Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy Says She Doesn't Need to Cater to Male Star Wars Fans
>"I have a responsibility to the company that I work with. I don't feel that I have a responsibility to cater in some way [to those particular fans]," Kennedy told the New York Times in an interview focused around Jones. "I would never just seize on saying, 'Well, this is a franchise that's appealed primarily to men for many, many years, and therefore I owe men something.'"
>Likewise, characters of other races than caucasian have begun to get the spotlight in Star Wars more frequently. The Force Awakens featured a black male and hispanic male lead alongside the female main character, and Rogue One's diverse crew includes a man of Pakistani descent, a black lead, two East Asian leads, a hispanic man, all able to lend their points of view and represent their respective peoples alongside the white characters.
Next StarWars film is NOT for cis males
That's fine, didn't see the last won't see this one.
Same desu
The movies suck anyway.
someo ther studio or movie thought the same thing and it lost millions
lets see how bad this one crashes
>and Rogue One's diverse crew includes a man of Pakistani descent,
Is he the one that flew his fighter into the Super Star Destroyer's bridge in RotJ?
Will it flop worse than Ghostbusters?
I hope so.
Literally hack writing. I'm skipping
Only cratering to liberal numales, SJW fat feminists and single mom with nigglets are the loudest to complain but they all have no money, so why the fuck not ignore the audience with the money and bankrupt the film entirely?
Yeah I have had no interest in these movies.
>Likewise, characters of other races than caucasian have begun to get the spotlight in Star Wars more frequently. The Force Awakens featured a black male and hispanic male lead alongside the female main character
"And a shitty script" is the end of that sentence.
Don't forget they literally killed off a white male lead.
Don't worry. Cis white males can always be the villains. In fact, they'll make it a point to always make them cis white males.
>Rogue One tells the story of Jyn Erso, who, according to the trailer, is so rebellious even the Rebel Alliance apparently has severe reservations about recruiting her for a mission. Along with Hispanic Diego Luna’s character, she assembles a group of Rebel soldiers and sympathizers (who are all non-white males) to steal the plans for the first Death Star. This group is about as white male as Mogadishu prior to the arrival of American soldiers in Black Hawk Down.
>Meanwhile, the villains are all white men. Ben Mendelsohn plays a white cape-wearing Imperial admiral and Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen is rumored to play another senior-ranking officer of the Empire, particularly as a non-film Star Wars character has already been based on his likeness.
White females are just as problematic honestly. They got Trump into office after all.
Isn't her responsibility to make money?
Fuck Hollyshit. I'm outsourcing to Korea
>check those hitlerdubs, user
>didn't see the last won't see this one.
same here
Amazing how they'll tank their own billion-dollar franchise. Don't they realize that women don't give a fuck about Star Wars except for its popularity, which is driven almost entirely by straight white men who grew up with it?
>and sympathizers (who are all non-white males) to steal
Makes sense
What will they do with out the butthurt Sup Forumsack demographic?
Lucas is literally upset that people like star wars so much more than anything else he's ever done and each movie he made after return of the jedi killed off any fans that remained. This movie is not aimed at people who grew up with star wars, at all. Why would she need to cater to them?
How about ANY Star Wars fans?
These movies have been garbage since 1983.
Good science fiction shouldn't be about identity politics. It should be about ideas, where those ideas lead in good and bad directions and about wonder. A racial checklist is just as racist as KKK space-lynchings.
>Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy
Proving yet again that shit floats to the top. She's the directorial version of Marissa Mayer.
No. It is already breaking records.
No it's star wars and all the normies love it now.
>Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy
yea but its owned by disney so its what disney wants
Underrated kek
Oh looks it's another women trying to be "inclusive" at the expense of sales.
She is ignoring the fact that:
>girls usually don't like sci-fi, boys do.
>boys identify better with a male lead
>boys project themselves into the tough badass role, not the girly princess role
>boys buy the associated media, video games, toys, etc. not girls.
But that's just on the gender front. The stupider move disney is making is on the race front.
