>win the popular vote by over 2 milion
>lose the election
explain this drumpf fags
Win the popular vote by over 2 milion
>win super majority in CA
>I should be president because of this
explain this shillary fags
>Explain This
A system that has been established centuries ago, and always used, was used. The candidates were supposed to use whichever strategy they wanted in order to gain the most Electors, not votes.
Trump's strategy beat Hillary's strategy. Deal with it.
thems the rules cunt
There's nothing to explain. Republicans rigged the election.
Yeah, because there are more people in CA than in your shitty flyover state, drumpfkin.
Because there are 50 states, not two. And we are called the United States, meaning all 50 have to get their say.
Don't like it? Leave.
>Serbian flag
every time
It's to prevent mob rule and hive mentality, etc. We aren't a pure democracy.
Please cry for 4 more years. Keep it up!
There is no such thing as "the popular vote" in a presidential election in the United States and we are a republic.
Are you up to speed now?
>what is a republic
This happens all the time you fucking goldfish
fuck Hillary and fuck brown people
>Republicans rigged the election
Are you being serious?
>Checkmate? What the fuck do you mean you win, I took out more of your pieces?
>lose according to the centuries old rules
>try to change the rules after the game is over
Democratic REPUBLIC
why is there a thread about this every single day
STOP REPLYING you fucking spanners
Why does a vote in North Dakota matter more than a vote in California? Explain this drumpfkins, everyone should have an equal weight in an election.
The EC has many problems but if retards only bitch about it whenever [candidate they like] loses, any critique will just be associated with whining by the victorious party.
Picture related.
explain why any vote in Commiefornia should matter first
> Not understanding what a constitutional republic is
Kys niggerfaggot
American here for school, you fucking moron the electoral college was constructed to protect sparsely populated states from being bulldozed by major metropolitan areas that yeah... by no metric can be beat as long as the rural to urban migration continues and as long as immigration is centered around the large cities. I know its a shame that the "uneducated" (aka those who manufacture things that you consume and grow our food) get votes and that the people of places such as North Dakota and Alaska also have some form of say in who their leader is. Read the constitution.
1 person = 1 vote
Both parties prepared a strategy to win checkmate. Trump gets checkmate. Hillary has more pieces left, but she does not have checkmate. Trump won according to the rules, and all who beg differently are fools.
nice try
Ill take the bait because this person needs to be educated on the country that they are currently in. American here for school, you fucking moron the electoral college was constructed to protect sparsely populated states from being bulldozed by major metropolitan areas that yeah... by no metric can be beat as long as the rural to urban migration continues and as long as immigration is centered around the large cities. I know its a shame that the "uneducated" (aka those who manufacture things that you consume and grow our food) get votes and that the people of places such as North Dakota and Alaska also have some form of say in who their leader is. Read the constitution.
I would never have thought that al "99% of XXX posts are form this guy" meme would be so real for anything one day.
But here you are.
Yes. There's absolutely no rational explanation as to why those 3 states would vote for him and there's clear evidence of inconsistencies from precincts using electronic voting.
nipponbro speaks the truth
Hillary Clinton got the highest K/D and didn't play the objectives on an objective based game.
whos "banshee"
>play game of chess
>get checkmate'd
There are more people, but they matter less.
You are American who don't even know how your country elections and politics even works.
You are enabling american stereotypes.
Real Answer:
Trump did it this way just to drive the left crazier.
He could have won the popular vote too, but he knew it would rankle tendies and trendies by throwing them this bone.
"b-b-b-b-butt heee din even win the populare vote!!!!"
Keep crying that on repeat for years on end and try to think sanely or come up with a viable gameplan in 2020.
>explain this
Gladly: You are a sore loser as well as a whiny faggot.
What is a republic?
Why shouldn't we go with popular vote drumpf kins???
> Look mom, I posted it again!
are we drumpf fags ? Or drumpfkins ?
> plant bomb
> CTs kill all terrorists, with zero casualties and flee from bomb for safety
> "Terrorists win"
> "WTF we killed all of you this game is SHIT AND RIGGED"
> "gg"
im glad NATO fucked you njegos
Hillary got more yards,
Donald trump lead by two touchdowns
People don't elect the president. The states do.
the cunt on the left
Even if they did, they got away with it you massive fucking faggot
>play with the game of electoral college
>accept the rules of the game
>complain when you lose
Californian id not a state, it's a post apocalypse shithole.
Until we have voter ID laws in Cali the popular vote is utterly irrelevant.
Given all the shit that has happened over the last few years I have gone from believing that every citizen should have the right to vote, to it being clear that one should have to demonstrate that they are both smart enough and actually contributing or contributed in order to vote.
The left's insanity has utterly destroyed my faith in democracy.
t. seppo down under who is seeing it happen over here now
Have the coasts completely tyrannize the election and watch how quickly our union splits into pieces you spaz
considering how quickly Wisconsin switched from blue to red right after implementing voter ID, you should be happy that we don't have national voter ID cutting off 5 million Democrat fraud/immigrant votes
Gg demoshits
you'd have to explain why Cuckfornians were people first
you've failed at that so far, don't give up shillary!
roasting in a baitu thredu
>they got away with it
We'll see.
