
>Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared that his country’s armed forces were not just in Syria to battle ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorists (and, uncomfortably for U.S. policymakers, America’s Kurdish allies) but were on a mission to overthrow the Syrian regime

>“In my estimation, nearly 1 million people have died in Syria. These deaths are still continuing without exception for children, women and men. Where is the United Nations? What is it doing? Is it in Iraq? No. We preached patience but could not endure in the end and had to enter Syria together with the Free Syrian Army,” said Erdogan, as reported by Hurriyet Daily News.

>Why did we enter? We do not have an eye on Syrian soil. The issue is to provide lands to their real owners. That is to say we are there for the establishment of justice. We entered there to end the rule of the tyrant al-Assad who terrorizes with state terror,” Erdogan continued, insisting his forces were not in Syria for “any other reason.”

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this is WWIII?

What the fuck is his endgame, Sup Forums? First he seems to be willing to repair relations with Russia, now he pulls this.

probably the beginning of a great middle eastern war. with trump in office I don't think there will be western forces on the ground. But who knows at this point.

>"we are there for the establishment of justice", insisting his forces were not in Syria for “any other reason.”

When you've got fighting and terrorism spilling over the border for a few years, sitting back and waiting would require the patience of a saint or the weakness of a cuckold. Imagine if Mexico had started a civil war and Mexicans started spilling over the border, you'd be damn sure we're sending troops in.


Can't wait to see pics of dead roaches soon.

how bad is this, will america get involved, is assad actually a bad guy?

fucking turkey

so it wasnt a joke. i thought the checkpoints and state of emergency were just a prank

>and Mexicans started spilling over the border

I live in commiefornia, I don't have to imagine shit.


Assad is not a bad guy, the roaches are puppets for (((them))) this is a last ditch effort to realize greater israel imo.

So, what will Russia be doing while this is going on?

roaches are bad guys

buying Raid

He's a bipolar schizo

That's what extreme inbreeding causes, Turkey is world leader in incest-related defects


So this is confirmed.
The US shadow government is doing all it can to "soil the nest" for Trump.
Knowing Trump will work with Russia (ergo Assad) to try and stabilize Syria, they are trying to make sure we are on a path to WWIII.

>What the fuck is his endgame, Sup Forums? First he seems to be willing to repair relations with Russia, now he pulls this.

The guy must be as insane as Hillary. Imagine those two running amok in the world together.
He is also trying to remake the Ottoman Empire.

will anzu be okay

The prophecy of Washington might become truth, he said if nigger is the president that he would be the last one. He cursed you burgerbros, that's why this shit is happening now, Trump will never take his president seat!

4 out of 5 Turkish people suffer inbreeding-related mental deficiencies

If you enter a room with 5 Turks, you can be sure 4 of them will bite you

Let them weaken each other for a few more years

Surprise night sweep when they are at their limit, take the oil, build more walls, make Mexico pay for them

I'm mystified why this isn't bigger fucking news. This could be WWIII if we aren't careful.

>Build a wall in Syria
>Make Mexico pay for it

Exactly, oy vey

not really, NATO isn't gonna support roaches

He seems to want to play all sides. It's not going to end well for him.

because like the 100 previous "it's happening" nothing will happen

US, Russia, Uncucked Europe vs. Roaches, Cucked Euros, and Mooslems.

That's a cause to die for.

is this real?

how does he think him sending in troops to *over take the govment* not gonna to piss of russia and china is no fool they know the middel east is key to there furture if syia falls iran is next and iran will be there main oil suppiler of oil

>drinking forgive the spelling grammer but what the fuck

>Delusional Trumpfags still bellieving in "BFF with Russia" meme

If he nominates Romney to the SoS, forget about it. If he doesn't, forget about it as well. Remember that Obama also promised to "improve relations with Russia", he even blocked anti-missile shield in Poland, and remember how it ended.

If US presidental candidate promises better relations with Russia, it's always just an election talk.

I want to rape that roach

>mfw Turkey gets thrown to the dogs

is this kek?

Anzu is abhorrent without her usual 20 layers of make up.

>nuke Turkey with the nukes they let us position inside their own country

Nah. He says such thing since the beginning of the Syria and FSA war. Nothing will happen.

I like her this way.

>We entered there to end the rule of the tyrant al-Assad who terrorizes with state terror,”
hahahahahahahhaha like if he isn't doin the same

This is it you idiots. This is our chance to leave NATO

People try to say Assad is a dictator but it's just an excuse to try and back terrorist organizations like FSA and ISIS. The most recent election in Syria was 2014 and Assad was elected with around 85% of the vote, can't be bothered to look it up right now myself to get the exact number but if you look it up you'll see this.

