EU will never survive without the UK
I support both Brexit and Scottish independence.
How does the UK even operate with Wales?
They speak a completely different made up language
That image is braindead retarded considering it thinks UK = England judging by the flag
a minority speaks Welsh, all of them speak English.
Fuck off cuck.
Scotland voted to remain in the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland voted to leave the EU.
Check out this bloke lol
Scotland voted not to leave, UK voted to leave. I don't understand the point of this picture.
>if one X is Y, all X is Y
All the world belongs to England and the Anglo race
Check what out? The fact i'm factually correct? ok
true that
Scotland voted to remain.
The United Kingdom voted to leave.
>muh scootlend didnt
Then they can fuck off. They can re-vote to leave if they want, we don't fucking want them anyway.
Besides, weren't American leftists the ones screaming and bitching about the rural republican "hicks and inbred rednecks" dragging them down to Trump?
Oh yeah I almost forgot. Cognitive dissidence runs rampant with you cucks, doesn't it?
>a union between a continent they dont even have land access to is the same as a scottish and English union.
I went to uni in Wales and I can confirm that the majority speak english, maybe it's different in rural locations
This, Scotts had their chance
The Scottish people voted and they said no, so what the fuck is this picture even about?
I don't even understand why Scotland would want independence. Why break a great cultural union that has lasted for hundreds upon hundreds of years? I'm glad the Union prevailed.
do please tell me about scottish intrests, and how the EU wishes they could form a Union like the likes of britian.
Not to mention how one can retain there national identity while still being a part of this great kingdom.
Some countrys will never understand socialism
I agree but I do think Brexit changes the deal. I think the Scots should be allowed another referendum after Brexit is all said and done if there's popular support for it. Remaining as a part of the EU was a pretty big point for staying in the union with the UK.
t. ignorant yank
our islands history and make up never suited the euro zone, it was doomed from the start, yet our fucking dumb political class pushed it and now its grown so twisted you can never get out
>different things are different
My family came to Australia from Italy when I was very young and I have always fucking hated English people and their descendants in Australia.
They are really hypocritical and display an irritating moral relativism where everything everyone else does is wrong but they justify whatever shit they do.
They vote for whoever is best for them but decry anyone else who votes their interests. They're selfish, even within their own families, they are cold, they have shit cuisine and they have a really bland sense of humour.
Honestly I have never met a group of people less genuine.
i fucking hate the scots!
it makes a lot more sense for scotland to be in a union with england than england to be in a union with romania
> Yfw you realize leaving the eu wont effect shitskin flood at all and will accomplish nuthing but jerk around the economy
Scottish independence was already voted and the majority of the population voted to No.
This thread is bait.
Scotland and England have a personal union. The monarch of Scotland is the monarch of England.
The European "Union" is in fact of political hegemony imposed by a foreign ruler with no due process of law or accountability to those it governs.
If the Scots want to leave, they're more than welcome to lead a coup, or attempt to depose Elizabeth II and replace her with a new Scottish king/queen. Until that happens they can fuck right off because Scotland is the personal property of the Crown.
Scotland had a referendum and chose to stay.
Britain had a referendum and chose to leave.
I agree 100%. Scotland has the right to leave the UK at any time.
>52% isnt enough to make such a huge decision!
>2016 election
>Hilary got the pop vote by 50.06% (2,000,000), This is so unfair!
we spend more per a head on the scots then we do on anyone else in this union.
With there MPs holding the most power in parliment, SNP are pathtic
Then go back you dumb cunt. Why are Australians sometimes faggots?
Explain the great wealth inequalities between the south east of England and the rest of the country then please.
Dumb fucking Finn shut the fuck up and go away
We let the Scots have their referendum. They voted to stay.
They cucked themselves.
>Scottish people elect their leaders to represent them in the British parliament
>British people have no say in EU policies made by non-elected officials from all across Europe, while the EU is progressively becoming more centralized and authoritarian
Scotland voted against independence.
we won though
Scotland lost.
That's their thing.
Now in every independence poll they don't want to leave the UK.
We get to keep them and we leave Europe.
There was never a gaurentee they woupd stay in the Union.
>in the 21st century
Nigga why are you role playing
>I think the Scots should be allowed another referendum
for what purpose
Cool. I'm glad that you respect the principle of national self-determination.
All that being said I'd still like to see Scotland stay in the union.
>Remaining as a part of the EU was a pretty big point for staying in the union with the UK.
So when do you Brits start bombing tunnel access to the mainland again?
>UK elect politicians to represent them in European Parliament
Get an education
>Being this mad
I'm sorry Scotland voted remain, Ailbeart McHaggis
Nah Australia is great. The Australian culture of banter, mateship and fairness > whingy pom culture all day every day.
Plus the descendants of poms who actually have your fucked mindset are all old now and are dying out. Their kids have been born into a better country and their personalities and culture are much better.
Oh and another thing: You don't fucking need to eat chips with every meal you uncultured sack of shit
Look at the date of the polls you retard.
Literally all of them after we left.
Not really, they have more autonomy than big bad England in the UK. There was never an independence vote, it was to stay in the union to to be annexed by the EU.
Hasn't Scotland repeatedly voted to remain?
Purge the leftist traitors. Britannia is imperium and will last millennia.
Ad Victorium!
Get rekt, Wangland.
easy, if you live near the sea, fish is going to cost less. places that generate money have more money and tend to need more maintance in turn paying a higher % in tax.
We COULD turn the whole of england into a urban shithole with equalty, or we can maintain the harmany with justice,
Not even mad just telling you to shut your mouth because you clearly have no clue what you're talking about, maybe because you can't speak English.
