Can somebody honestly Redpill me on the holocaust? Did it happen or not?
Can somebody honestly Redpill me on the holocaust? Did it happen or not?
The Jews were put into forced labour camps and many died of neglect, especially near the end of the war. But the intent to kill them is a soviet lie.
never happened, its just a ploy by jews to try to make you feel sympathy for them
Im hearing claims that The german concentration camps were actually worse than the Gulag,,, more deaths in a much shorter amount of time
is this true? Does that mean there were executions?
Did it happen yet? is what you mean
It did happen. 6 million dead.
so in school they told me the gas chambers looked like showers, so the jews thought they were going to shower but gas came out instead
so were the "gas chambers" really just communal showers?
>so were the "gas chambers" really just communal showers?
yes. i know because of the shower scene in Schindler's List
No, they were gas chamberreallys
When the Red Cross inspected the camps they determined that they were indeed showers
Straight up war time propaganda.
German camps were mostly in Poland.
Soviet camps were in Siberia.
Guess what's worse
You're going to take a redpill there's no coming back from OP.
According to the international red cross somewhere between 200,000-300,000 deaths due to starvation and disease occured in the concentration camps. 6 million is a meme that existed long before Hitler and the reich.
The holocaust undeniably happened with the intent to kill Jews, but the numbers we know are likely largely inflated.
I dont doubt the gulag camps were worse conditions but I want to know the truth
I hear claims that 2 million german prisoners were killed in the gulags, then I hear that only 1 million people have died in 24 years
then I hear 3 million died in german camps in 4 years, so if thats true than the russians worked people to death while germans killed people
It happened. The anti-Semitic skepticism towards it has snowballed into what it is today because Jews like to pretend it was an apocalyptic tragedy exclusive to them. They have shamelessly milked the death of millions (of their own kind) and other groups (Slavs, Gypsies, Catholics etc.) in a way that only benefits themselves.
It obviously didn't happen
The only evidence they have is forced confessions from the Nuremberg Trials, forged Soviet documents and scientists are banned from inspecting the camps
There's never been a more obvious hoax, they never counted on the internet, which is why they thought they could just make up history
There were concentration camps. Concentration camps had been used by many countries before. E.g
UK on South Africa
US on Philippines
Allies on WWI
The problem is, there were a lot of camps. And as the war began to turn against Germany the conditions became worse and worse. Railways were bombed, and a lot of supplies couldn't be delivered. People started dying from diseases, hunger and cold. Some people flew. Others stayed and survived. Others stayed and died.
That's all you need to know about the "Holocaust".
Jews did not bath back than. They stank like shit and fish.
Patton wrote about that in his memoir before they killed him.
Auschwitz had 24 furnaces
each body takes 1h to burn
so make the maths
Source? Everything I've seen is that they could burn ~1500 corpses in 24 hours.
Oops that's for crematoria I,II, and III
The fourth and the fifth could burn around 700 per 24 hours. So that's around 6000 per day for all 5.
Millions of Europeans of our generation have relatives of those who died in the concentration camps. Were these people lied to? Are the millions of people who had grandparents or parents lied to about how they died, or are they also in on this great Jewish conspiracy?
There is a historical consensus on this:
Around six million Jews were killed.
The only historians who contest this are openly antisemitic or fascist sympathizers - they are not impartial. This is a case of making a claim and then looking for evidence to back up your ideologically motivated claim (and, by the way, failing in every regard).
There are countless survivors who attest to what happened in the concentration camps.
To emphasize the point: there are many controversies in the sphere of history, this is not one of them. All the evidence says it happened, there is nothing even remotely substantial to suggest it did not.
Not even Holocaust deniers believe that the Holocaust did not happen. This is the red-pill that some of Sup Forums refuses to swallow
my numbers werent correct though
Yes it happened. Fuck anyone who says otherwise. However, it has been hijacked by the Jews, and they've been milking it for 60+ years. More Slavs (Poles, Ukrainians, Russians, Belorussians, etc.) were killed then Jews. Low estimates put Slavs at 14 million.
I wrote a research paper for my graduate program. So try and argue against me.
Sadly, I do not have the time to watch all those videos. However, I will gladly save them for the future. I appreciate it.
I should mention that my paper was about reevaluating the Holocaust and how one group cannot own it. My paper is being peer-reviewed as we speak, and I could be published this spring.
It is fine to question the Holocaust. People are allowed to question everything else in Western Civilization, save the Holocaust. I do not agree with that, and I believe everyone needs to research it themselves.
Yes, the 6 million number is over exaggerate by about 300,000. More Slavs were killed, and the Roma suffered the restriction of rights as the Jews.
It did happen.
It never happened but it should have and anyway most of the killings were caused by the Soviets and the Americans and the Jews made it up and George Soros helped the Nazis kill the Jews and there were never any Jews in Europe to begin with
would be very interested in reading your paper.
Still recommend to view some of the videos.
also typhus
goes over all the claims, pretty concise.
The Holocaust happened but white genocide isn't real.
this for the most-part
"history is written by the victors"
the simplest way to put it is that the Allies as well as Axis had work camps.
however the allies were not being bombed to kingdom come like the germans were.
so obviously many jews starved and got sick, etcetera.
just like what would happen if usa were bombed. then the camps for japanese and germans and italians would also become "death camps"
also OP look in this thread - cant unload i both threads