Bravo Guys
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we havent needed to know what that word means until now
It's not us. It's dumb lives that fling that word around all the time and then have to look it up later whenever someone tells them to read a fucking book.
kek has spoken. looking up memes.
does the definition on there still say 'right wing'?
It shall be done.
Do eet
thats very nice, people educate themselves as to what fascism really is
go go go praise kek
>There's still time to look something else up.
what did they mean by this?
Who can do scripts?
I'd like to add it's already in the top 1%
Definition of fascism
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
Because their definition isn't that horseshit that Google tries to push.
I like this idea. But I also like that its Fascism because cucks had to spend the whole year looking it up when asked if they even knew what it meant.
give us clicks
So, evidence that a large percentage of the people have no contextual knowledge for even the most popular historical event, WW2. Modern democracy is a success.
Google pushes it as a nationalistic right-wing philosophy. Why does it inheritly have to be right wing? The left can and has practiced fascism for decades.
> Retarded lefties losing arguments left and right so they actually have to find out the definition of what they're arguing about.
Top kek 2bh.
> 55
Kek's will be done.
fire your engines lads, there's still time to troll this
They don't want fascism to be the word of the day. Because that "celebrates hate". It just educates people what the word means.
I don't think most American Trump supporters want extremely regimented economic policies.
fascism is when elected officials don't agree with me right?
checked friend will jewgle search memes for you now
donald trump
this just proves that people don't know what Facism means and they have just been repeating the memes they hear
Why don't we look up "nigger"?
>Libtards looking up the definition of fascism
>Because they don't actually know it.
This is good.
People need to know what it means.
praise kek
Why don't we look up Kek instead? Or are normies not ready to know his greatness yet?
>so epically Roman Empire level butthurt you make Fascism the word of the year by popular demand because your corrupt piece of shit token vagina didn't win
Basically leftist lives are worth 1/10th of a conservatives at this point. 10 die it counts as murder. (kidding FBI)
>noun \ˈmēm\
>Popularity: Top 1% of lookups
I love you glorious bastards!
Trump is also pretty high up, is this you guys?
If the word of the year ends up being fascism the (((media))) will as a result connect it to Trump and imply he's a fascist. I want to deny normies their talking point.
>the left wants strict control over speech and silences opposition
>the left brands any information not produced by them as fake news
>the left wants people to follow strict order, quotas in the work place, forced multiculturalism, forced education quotas
>the left uses identity politics, primarily race, to define who should hold the power in the nation
>the left wants a severe and drastic redistribution of wealth and economic state
>the left wants to dramatically increase the central government's power to enforce the things above
>the left is fully and openly in favor of using force as its means of obtaining its goals
Whelp, I think we identified the facists.
If this is there definition of fascism, then I love the shit out of fascism.
and so it was written in the book of kek
This is why National Socialism is superior to fascism, NS actually has significant regard for the individual and the individual mind.
Some codecucks here can write a script to search "meme/memes" right? It should be relatively easy, right? We can leave it running on our computers to rack up page views.