And Brexit hasn't happened yet, retard.
Nobody knows what kind of deal you're going to get. If Juncker decides to make an example out of you, I think Scotland will be having second thoughts
>implying english, norn irish, and welsh people care about scuckland
>I have no brain and I must think
Are you fucking retarded?
substantiate thy positive claim, shitstreak
>If Juncker decides to make an example out of you
junker wants britian is crash and burn, the guy would cut off his own nose
The difference is that the UK as a whole has a military, but Scotland by itself does not.
Northern Ireland didn't
socialism is broken, i like it this way, means we are in a state of flux
I seem to recall them being part of the United Kingdom which did.
Let's pray he doesn't, or that other forces in the EU keep him in check
Between 20% and 30% of Wales can speak Welsh fluently but pretty much everyone can speak English
The European Union is a broken burueaucratic nightmare.
The United Kingdom is not.
The Scottish want out of a pretty sweat deal it has with England just so it can trade its independence by joining with the EU. They only stand to lose. They gain absolutely nothing from declaring independence, aside from a false sense of nationalistic pride entirely created for them by Hollywood. This despite the fact that they have absolutely nothing to be proud over. They don't have their own language, their precious kilt was invented by the English, and their culture is rotten to the core. The English could have genocided those mongrel niggers centuries ago and nothing of value would have been lost.
>Y-you're stupid!!! I'm not mad!!!
Not an argument.
Since you're such a genius, do go ahead and give me even one proper argument for Scottish independence.
This time put some actual thought into your post.
Every single other nation in the EU is either:
>A former dictatorship
>A satellite state of someone else's dictatorship
But Scotland voted to stay in themselves...
The UK voted to leave themselves....
I dont wanna leave the UK
I like being friends with England
>Scottish referendum said remain
>EU referendum said leave
Drawing makes no sense at all, like I expect from these mongoloids
We do what keeps us strong, we want Scotland to stay for our benefit, regardless if it benefits them or not
The same thing happens here in the U.S.
We all look at the Scotland/rest-of-the-UK divide and it's blindingly obvious that they'd both be better off in separate political unions.
But when you people think about it in regard to the U.S. with having states secede and govern themselves, you all freak out and babble non-arguments about "muh union" and "murrica".
Jesus Christ people just think clearly for once.
You can trade and cooperate with people without being in the same political union.
It just wont be the same
Good. The same sucks.
Scotland was given a referendum to leave, and they chose not to. Recent polls show no appetite for Scotland to leave. If Scotland wanted to join the EU, they would first have to adopt crippling austerity to reduce their deficit as it's currently worse than Greece. They'd likely be forced to adopt the Euro, shengen, and all the rest of it too.
Not that this will matter if France or the Netherlands decides to leave the EU, because the EU will collapse as an economic union, and Ireland will likely be forced to re-join the UK economically, even if they maintain their political independence.
I'm fully Welsh and have lived in Wales my entire life. I cannot speak Welsh in the slightest and it has never affected me in the slightest.
wait, Scotland held a vote, and they voted to stay in the UK.
Solution - have the rest of the UK secede from Scotland, since Scotland is obviously a drain.
Didnt Spain and some other country say theyd block us from joining the EU if we left the UK and tried to anyway?
Scotland voted remain. They have the right to remain in the EU
For the Eurofags lacking in perception, it's not the UK leaving the EU that's such a big deal. It's the precedent that it sets for other nations. Several other nations have popular movements in favor of withdrawing from the EU which have grown in the last few years. The UK just gave the other nations "permission" to begin asking, "What if?"
Pic related
>people (or nations) act in their own interests
Here's why you're a faggot.
Pay close attention.
Are you ready?
When given the chance to exit the United Kingdom Scotland actually voted AGAINST the idea
That's how fucking stupid you are.
This literally happened only a year ago
Apparently you're retarded
I'm putting a space between each sentence to emphasize just how dumb you really are
I mean you actually came here and posted this topic
And it made you look like an idiot
Of course, if they have voted for independence before.
I always go full independence because of shit like this.
>Ron Paul for treasury.
If you're not asking moral and pragmatic questions of yourself until you're prompted to, you've got some problems you need to work on that are more pressing than those someone else's predicaments have made you think about.
I'm indifferent towards Scottish independence. We could make their economy work, but it's not worth investing into when they have such strong secessionist opposition.
What I meant to say is that the Brexit result has made it ALMOST socially acceptable to consider leaving the EU. Those movements in other countries are dangerously close to going mainstream..."dangerously" if you're a proponent of the EU.
Scotland is not a sovereign polity. The UK is.
They vote to take resources from you, and they succeed in doing so.
Why would you be interested in "making them work"? They have no interest in that. They're interested wealth redistribution and leftism.
It gets better. Right after the Brexit vote came in Northern Ireland used the good Friday agreement and said "we want out"
It was vetoed by England.
Both Ireland and Scotland have fought for freedom from the United Kingdom. If they both start fighting for independence from the UK at the same time Wales is liable to step up too.
With England telling the EU to fuck off they aren't likely to help. That really only leaves AUS, CA and the US. The US is becoming more isolationist by the day so they may well refuse to help, if the US refuses to help you can probably count Canada and Australia out too.
If the above happens England won't exist in 50 years.
If people will only ponder an idea if it's "socially acceptable" they've already lost.
Being a slave to convention hardly leaves you less of a slave when convention moves toward sanity, since you'd bow to insanity just as easily were it the norm.
That's the full name of the kingdom idiot, The United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland.