I hate to sound like a whiny millennial, but that is literally fascism. Restricting negative speech against your own country. Clear violation of the 1st amendment
Flag burning
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Just don't burn flags.
inb4 it's OK because Hillary also wanted to do it
inb4 it's OK because it offends me
don't care. any excuse to lock sjw leftist scum away works for me.
Honest question, Trumpfags: if Hillary Clinton supported it, shouldn't that make it clear to you that it's a BAD policy?
>objects to fascism
>is on Sup Forums
Sup Forums is a fascist board
What a faggot
America is doomed
if you get triggered by someone burning a flag you belong in jail
actually isnt destroying something you don't like fascism like burning books?
>fascism is anything I don't agree with/anything to the right of marx
fuck off
There is a difference between a tyrant and a fascist. I suggest you go look it up before you use that term again.
Why is he basing his policies on what Hillary Clinton said still? The election is over, he is the next President. There is no need for more 5d chess kikery. That was a really stupid tweet.
Only if the government does it.
>I'm an amendment-to-be, yes an amendment-to-be,
>And I'm hoping that they'll ratify me.
>There's a lot of flag-burners,
>Who have got too much freedom,
>I want to make it legal
>For policemen to beat 'em.
>'Cause there's limits to our liberties,
>At least I hope and pray that there are,
>'Cause those liberal freaks go too far.
Yes, but here's the difference.
One person stated an opinion on twitter.
One person tried passing a law about it.
And either way, Scalia already said it was free speech.
ALSO, the person who burned the flag, stole it from the flag pole on campus. No reason to have a law for burning the flag, just charge him with theft and/or destruction of property.
If I burned a gay flag or a Mexican flag the left would say it's a hate crime.
Fuck the constitution I just want to smash the left. Gloves are off, it's time to save the West.
>One person tried passing a law about it.
There's already a law about it. Hillary cosponsored a bill to amend the existing law to better align with jurisprudence.
>Fuck the constitution
Literally more un-american than flag burning
The war isn't over.
Clinton is still the face of what the Media shills for.
He says stuff Clinton says, when the media attacks him for it, they get btfo once again.
You can have your voice and while I may not agree with what you have to say it is your right to say it.
Burning the Flag is basically pissing in the face of EVERY single American. That is our symbol of unity and identity. Even if we don't share the same views at our basest we are supposed to be brothers in liberty.
So while yes burning a flag is a form of "free speech" so is yelling 'NIGGERS" in the middle of Compton. You are free to say what you want, doesn't mean you are free from people's reactions.
I don't think it should be illegal, but it's a great litmus test, about the kinds of people you don't want in your country.
I support Trump here because it's liberals who do this shit and labeling them as a felon prevents them from voting.
I didn't know the flag burning thing was specifically towards one incident--but yeah, just charge them for the actual crime.
Not to forget, HRC's law was specifically aimed at those who burned flags to incite terrorism, which is stupid--just charge them for fucking treason if they're terrorists in the first place.
I mean, it baffles me that there are people on Sup Forums who use nigger and faggot unironically but think flag-burning is too far when it comes to free speech
Deport all the ungrateful scum who burn your flag and hate your country and open some room for immigrants that actually care and respect your nation. How is this bad? This is the most pro-immigrant policy that a president can make.
>mfw a leaf tries to out-fascism me by prosecuting me for political thought crimes while I'm trying to prosecute people for political physical crimes
please don't attempt to violate Trump's right to free speech my man
>burning flags
Pick one and only one you retarded nigger
quality post. ***** XD thats five stars. nice!
Burn the flag.
The problem comes up when 'why' is asked.
In this instance, the American government has done nothing to warrant the burning.
They're burning the flag in defiance of Trump.
Trump is not America, he's not even president yet.
They're burning the flag for something America hasn't done and it really doesn't make sense.
You would think if you hated how particular Americans in certain states voted or act that the obvious choice would be to burn the flag of that state.
The American government has no play in this, the government is decided by the people and the unified people are represented by the flag.
Fucking stupid asses, I tell ya.
>Literally more un-american than flag burning
>t. lolbertarian
The constitution doesn't mean shit if it isn't backed up by a culture of liberty. That culture is unique to whites. If you think the constitution will save you from the murderous third world hordes when they are the majority explain fucking Liberia.
>Even if we don't share the same views at our basest we are supposed to be brothers in liberty.
Exercising and valuing free speech is the ultimate expression of the valuation of liberty. Criticism and controversial speech is extremely-important; don't pretend that people exercising that right makes them some kind of enemy of liberty because you disagree with it.
>So while yes burning a flag is a form of "free speech"
Why are you putting free speech in quotations?
It's free speech, regardless if you dislike it.
Do you not consider burning draft cards as speech? How about burning bras?
>lighting things on fire is free speech
Firstly: fascism is literally fine
Secondly: why od you thinkonly fascists restrict free speech?
Thirdly: this is just a master troll on a whole different dimension. See en.wikipedia.org
If one of your citizen does it, then I can't find a justification to jail him. If an immigrant does it (legals too) then just kick him the fuck out of your country for being an ungrateful bitch.
>He'll destroy your actual freedom to keep you from destroying a symbol of it.
Trump supporter here, don't agree with Trump on this. Also have a hunch Trump doesn't agree with Trump on this. Too much of a coincidence that he suggested the exact same punishment as Hillary proposed in 2005. I know the 47D galactic chess meme gets thrown around a lot but in this case its kinda obvious.
Anyway moving on,
As for OPs post that this is "literally fascism", that is nonsense. Whether coming from Hillary or Trump, the ban against burning the flag does not prevent anyone from speaking ill about their country and remember the law against burning the flag originally existed ALONG with the 1st amendment.
At the end of the day though, since I don't want SJWs to try and get me fired or arrested for claiming I find white women more attractive, or that there is definitely a disproportionate correlation between race communities and crime, I also defend the right of degenerates to burn my nations flag.
If Trump makes good on the tweet (though I doubt he will) I will oppose his decision albeit not that strongly.
Still support him though.
>implying any of us really give a fuck about the flag burning
>implying we don't just argue the point to protect the veteran biker types that are now under the umbrella of the new republican party
>implying it's not also the right of Trump and any of his supporters to call all the flag burners a bunch of smelly faggots
>don't pretend that people exercising that right makes them some kind of enemy of liberty because you disagree with it.
>I sure do love my freedom of speech and living in a nation that protects my right to speak my mind without being censored
>welp better burn that flag to show how grateful I am
There are places on this Earth that burning your own flag means death. Fuck any shithead who takes that for granite just to show what an edgy cunt they can be during a protest. We don't have to agree but we do have to be Americans. If you burn the flag you can fuck off to goatrapefuckistan and get burned alive by sand people for misquoting allah.
Fuck yourself. Fascists deserve nothing beyond a lead salad and a dirt nap.
Nice troll! next time be less obvious and dont waste your time tho! kthx:)))
By your loose definition of fascism the recent election was literally a choice between flavors of fascism.
Oh no we'll lose so many great patriots who burn the flag
Also, 1 post by this ID
It's okay because burning a flag has no other intention than to disrespect that nation.
It's not free speech, it's a threat and should be treated similar to the 17 year olds who post about wanting to kill the president on twitter.
the opinion of the president that gets to appoint supreme court justices
it should at minimum freak you out that he has that opinion
how sure are you that he will actually appoint a scalia clone?
That's exactly what it was. Trump is the definition of a narcissistic sociopath and Hillary doesn't equate above literal pond scum and deserves nothing less than bullets.
It's more illegal to burn an American flag in some other countries than here
And how would you rationalize book burning? Help me understand how setting things on fire is speech. Genuinely curious..
>that culture is unique to whites
all that monarchy, fascism, communism and feudalism from europe really agrees with you
Trolled by the Troll King
>implying it's not also the right of Trump and any of his supporters to call all the flag burners a bunch of smelly faggots
Never said that wasn't within your rights, user
>implying we don't just argue the point to protect the veteran biker types that are now under the umbrella of the new republican party
Eh, it just seems futile. It's unconstitutional to ban flag burning. The only thing that would work is a constitutional amendment.
>a law is good if it imprisons people i dont like
>takes that for granite
Who did you vote for?
Fucking kikes
Trying to get away with burning shit up. Whats wrong with nationalism , there are many ways you can make a point but burning a flag which it self is bascily arson.
I mean cmon lets be serios , even if you go the way of the free speech crap , which is bullshit .. you are an arson who sets shit on fire.
isn't arsony illegal?
"Property you own. While most arson crimes involve property that belongs to other people, you can also be charged with arson if you set fire to your own property. However, to be convicted of arson by burning your own property you must either set the fire for fraudulent purposes, or the fire must lead to someone else's property getting damaged. For example, burning down your home or business with the intent to collect on your insurance policy is arson. Similarly, if you intentionally set fire to your property and that fire then leads to someone else's property getting damaged, you may also be convicted of arson."
Setting fire to shit is illegal even if you own it , you go to jail when you burn someone else shit directly or idirectly.
As for burning flags. you say free speech. I say anti-american. As the american flag is the symbol of the united states of america, then you are commiting treason for burning your own flag.
Both arson.
Flag burning is nothing to do with speech.
Uh, yeah.
Regardless of how I answer you would sit there and pick apart whatever I said. Let's say I voted for Trump (I did) - that doesn't make him any less of a literal fucking retard who, hopefully, will be burned at the fucking stake.