>foreign markets represent HUGE sales figures
>foreigners (asians in particular) LOVE white people in movies. They see yellow faces all day every day. They don't need to see more on their screen.
>by putting non-whites in these movies you're killing foreign sales because foreigners fetishize whites.
So in a nutshell, female leads will drive away male fans. Male fans are what keep a sci-fi franchise alive.
And minority cast will drive away foreign sales.
Combine these two and you have the death of a franchise.
I wonder how much money these companies will have to lose before they wake up to this idiocy?
Ford barely wanted to do the second one, he also hated the third and pretty much only way they got him in the newest was to kill him off.
Dude... it's star wars. plebbeians will swallow this crap for years to come - no matter what.
I love how progressives don't see non-whites as individuals, but reduce them to the color of their skin.
Since they actually almost killed him, I'd say he was lucky.
>I wonder how much money these companies will have to lose before they wake up to this idiocy?
Yeah, but are (((they))) really in for the moni moni monies, or is it rather something else?
it will end up being another ghostbusters bust
there hasn't been a good starwars movie in more than 25 years, let them do whatever rhey want
The arab looking rebel guy suicide bombs the bad guys. It's in the trailer.
I'm done. Soros has his intergration mob forcing anti-white bullshit down our throats at every turn. I've been to the movies once in two years. I don't foresee that changing any time soon
Reminder that Star Wars ended with Return of the Jedi
>alongside the white characters.
What white characters?
But I thought a lot of Bothans died to get the plans to the Death Star, not a white girl's pet POC.
Literally Hitler
Why do white women have to lead these groups? Isn't that kind of racist?
White male here. I already said months ago i wasn't gonna watch anymore Star Wars movies. So her point is redundant. Also I'm pretty sure that 90% of star wars fans are white males. How stupid can these producers be?
Checked and seconded.
There is a reason eposode 7 was so fucking boring.
because ficki ficki
>I have a responsibility to be a cunt
Nah bitch your responsibility is to shareholders
wow. boycotting the shit outta that
And just like that, I'm no longer a fan of this franchise.
Not in Jewllywood, at least not yet. White women still count as minorities there for some reason.
Yeah, she's totally not catering to white women and blacks. Dumb, hypocritical bitch
It's like that scene from Zoolander where Stiller's dad says about Mugatoo, "This guy could take two craps, wrap them in tin foil, and attach them to fishhooks and the queen would wear them." Disney has a franchise that cannot lose and so now they're taking the opportunity to push whatever agenda they want. It's a win-win for them.
Also, was the last one really that great? I thought there were serious flaws.
The only movies worth watching were the original trilogy. These new movies are just pure fishing money.
Whites are still the minority. Women give birth. So if (((they))) sell leftist garbage to white women then more will coal burn and weaken white males.
>"I would never just seize on saying, 'Well, this is a franchise that's appealed primarily to men for many, many years, and therefore I owe men something.'"
But she does. And the way she says that is really hateful. She clearly has a big chip on her shoulder about men.
>take sci fi franchise most popular among white males
>alienate white males
good luck selling star wars toys to little girls and niggers, you stupid jews
I made the mistake to watch The Force Awakens, I won't fall for it twice.
>Kathleen Kennedy Says She Doesn't Need to Cater to Male Star Wars Fans
I'd like to see the media reaction if Clint Eastwood says he doesn't need to cater to nigresses.
like the walking dead
i have never seen a series become so shit so fast
its night and day, like all the good non jewish writers died and got replaced by the jewish interns
No problem with this... So long as people also have no problem with male protagonists not owing anything to women.
Really doesn't matter if I dont see it since I was never going to see it. However, we should spread this and make them double down. Might redpill some normies not to see it. Probably won't make it tank, but it will hurt the brand.
I already expended all my possible anger over this bitch last January. No more mad now, just ignoring the Nu Wars
why nisnt she catering to the trans middle eastern men?
>girls don't like sci-fi, boys do
And all these female leads are just going to be jerk off, waifu fodder. Once they find all their actresses' faces photoshopped on porn they'll stop. I guarantee it. These Star Wars leading lady roles will be known as a nail in the coffin for their careers because it'll always be known that you'll always get sent pictures of fan's jizzing on print outs of your face.
