You determine the method.
Any method.
Hillary Clinton has been found guilty of her crimes and sentenced to death!
Other urls found in this thread:
Death by the the 'supersize me' diet
why my peanus weanus of course
euthanasia, don't stoop to their level. they won't learn their lesson, and if they do, it will be wasted effort because they'll die
literally the best post in this whole thread
Death via a drowning bucket
Old age while living out her days in peace.
Eaten alive by starving Haitians
Death by frog-only diet
lock her in room with 20 muslim refugees
Public beheading, the preferred execution method of her Saudi donors
stab her in not lethal points with little blood loss
put condom
lubricate it with a mix of lemon and salt
fuck the wound
repeat until she dies
Force-fed her own poo until she croaks
death by watching anime
Permanently exile her to Libya with no money and no security, and tweet her location regularly.
Death by old age in solitary confinement
in a football field full of three leaf clovers and landmines, she must find a four leaf clover.
What would you show her?
naruto, one piece and bleach
fuck off, send a message. hang her so that we can get the best reaction shot as the life leaves her eyes. then behead her and put her head on a spike on the capitol
Tell pence she's lesbian and let him do the rest
>death by ooga booga, the post
break both her wrists and ankles, cut out her eyes and tongue, then throw into the sewer
You have her locked in a room with only a screen and if she is able to marathon it all and survive she gets to live. No food or water or bathroom.
Even the movies.
I would feed here 27 big macs on a sunday and then make here eat her shit and piss for the rest the week. I would repete this until she is die.
She must go into a ring and try to stump trump before he stabs her to death with a spoon.
Drowning in your tears that come from finding out Trump is not the saviour like you think, but just another shill like Hilary.
You can't do that. it was invented by africans. that'd be appropriating their culture
Toss her from the top of Trump Tower with a cinderblock chained to her neck.
Drop her in the middle of Libya with no supplies and a live streaming camera attached to her head and see what happens.
gas chamber
Oh, you think too simply my friend.
First, we rent out the largest stadium we can. Jerry's World is ideal, but others would work. Set up a date, get ads, and spread the word- Deathmatch is live. Then, send her in, and provide an arsenal of medieval weapons from her to pick from.
And when she enters? Alex Jones, naked as the day he was born and wielding only a rusted, bloody mace high above his head. Then you tell her that if she kills Jones, freedom and absolution is hers.
Bonus points if it's in a giant maze with death traps hidden throughout, and maybe scattered with a few other (Jeb!, Beck, Shapiro, etc.) unsavory sorts fighting for redemption
A no holds bared wrestling match with Trump.
Not only is Trump smarter and more brutal than all of us he has a natural knack for theatrics.
It would be spectacular and American as football and apple pie. Yuge ratings
Death by losing 2020
force her to live the life of a normie.
>4x4 concrete cell
>lice filled pillow every other day
>TV showing nothing but the BET channel and the apprentice reruns
>ground cockroach protein bar for food like that train movie
>one way wall mounted speaker phone that anyone can call anytime and say anything they want as loud as they want (volume adjustable by caller)
Number would be on a commercial/website
>access to all her meds (minus fetuses and whatever else) to keep her alive as long as possible
>new lottery that allows winners 5 minutes alone with her to do anything but kill her with all proceeds going to help feed children and find safe secure homes far from the elite pedophile reach
>her entire time is online live 24/7
>bucket to shit and piss in that only gets cleaned every two weeks
>no windows or fresh air
If Kek wills it, I suppose
Seems a bit of a let down though
I like this one. Fattened up first
>>one way wall mounted speaker phone that anyone can call anytime and say anything they want as loud as they want (volume adjustable by caller)
What would you say?
blood eagle
Make her go out on the campaign trail again.
God will still forgive you if you ask
Lock her in a room with a bunch of TVs showing loops of Bill dicking bimbos, Obama's acceptance speech at the 2008 DNC, and Trump's acceptance speech. On a table there is a gun with a single bullet.
Given to Haiti.
she is to be beaten to death by hammers. there will be a lottery taken for any interested young women, who will each recieve 25,000 dollars to beat hillary to death. this will be televised
Hammer Smashed Face
Make her have unprotected sex with bill.
Executed by firing squad and buried in an unmarked grave at an undisclosed location
But every time is nearly chops her head off, lift it up again and repeat this process. Don't forget to laugh, too.
Locked in a televised room full of oil and dollar bills. No food or water. Forever.
Resurrect Harambe and put her in a cell with him
The same way Scar died at the end of the Lion King. Trump backs her into a corner, forces her to denounce the Zionist conspiracy. They hear her, because they're always listening. She makes one more half-assed attack at Trump, which he easily bats aside. He tosses her off the roof of the White House to a pack of hungry hyenas below, made up of recently unemployed New York Times reporters and millennial Art History majors who can't find jobs. The hyenas tear her limb from limb. Next shot is Donald Trump holding Barron aloft as a beam of light shines down from the heavens and "America the Beautiful" plays in the background.
The good ole fashioned rope
immurement in the border wall with Bill
Just like her emails
Trump personally strips her naked, puts her in shackles, and whips her on the Whitehouse lawn.
This event will be televised on all the major news channels and all the government channels.
After whipping her, he says "You're fired!", then blasts her with a flamethrower.
Make her parachute into the center of Benghazi
This is the only acceptable answer.
Old age
When Indians shit in the street she must clean their arses with her tongue.
Death by going on vacation in Iran.
lock her in a room with Trump's acceptance speech playing on a loop until she dies
Not much would happen.
Like this please.
damn ur on some kind of evil shit
i like it
Electrocuted to death by Mike Pence.
kek will will it
Death by PowerPoint.
y vey
I would use her for medical experiments to advance medicine. If she dies during the procedures, so be it.
It requires a little prep-work, but:
>gather all virile Haitian males (above age 13 and below age 45) sentenced to death in that country...
>throw them in a pit with minimal food, enough water and a TV above them showing NOTHING but "Blacked'esq" genre rape-porn for roughly 90 days
>feed them a decent meal and then turn off the porn...
>announce you have a "special present for them"
>lower Hillary (after lypo'ing her cellulite to make her baseline non-nauseating) on a platfrom into the pit full of HORNY HAITIAN KILLERS
>film results in HD and stream on Sup Forums
This is my idea of "Justice"
sounds perfectly reasonable
>tfw 600+ episodes
She'll be a mummy by the time she's done
Catapult her into the dome that covers our flat earth. Maybe it'll finally convince the science cucks they're in a cult.
By having every scrap of money in her bank account given to me so that she has nothing to buy food with and starves to death.
Hanged from her fucking glass ceiling
I just want to see those last seconds after she drops , see those futile wiggles. I could fap to those 10 seconds for eternity.
Put her in a glass box above time square like david blaine
Then never open the box, like ever.
Boku no Pico with the good parts edited out
Raped, tortured,and dragged through the streets with her arsehole hanging out Benghazi style.
Send her to an US embassy in a middle east country.
Remove all security.
Ignore her emails/phonecall requests for security.
Let the local 'rebel fighters' know she's on her own in there.
she gets locked in a room with Cher and Lena Dunham and is forced to listen to Cher singing while Lena dances naked
Drawn and quartered
KEK wills it
Hanging is a classic.
It should be done outside of the national legislature on live television, with the FCC requiring it be shown live for 24 hours on all stations.
It should be the only thing viewable on youtube, the only thing on ever FB feed, and the only thing you can see logging in to twitter.
And the trial should be played on every radio station.
Toss her through a glass ceiling