Sup Forums What are your views on womens rights?


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They exist.

>views on women's rights
A bad joke where the punchline has been too long coming but was obvious from the start

one of the reasons for the decline of the US

Women do not have any rights.

Womens rights = the beginning of the end of your civilization


just call a hooker already you guys. This sexual frustration is giving you unhealthy views.

giving women rights was a mistake. they are all property of a sex machine, a cooking machine, a washing machine, a cleaning machine all combined to a living organism.

Women's rights should be about freedom, not equality.

I don't think your average man could sit with his daughter on his lap, and feel good about telling her that she should have no rights and look forward to being an additional appliance in the kitchen, the baby maker.

However the mistake that is, is that girls and women are told and encouraged how they can do anything boys can do and better, and that they should have a chip on their shoulder about anything they can't do as being due to patriarchy and whatnot. Worse still that they get their hand held for it, with preferences and handouts to women who do stuff, while men get less to nothing.

A woman should have the same freedom as a man but not the same equality. Separate but equal.

"ladies first" is the only women right I approve :DDD

Please just stop, or at least use a different proxy.

Women should have rights, obviously, but feminism is objectively lowering white birth rates and destroying the nuclear family.

They were a mistake.


ITT butthurt virgins

Yes Tyrone, societal structure changes and transforms over time

I realize you wish you could live in 1955 for all eternity but you can't

you say this, but half the time a family breaks up it is due to the deadbeat dad

>had sex 3 nights ago

try again

Women have a trend of voting with emotion rather than logic.

With the state of the MSM nowadays, this is expected. Appeal to emotion is one of the media's sharpest tools.

That being so, I believe nobody

Sure ya did big guy

Seriously man, get laid. Or at least talk to more women.

"women" are a spook
"""rights""" are a spook

If we treat them equally to men, then only the good women will flourish due to the fact that the shitty women aren't given unfair advantages.

I mean TRUE equality, of course; not the bullshit Rad Fems are advocating.

Didn't really think about it too much until coming to /po/. Now, I realize that women's rights have made everyone miserable, especially women. It's pretty sad. But nothing you can openly discuss because it takes a lot of time to explain, and an open mind to understand without immediately reeling in horror.

Women's rights? Better than women's wrongs!


they figure it out after the first couple, but you just have to throw some lefts, too

They already have them.

Watch this and tell me if you think women should have rights. This is your modern womans mind at work here.

more black men, asian men, and hispanic men voted hillary than white women

white women went 53% for trump, i don't see based minority men going for trump at anywhere near that same rate


Womens rights are fine. Women are people, flawed and terrible just like men.

They shouldn't be protected or treated special in any way but society still hasn't accepted that part of equality yet.

1867 was the last year women couldn't own property. All down hill from there.

They should be for white women only.

Someone who says otherwise is a Muslim or Jew

80% of divorces are initiated by women for any fucking reason. And why do women have no responsibility for making a kid with a deadbeat in the first place?


I'm pro animal rights so...

they can keep their rights to suck on that dick (pointing in my genitals direction)

Yeah, but a higher % of black men, asian men, and hispanic men voted for Trump than any Republican in decades. They are breaking the conditioning

shut the fuck up, kill yourself and your shit country

They are property of their fathers until he marrys them off to someone, and then they are the property of their husbands.

One area that Islam got correct.

I agree

Watch this white woman and let me know if you still agree afterwards

Did I touch a nerve? You really don't have to be embarrassed about getting an escort, loads of unattractive people do it

not really, more asian men went for Bush Sr in 1992, and more Hispanic men went for Bush Jr in 2004, and more black men went for Dole in 1996

Trends that weaken a society ensure that, at some point, it will be taken over by dominant societies that have not adopted said trends. So long as primitive cultures exist in proximity to ours, the "changing social structure" you're talking about is literally a path to displacement.


nice bantz, fellow teen

Feminism has ruined women. Even former feminists are still degenerates beyond saving

An entire generation ruined

fantastic post
really teeming with information that makes me think

Yes , If it comes down to Sharia Law being necessary to put women back into their rightful place then convert? Or wait until the end which would be nigh and believers in Christ get Isaiah 4:1. The short of the verse is 7 Wives rather then max 4 Islam allows.

If she does sex stuff for me then do I give her rights?

Look man, it's not your place to demand the adherence of others to traditional family structures of your choosing

You Sup Forumslacks really do have an authority fetish. You constantly want to tell others what to do, it's very annoying. Why can't you just live your own life?

Escorts are cheaper than girlfriends/wives and you don't have to listen to all their bullshit. Fuck them and go on with your life.

Which was decades ago

Dude just fuck her as much as you can but don't marry or do too much with a girl as slutty as that.

No!!!! Unless it's the right to do sex stuff

It's the other way around. Governments are fucking with the traditional family structure. Try again.

Oh great. More isis fuel.

Wait so I get banned for posting a clothed pic of Sarina Valentina because "it was porn" on a fucking red board but this shot slides.

Why does this board have shit-tier mods?

post more of her

this is the same pathetic ad hominem
women use whenever you make some controversial statement they disagree with

calling someone a virgin isn't an argument

Clothed Sarina Valentina really, must have shown some nipple.




For some reason women usually seem to be better with their left.

no one is stopping them from living how they want.

Yea it's pretty fucking bad. I've been seeing a bunch of threads getting deleted for no reason as well.

Universal voting rights is a mistake, not women rights in themselves. Women are capable of multi-tasking, live longer, cope with stress better and really good at organising and leading things. If you see how organized their movements are, you would laugh no more. In fact if women dedicated to the cause of her nation, ethnicity or race, she would make a way better leader than man. Look at Frauke Perty, Sylvi Listhaug, Pia Kjærsgaard or Pernille Vermund(mark my word, this one will be a huge success next lectionaries) for example. Perhaps female led ethnic fascism is the most truly progressive form of governance.