working class.”
Fix is in fampai. He struck a deal with the RNC back in March when they threatened to pull all funding if he won the nomination and ditch him.
Why do you have to be this way?
By that logic, Clinton should have been president you stupid fucking life
god damn we gotta start beating you fucking people with bats for being this stupid
Isn't this the guy who hates the Fed and is a strong proponent of precious metals?
If you even have to ask, then he isn't.
His father was also a partner at Goldman's.
He is a bloodline Rothschild and his branch as stayed close to the main tree.
i told all of ya'll for the past 7 years......
the bankers are your fucking goverenment...
No government experience...right.... how about putting together a deal and getting governmental approval to sell to CIT (which was and is still the second highest nonpayment of TARP funds outside of GM.) 2.2 billion outstanding with an acquistion price of OneWest at $3.4. George Soros was an owner of OneWest prior to the sale to CIT.
as for fucking Trump...remember this...NOBODY IS COMING TO SAVE YOU.
ouch....now that second part is a problem if true
it's common sense, fastest way of communicating and recruiting terrorists is online, and yes sandniggers are dumb enough to use only it. liberal muslim apologetics like you are the ones letting them get away by crying about "muh privacy!"
if you have nothing to hide then it shouldn't be an issue with you, now let the grown ups do their work, shill
You should go back to your reddit safe space with the other unironic trump cock suckers
To outwit the Jew, Trump must first convince the Jew they are friends. He has married his children to the Jew, he has allowed them to dominate the transition, and now has given them the Treasury and Fed (which they were expecting, they have run both for decades). Betrayal is an art. Just you watch, Trump will default on the 20 trillion and maneuver US forces so that it won't hurt us, and the Jews and will collectively lose their shit.
You know what the ironic thing is? This is something that Sup Forums might actually have criticized him for, if you faggot shills weren't constantly shitposting on Sup Forums in your confused, autistic rage.
Are you faggots actually so stupid that you don't understand that this obnoxious, retarded shilling is having the opposite effect of what you want? You're making Trump untouchable. You're making people dig in and defend him no matter what, because they'd do anything to oppose you faggots.
For Christ's sake, didn't you learn anything from your disastrous media campaign against Trump over the past year and a half?
>TRS shill. Fuck off back to /stormfront/ already!
please go back to plebbit
Go back to your closet beta
Sure, it's just a harmless little Arab country that follows the "religion of peace" and just happens to keep spouting "death to America!" and "death to Israel", but I'm sure they must be superpeaceful!
Based HUEbro is based.
Godspeed based Bolton!
Olavo tem razão!
Bolsonaro 2018! Fuck all gommies!
Stfu new fag nice bait!
nice try reddit, but you have to go back
The average Trumpkin has no idea what you are talking about. They are the literal retards that buy Slim Jims.
>Forget it Jake. It's Chinatown.
Try posting an anti-encryption thread on then, you fucking NSA shill.