No wonder sweden is so cucked

look how shit their ballots are, they're supposed to pick up a colored paper with their choice written on it while everyone watches in disbelief that they'revoting for "far-right" sweden democrats

And this in a country with strong social pressure

Honestly, the ballots should just be varying shades of BLACK with the most tolerant the darkest and the most evil the lightest.

is this real?


this would be called anti-democractic if it was in crimea, but sweden does it like this


Literally kinder garden tier psychology

Except you're wrong monkey, you're supposed to take a ballot from each party so the person doesn't know which one you'll vote for at the end. Also that's my school lulz boys

you take on of each color, go into the voting booth, throw 2 in the bin, and put the ballot of your choice in an enveloppe.
You fucking retards ever went voting once in your life?

What a dumb voting system and a waste of paper.

Wow 3 choices. That's nice.

>euro "democracy"
>voting for parties instead of people

fuck off hippy

oh fuck off. there hasn't been any real form of democracy since the vote became available to everybody and your political system is literally the same piece of shit republic that we all follow like sheep and has lead the west into complete dismay.

"A republic (from Latin: res publica) is a sovereign state or country which is organized with a form of government in which power resides in elected individuals representing the citizen body and government leaders exercise power according to the rule of law"

Meant to quote this in my post but couldnt abort on time.

>into complete dismay

I think you mean, "staved off Communist engulfment"

And you're welcome.

Wait, who the fuck cares if some old polling lady stares at you?

Are Swedes that socially autistic? Will they break down and cry if someone stares?

Just fucking vote like a man.

Retards. The different colors are not for different parties, but for different levels of government. Municipal, county, and national.

I was talking about Republics. Not America, you brainless cunt.

We use a scantron (like a standardized test). All options are represented on one ballot.

>3 parties to choose from
>party decides leadership, not you

Legit only 3-5 choices. This is how Germany gets stuck with Merkel for years on end.

where are the ballots for the color blind? i thought sweden was so inclusive and progressive until now.

Wew lad. That's a huge waste of taxpayer money printing three ballots for every voter when you could instead just do one.

Are you blind? I can count ar least 10 parties on the ballots.

Did you even bother to check how many parties are currently in the Swedish parliament?

The colors stand for level of government, not party. Geez. How stupid can you be.

Colourblindness is most common amongst fucking white men.

this should occur to you that this is not the system used in Europe.

Which, FYI, does not mean that Europe is a single country.

>leadership indirectly chosen

Stay cucked. >10 choices. lmao

>this is not the system used in Europe
So Europe is a single county now? I can guarantee it's not like this in all 50 of them

Just let the Brit cuck have this one, he hasn't been the same since 1776

The voting booth I was in was surrounded with armed forces bearing military style weapons murdered out 4x4's and a helicopter.

Needless to say, I'm glad our votes are keeping our patriots employed.

I much prefer the first English Civil War because it actually happened in Britain.

I much prefer the one where you got made into our baby back bitch

I'm just impressed it isn't a full on gay rainbow flag of colors

so you waste a fuckload of paper for no reason? hmkay

That wasn't an event. The second Civil War was.
So did you give up defending Republics as an actual form of government and not a disaster?

the vast majority uses old style system with as many ballots to take with you as there are candidates.
also bad banty

Fellow brazilian calling swedes cucked when it has been proven that is more than 287 ways of exploiting up our electronic urns and we don't have A SINGLE CONSERVATIVE party and yet people call this a "Democracy".
/slowclap kys

you can still read the parties' names quite clearly though

>All that wasted paper
And I thought Sweden was suppose to be green.

they probably use recycle paper, and most likely the paper thrown away is recycled. In France we have several big recycle bins for paper, platic, metal, glass, in every neighboorhood. I guess you wouldn't understand the concept of systematic recycling.

>implying you wouldn't be shamed for picking up an SD card regardless of whether you said you tried to claim you were "just going to throw it away"

>not just marking an 'x' or filling a circle
>must be that Scandinavian pragmatism socialists like to talk about so much

How is this supposed to be simpler than just checking off a box from a list on 1 paper?

>implying I won't loudly proclaim I'm voting SD
"well let's see now where are the ESS DEE ballots, ah YES!"
While I exaggerate my movements as if I'm taking enormous delight in casting my vote.
From my voting booth you'll hear me shouting
"Time to resolve this mess and make Sweden great again!"
After which I'll loudly whistle our national anthem.

And nobody will do shit. This is still a white nation were we don't resort to apelike violence unlike America.

I've taken only SD cards since they became a viable option, never once been given shit for it.
No one watches the card stands, and there are several card stands so if one is watched, you can just go to an other, or take a blank and write in SD and your preferred candidate yourself.

Generally, you don't bin the extra cards, you just leave them in the booth. The workers will clear them out every now and then and place the unused cards back in the stand.

If you're not blind, you'll see that each colour also has 2, 0, or 1 line at the edge. So that even the extremely rare monochromatics - who are the only colourblind people to not be able to distinguish yellow and blue - can pick the right card.
Never seen a braille card, but actually blind people generally just vote by mail or have a trusted friend pick out their cards.

You do that for the individual candidates in the party. Each card has a list of people you can vote for within the party itself. These are printed on the card with checkboxes next to them.
you can see this list in the 4-6th column of cards.
The closest 3 columns are party blanks, where the party is written but you can write in your own preferred member if he's not on the list.

There are many things wrong with Swedish politics but the voting system is not one of them.