>Both arson.
It is illegal to burn your own property even though it causes no harm to anyone else?
Is Donald Trump the only guy that uses twitter as a place to vent out instead of taking everything as a statement? It's fucking twitter
US code suggests burning a flag if it is unfit for display retard.
>facist !!!!
get the fuck out of here faggot.
well yeah
Defacing the Finnish flag is illegal.
>anarchists burn the flag, no investigation
>based kkk man just flies the flag, police investigation on defacement
Just because our flag means nothing, doesn't mean America's national pride and the symbol of their nation needs to as well.
If you hate this country so much, why do you stay there ?
Simple logic.
Actions are followed by consequences something the left seemingly does not understand.
If I tell my boss how much I hate my job, him and the work, chances are that I'll lose it over it.
This is what laws are made for, retard. If you were living in a society that stealing is a good moral quality, people who steal wouldn't be in jail.
That's not the definition of fascism you fucking retard. Do some research before you shitpost.
Suppression of those that disagree with you is one of the primary tools used by dictators and autocrats, ie. anathema to democracy.
>Nice troll!
I agree! You did good.
Leafs also believe this about Muslims raping their women
i get the argument you're trying to make here but it's funny because most towns in non rural areas have strict burning and open flame laws
Literally burning someone else's property, or your own to fraudulently collect insurance.
Ya dumb fuck.
>because most towns in non rural areas have strict burning and open flame laws
To protect the property of others? I doubt they apply to people burning their own property when it is not a danger to anyone else's property.
Burning a flag is not an excel use of free speech hating your government is one thing hating your country shouldn't be
He's just baiting leftist, forcing them to do a 180 degree on their political positions about censoring people they disagree with them.
I'm going out and burning one tonight!
Flame on, bitches!
any anti flag brning law would be unconstitutional.
not that I like people burning the flag, or even letting the flag touch the ground, however it is a political statement using symbollic speech and it doesn't harm anyone or directly incite a specific act of violence, so it's protected.
You niggers need to understand that the first amendment is there to protect UNPOPULAR SPEECH AND OPINIONS.
Popular opinions don't need to be protected, nobody's going to want to throw you in jail for them in the first place.
Unpopular opinions are what people will try to jail you for and therefore need to be protected from prosecution.
If it wasn't speech you wouldn't care, just like you don't care when your polack neighbors burn piles of rags in the backyard.
>He's just baiting leftist
So much for his promise to unite Americans?
>if you disagree with a robber taking shit from your home he should be imprisoned
>if you disagree with a rioter thrashing cars because he want's to get his autistic anarchist on he shouldn't be imprisoned
>but mu-muh free speech
It's an act, and US can regulate laws on act not speech.
I wasn't going to pick apart what you said. I was just going to claim that given the nature of the election you simply picked your brand of fascism (unless you voted 3rd party in which case you foolishly gave up your chance to decide).
As for Fascism, it is one of the most efficient political alignments, in an ideal world it would make an extremely healthy and powerful country.
Regardless the point is moot, as our government is structured that we can safely elect a fascist without creating a fascist government. Want evidence? Despite the current governments best efforts we elected Trump.
Only scum like the flag
Fuck off
>my feelings
> "literally fascism"
> mfw cucks don't know what actual fascism is and just use it as a byword for anything they don't like
>if you disagree with a robber taking shit from your home he should be imprisoned
>if you disagree with a rioter thrashing cars
In both those circumstances are we punishing people for disagreeing with us or are we imprisoning them for different reasons?
It would have to be a neutral law of general applicability, i.e. banning burning anything in public.
Banning the burning of a specific government symbol is not neutral.
>be american
>come home from shipping missiles to isreal
>get attacked by protesters
>get shot in a mass shooting
>nurse slaps me for not using xer preffered pronouns
>can't get obamacare because i spent my data cap on asian cartoons
>lose my job because it got moved to mexico
>get arrested for collecting rainwater
>serve three life sentences for resisting arrest
>cellmate trades my asshole for toilet wine
but at least my flag is on the moon
>radiation has caused the flag to become completely white
I don't agree with trump on this one but
>actions = speech
I'll burn what ever piece of cloth I want
Banning flag burning has been a political Free Square since before you were born, kiddo.
Fine, enjoy being deported.
Those things are not equivalent to flag burning. I'm sure that, if you think REALLY hard, you can figure out why.
Except it is
LOL like the ameriburgers surrendering
It's expression, a form of speech
Honestly it's fine, us liberals are just going to have to go back to wipping out asses on the flag and shitting on it. XD
Do you get your panties in a wad when your neighbor burns a cardboard box? No? What's the difference?
The difference is speech, which doesn't have to be the vocal word.
stfu with your panties.