Pic pretty much related.
star wars is for hipster trend setters, if we get that trending we can kill the attraction of star wars as some kind of fashionable shic fad that it has become.
that was the second one
>sex no longer sells
wait, what?
When did anyone imply you needed to pander to men? We just want you to make a good movie
Really--did you miss the last faggot jew Vader in a Farce Awakens?
The funny thing is that they're not trying to include various group, they're simply trying to exclude white men. There are literally zero white, male leads. They're only portrayed as villains.
I mean, why would a franchise that's made by white men, popularized by white men, and made in a country where whites are still the largest demographic by a huge margin not feature any white men?
>but we have Hispanics, Muslims, blacks, and Asians
>not real races int he Star wars universe
Oscar Isaac is Hispanic? Never would have guessed that.
because kathleen kennedy is a racist nazi.
>reasonable characters
>new, good designs
Guess those are "catering to male SW fans"?
Lucas went full retard years ago.
Star Wars hasn't been worth a shit since he went back and painted over frames to make it appear that Greedo had fired his blaster.
Let him make it. I hope he goes bankrupt on it.
They are making a new Han Solo movie. White male lead.
Episode 7 has one white male lead. All three of the main characters introduced will get a lot more screen time throughout.
>Pakistan exists in space
And yet they would applaud Hillary declaring herself Empress of the new galactic empire.
force awakens makes money than the prequels combined
people gives a shit about the saga not the races or the genders of the actors, you triggered alt right retards.
5 shekels says they make him gay.
They got there after India nuked them.
Lucas sold Star Wars years ago, dude. He has virtually no say in SW anymore.
Good thing women have jobs and can fuck non-whites--what else would they do other than birth ugly children and drag down civilization?
Oh that's right, make shitty movies/books/media about their interracial fantasies financed by cucks.
Gay with Finn. I would be ok with that.
The original trilogy (non-special edition version) was the shit.
There will never be a Star Wars movie better than The Empire Strikes Back.
>They are making a new Han Solo movie.
That's an old character.
>Episode 7 has one white male lead.
Still won't watch it. I'm done
While I'm not happy with the direction Star Wars is taking, I don't see a single thing wrong with the statement. She is an actor, an employee for the studio there to do as they wish with her. Seems pretty accurate to me.
Who cares who they cast, just don't fuck up the story with ewoks or some shit
He's one of the 3 main leads, didn't get as much screen time in 7 because they had to give Han Solo more screen time. In 8 and 9 he'll be as prevalent as Solo was in the originals.
Wanna bet there will be gender-confused gay fishes in star wars too?
>yfw Pakistaan and Afghanistantooine get unironically added to the setting
Actually, just trying to pander to star wars nerds would probably ruin it.
wait, so did he mean to imply that non-whites aren't human?
It will fire back.
If white males will have no heroes they will on villains.
Ergo they will look at white supremacist racist Empire and think - these guys are like me and I am like them.
My problem is that it asks entirely too much suspension of disbelief.
My wife, for example, watches all these shows that are WB-tier historical soap-opera trash. They all have women in positions of power, surrounded by male followers. And it's just like ... no. That doesn't happen. That has never happened.
If any women got close to seizing any sort of power in the settings where these shows/movies take place (and didn't have at least 10 male relatives backing her up), she'd be instantly raped, murdered, and her nude corpse put on display in a public square with various insults carved into it. That is reality. And damn near every show like that from Game of Thrones to The 100 to Reign to Etc all do this same lame shit and pretend this lowly petite women rose to power. All of them do it.
Star Wars is no exception now.
Hiring virtue-signallers and moral scolds is business suicide.
Oh look, another good IP going the route of Ghostbusters.
Despite this, the cucky manchildren will come out in droves to watch it. This is exactly why the white race is dying.
>science fiction appeals to men
Wow this cunt is a genius how much for her
"Before Chewbacca, I flew with a quad gender Xirtonian!"