Civics 101.
>be in a republic
>win the support of 30 of 50 states
>win the election
Seems simple enough to me, dipshit.
You have two choices, either kill yourself for being a SJW cuck, or go back to America you cowardly illegal.
sage goes in all fields
>absolutely no rational explanation
When the recount turns up bunk, will you still be clinging to this tired old line?
Or will you go back to calling everyone from Michigan/Wisconsin evil white racists?
I can't tell liberal flipflopping apart anymore, it all just looks like one giant mound of bullshit to me.
Yea there is
White people got fed up with the Democrat's shilling. We arent buying the white guilt nonsense anymore.
White power
We haven't members to the House in over 100 years. We used to add members after every census
>Or will you go back to calling everyone from Michigan/Wisconsin evil white racists?
I don't have to call them anything, the election was rigged.
As an alternative to having to build a northern wall, you could just starting training your moose to rape illegals.
civics 101 go learn
I agree the popular vote would be better in this day and age, but it would need to be established beforehand, not just cried about afterwards because you happened to lose. The popular vote means nothing when applied retroactively to a system that encourages Democrats in red states and Republicans in blue states not to bother voting as it won't make a difference.
What are these inconsistencies you speak of?
You'll have to call them something when you lose twice.
I suggest coming up with something more inventive than shouting "RACISM", because it's not really working out for you all that well as of late :)
What happened to "It's not rigged, you're just losing!"?
White America can smell the Left bringing in their end.
pic relate
No. Not again. For the BILLIONTH TIME.
If you can't understand that we're a constitutional republic comprised of 50 SOVEREIGN states, you're beyond redemption.
If you can 't understand that in order to get all the states to SIGN on to becoming the USA, there were intense negotiations resulting in the Connecticut compromise, you're a functional fucking retard.
On and on and on... Jesus fucking Christ.
You pinko/commie/prog/leftist fucking morons lack basic comprehension, let alone THE CAPACITY FOR HIGHER ORDER THINKING.
It's fucking pathetic. Stop making this stupid thread, CTR.
Just fucking stop.
It's not rigged. You just lost.
Sore losers
You need to accept the results of the election loser.
Until there is a nationwide system that prevents illegals from voting, or assholes from voting twice, the going by the popular vote is dangerous. This is without even factoring in things like whether a state with a humongous population is a production or a consumption state.
>win some blue states with easily indoctrinated youths during high/middle school
>complain that the rest of the US doesn't matter as much as your state
To sum up, Electoral College prevents tyranny of the majority.
House of Reps = # of Reps Proportional to Population
Senators = 2 Per state.
Electoral College Votes = # of Senators + # of Reps.
>You pinko/commie/prog/leftist fucking morons lack basic comprehension, let alone THE CAPACITY FOR HIGHER ORDER THINKING.
If they did then they wouldn't be pinko/commie/prog/leftist.
I never understood the mentality from back in the day that these sorts of people shouldn't be considered human. But now I do.
Republicans bitched and whined for 8 years under Obama and now democrats get a chance under Trump!
Before that 8yrs of Bush, 8yrs of Clinton. The cycle continues and predicts a second term for Trump.
I would only support a popular vote for the presidency if we had strong systems in place in every state that ensured voter fraud was nonexistent.
It isnt even hard to set up those systems. Just require free picture ID with strict citizenship checks to obtain that ID.
National voter ID law will stop the Dems from ever winning the popular vote again.
She rigged the wrong states.
Sure, I'll explain. Most illegal immigrants live in large sancturary cities, of which, the largest have the highest population and the most weight in the electoral college.
The electoral college prevents states that have more people from having the only say in the Union. Otherwise middle America would continue to be sucked dry by globalism, and the ultra rich would be the only people to get richer.
Subtract the millions of illegals who voted and take everything I just said into account, and you have your reason why.
What game please?
I know. That is the sad thing. Voting over here on a nationwide level is so simple and it is hard to have any significant voter fraud. We even get a sausage sizzle.
The saddest part of it all though is how obvious it is the the Dems just don't want any of that to happen because they know it would be the end of them.
I want the ideals of freedom and democracy back that I was raised on. At least I managed to avoid the liberal indoctrination over there since we left when I was 7, and they did a piss poor job of it over here.
"Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into despotisms." -- Aristotle
>Illegals and Cucks should dictate what Farmer, Oil workers, labor workers, parents, rural people, businesses, engineers, and every other American because they out number them
New York and California are the most populated democrat states. It doesn't matter if you carry the state with 22,000 or 2 million votes. This is why America's Founding Fathers created the electoral college. Underpopulated states didn't want Pennsylvania and New York, at that time, choose the President by themselves. A true American must get the vote of the most states as possible. I'm a fucking Mexican and even I know and understand this!
StarDrive 2
Thanks beaner!
edit= a true US president