Only countries that commited genocide are allowed in this thread, all violaters will die of typhus.
Only countries that commited genocide are allowed in this thread, all violaters will die of typhus
they were fauna, so we didn't really dindu nuffin
We didn't commit genocide, so how come you are allowed in this thread? The only people allowed here are the japs, germans, belgium(nese?), English, french, italians, spanish, portugese, Sweden for genociding themselves and Polish for allowing there people to get genocided. Twice.
Also the Ukraine for genociding ethnic russians during the conflict
>Biological epidemic
Pick 1
Also Canadia
And Turkey
And Russia
And China
And someone else
I think this is truly the best answer. Same shit happened to the buffalo.
We killed gooks n shiet
>Sweden for genociding
Are you fucking autistic? Those are teo different actions, if you commited genocide, come on in, of you havent, die
If you didnt catch it, it was a joke on how neo nazis insist the Holohoax was a typhus epidemic
dont you forgetting someone?
I brought blankets.
I don't think you should be calling anyone else autistic, buddy
What I don't understand is how you tell the Turks and the Greeks apart, odor maybe?
We didn't but I just really want that typhus.
smallpox count as genocide? we don't want to kill all those indians I think ....
I thought the smallpox blankets turned out to be a lie, but there was deffinately some Inquisition going on, but to be fair, they deserved it
Ah yes. Can't forget the Isrealites.
You know what. Now that I think about it hasn't every european country been the cause of some form of genocide? Is there at least a few countries that dindu nuffin?
Most of them
But then again, you cant form an empire without sacrificing a few babies to Moloch here and there
then no, Inquisition was 4 everybody
we can tell by their shouting "constantinople is greek!"
Finally (no pun intended). Or do you question the Holocaust so much, that you won't allow me to post in this thread?
Germany VIP
Does it count if our police force tracked down, detained and handed over every single jew who didn't slip away to the nazis? Also cultural genocide to the sami. And Danish genocide of inuits by alcohol and suicide, Norwegians should get some shares in that too.
people dont even know we did it, still running the aparthied game the best. COLONIAL PRIDE WORLD WIDE
W-we genocided Saamis, apparently.
Yes, you get a gold star
Canada did everything we did, except no one noticed it
Who else's country is ravaged by colonial white guilt here?
yep. i love how south africa gets shit for aparthied yet canada to this day has 1/4 native poisoned white trash living up in the hills with barely running water. fantastic, based ancestors really cleared the ground for the future for us. cheers
This post is dedicated to all the Bosnian/Croat diaspora scum who escaped the Day of The Rope.
you genocided most of asia too
Don't even know who exactly we genocided.
Couple of Island people in and around Indonesia I think.
That's how little we care.
Sorry Paraguay... we are really sorry.
now gibbe the muamba!
You killed a bunch of islanders for those spices i never use
And this lady.
Throwing my hat in.
Only Tasmanian's can truly post in this thread. We actually finished the job.
oh come on its 2016! who HASN'T commit a little genocide yet?
user. there's a lot of extinct Indian cultures we eliminated ,Take pride in your roots faggot
Uhmm what?
>get free blanket
>start coughing
>lungs implode
cant appreciate the gesture of good will and charity
fuckin uppity redskins
At least I'll die under a comfy blanket.
>be Texan
>some Injuns come round waving a white flag
>open up the fort
>they charge in, kill all the men, cut your dick off and scalp you, impale an old lady with a spear and gang rape her while she screams, and take the women and children hostage.