What could possibly go wrong?
>sees Libya
Oh nevermind, fuck off Erdocunt

>Leaving NATO
Why not just kick the Turkey out?

>I'm mystified why this isn't bigger fucking news. This could be WWIII if we aren't careful.
this ^^^ 100%

>is this real?
it's real. googly it

>potential for brown people to murder each other en masse
>Sup Forums isn't absolutely euphoric at the prospect
What happened to you guys? You used to be cool.

Yes, this could spark the long coming WW3.
Wich could lead to WW3.
Let's hope not.
This, or Edogan is just a retarded hate beard that needs his goddamn ass whooped.
You're correct.

Thank god someone asked this

>This is it you idiots. This is our chance to leave NATO
We can hope.



Invest in raid futures.

Screencap this.

Being edgy is not the way to fit in, leddit.

>linking fake news


Turkey gathers boats to send migrants to Greece.
This might be related? Got posted 30 mins ago.

>a fucking leaf doesn't understand that consequences will never be the same


Your telling me the prospect of the Middle East self-destructing doesn't give you a stiffie? What're you, gay?

> for the establishment of justice

This is key, it's a term of art.


Erdogan never came across (IMO) as a particularly wise individual - random removal Russian military jets on spurious grounds, etc.

He's either a complete puppet for someone who finds a proxy war with Russia to be in their best interests, or, he simply is a headcase who acts with no consideration of consequence. Either way, he starts tangling with The Bear on this, its the end of NATO -. no way in fuck US are backing this adventure, not that anyone else should be overly keen to either. There is no way to make backing Turkey in war with Russia palatable to Euros, none whatsoever.

there's no fucking way people are this retarded
Turkish forces were in Syria by late August, This is Just an explanation for why. Already seen three habbening threads for this story and it's nothing.


There was no actual declaration of war you fucking retards

Turkish soldiers have been in Syria for months, which was public knowledge. How is him saying "oh yeah those soldiers we had in Syria fucking up SAA are fighting SAA" some great happening?

Looks like it's turkey for dinner this christmas.

So I guess that's what the "turkey ufo attack" was. govt testing out new gear. Can't wait to watch the roaches get exterminated

Consequences shmonsequences, digits notwithstanding. This has potential.


In other news...President Assad buys stock in Black Flag and Raid.

Putin will destabalize Turkey from the inside. Expect another coup attempt soon.

>Literally no fresh Turkish assaults

You're either a shill or retarded.

Erdogan has been in Syria aiding Peshmerga in their fight against Syrian Kurds and, if they got in the way, ISIS. He has never, until now, said that he wants to remove Assad from power.

>Fake news



this is a step closer to declaration of war


Any non-fake news?

Oh man i hope not just to see what these nations fight like without western support.

>implying the cartel hasn't already started a civil war.

Google it you fag.

nice proxy. CTR

This is what I'm talking about. It should be a laugh riot, presumably culminating in either a sea of glass or greater Israel. If digits, both.

With the rise of God Emperor Trump, President Assad will hire American specialists to combat the Turkroach infestation.

See Erdogan never openly attacked the Syrian army, Turks were there to "fight ISIS".

Declaring that he and his troops entered Syria to topple Assad is an open declaration of war against Syrian government, and ergo, Syria.

they thought it was a joke

they're not laughing now

>Turkey invades
>Russia and Trump tell them to knock it the fuck off



It's gonna take a lot of koksals.

>Wanting even more "peaceful refugees" at European borders
Yeah, what a great perspective.

Assad is a bad guy but the rebels are worse.
They started off wanting democracy and Hillary/Obama lent them aid but they were quickly taken over by jihadi's who want to make Syria a theocracy (and exterminate Syrian Christians).
So there's Assad, a dictator but no worse than every other dictator in the middle east. There's the rebels who want their own caliphate, and ISIS who want a combined caliphate.

Is Syria even a country anymore, or just fractured nations

Of course we'll allow it because Israel wants him gone.

Uh, I'm comfy in Canada dude. The ongoing cultural enrichment of Europe makes me chuckle.

>a dictator but no worse than every other dictator in the middle east.
Like Gaddafi, and look at what happened.
Of course, he didn't have active russian support.

Barack was the last president.

Trump is the first Emperor.

Syria is a first actual case of multilateral conflict in history.

You have Syrian government, various FSA fractions, ISIS and Kurds - all fighting against each other, with their own agenda.

Then, you have various powers - Turkey, Russia, USA and Israel - backing various sides of the conflict.

It's a total clusterfuck.

Just like old times.

I hope russia doesn't lose millions this time around, and we get that second front opened up ASAP.

what else?

This, Libyans were happier under Gaddafi until America/Globalists brought "democracy" to their nation. Thank us Libya.

we Armageddon now


got a real news source?

They linked the roachpress article in theirs.