>Children born after 2001 are more conservative than baby boomers
>All caused by online culture
>Millennials btfo
Who would have thought the anti-bullying movements and all-inclusive Jewish social media would have backlash?
>Children born after 2001 are more conservative than baby boomers
>All caused by online culture
>Millennials btfo
Who would have thought the anti-bullying movements and all-inclusive Jewish social media would have backlash?
Other urls found in this thread:
I want this to be true
Is this some propaganda to warn parents to keep their children in check?
yeah right.
no. stop posting this shitty meme and this shitty thread. gen z is the most cucked if anything
>for u they are
>literal 60%
>thinks he can call other countries cucked
Can you send me a video of you calling a tranny either him/her instead of their preferred gender pronoun without getting arrested? If not, you are cucked, friendo. Sorry you feel left out since UK and USA had such big victories this year and you're left with that faggot lover.
They will also likely be fisfically socialists due to them being coddled and lazy.
>children born after 2001
they aren't conservative
they are just scared because they haven't tried alcohol, excessive casual sex or partying yet
people should at least wait until these kids actually know the taste of satans apple tbqh
Another stupid meme with zero relevance in reality. Meanwhile your country is being destroyed by niggers and beaners and your white population is irrecoverably declining. But go ahead, by all means you can talk about some irrelevant non issue like transgender pronouns that don't actually affect anybody
>whites are so overwhelmingly right wing now that the left is absolutely reliant upon foreigners to maintain relevancy
My father used to be quite a communist sympathizer, as he is a working class man who used to be homeless in his youth- and now he is very anti-immigration and wanted Trump to win.
If you can't keep whites like that in your liberal sphere of influence, you've lost your ways.
boomers are hippies who were brainwashed into thinking you cant call a spade a spade
Sup Forums is reversing demoralization
>Implying is not because the growth of muslim population
Sorry bro
>All caused by online culture
And not being able to remember what George Bush was like. By the time Trump is through gen Z will be further left than millennials.
>test millennial generation at 16
>test generation Z at 16
Trump's unlikely to start an unpopular war, so I doubt it.
That and the automation revolution taking all of their jobs.
They are gonna a generation of NEETs.
There isn't a single reputable source, or any documents that provide any evidence about this story being true.
Looks like Sup Forumstards are yet again jacking off to fake russian news
I'm sorry, but didn't Trudeau implement a gender equal cabinet, lift visa restrictions from Mexico, and appoint pooloo judges? You are fucked, kiddo. Not to mention all the fucking rapefugees ruining your country.
Let's see: I'm getting a wall, a ban on muslims, deported spics, and a republican majority senate, house and republican president.
You get: a faggot loving millenial frenchqueer making you adhere to cultural marxism and multiculturalism.
It probably includes Muslim youth.
You would think, but there have been similar results in the US:
They're still libshits.
>implement a gender equal cabinet,
What is wrong with that if they're all qualified?
>lift visa restrictions from Mexico,
Don't care, i don't think many spics will come regardless.
>I'm getting a wall,
that doesn't mean shit when your country is already half non white to begin with.
>a ban on muslims
Trump already walked back on that. He's only going to ban muslims from certain countries in the middle east
>deported spics
Only criminals, and i'd be surprised if he didn't end up walking that back as well
>and a republican majority senate, house and republican president.
Cuckservatives who won't listen to anything trump says
Gen Z lurks here on Sup Forums because it is the most edgy, funniest and controversial website on the internet today as SJW took over everywhere else and stripped them the freedom of speech.
it is
Yeah. If there's going to be a redpilled generation it will be the children of late millennials/Gen Z. Kids who are born 2010-2030. Something tells me that they will know struggle quite well. Definitely not the lazy little minecraft toads you see walking around now.
Pretty much this. When I was really young I liked going online and calling people niggers an whatnot, dumb kid shit.
There's literally nowhere you can do that now besides here.