name a successful civilization that is ran by black people
Name a successful civilization that is ran by black people
that mansa musa dude
The cotton fields
checkmate, afrocentrists..
Atlantis niggah
Drug dealers, convicts, welfare recipients, people who ride electric scooters because they're too fat and lazy to walk
closest you'll get to a 'black' civilization /thread
Ancient Egypt
South London
Blacks don't run successful civilizations because of muh white privilege. Have you learned nothing? Whitey suppresses black folks and has done so since the beginning of time. Black folks are never given a fair chance to lead their country because white people (savages) always come and fuck shit up reeeee.
Egyptians weren't niggers... Haven't you ever seen a coffin?
Their slaves were though
Egyptian civilisation.
>whitewashing egyptians
they were literally kings
i never said niggers,i said black people
there's a difference
Egypt is sandniggers, not niggers.
Have to be honest Ethiopia pulled off a based civilization, had to be the Christian and sandnigger gene (right beside the middle east) influence.
You're clearly a fucking idiot. The people who built the pyramids might have been, but not the people who had them built
Guy went on a trip to the Middle East, brought so much gold he flooded the market and reduced the price of gold. What a legend.
sand niggers are even worse at running a civilization then niggers are
Christian stole the bible from our ancient egyptian civilisation.
Pharaoh was black.
They were fairly successful in Africa pre-colonialism.
You know which....
You look at the faces of the Kings and tell me they look like niggers
You look at the faces of the Kings and tell me they look like niggers
If africa is poor its because evil white men stoling black ppl's ressources
Haiti. wait..
The one you are in right now.
the drug empire
Christian Ethiopia?
The warden is usually white.
"successful" is the wrong word to use; it's too subjective.
Tribal societies function just fine if looked at from the most basic requirements of a human.
Now, had you asked for people to name an "advanced" civilization run by blacks, the answer is clear: ZERO
Blacks were defeated in a physical, intellectual , or subversive capacity by whitey in the past to achieve this status.
Not equal.
Arabs aren't black people.
The corpses were obviously modified by the whites archaeologists when they found out the tombs, the white jeaulosy just couldnt stand it
but there as sub human as black people though
That's objectively false. The Ummayid, Abbasid, Ottomans, etc. Blacks can't even run a Burger King.
What? Lie to them?
Wasn't Liberia stable and fairly successful? Also Trinidad isn't a complete shit hole. Don't know him much of their leadership is white though.
Arabs aren't people*
>name a successful civilization that is ran by black people
take a look at the middle east,its the same shit.only people blame religion on it and not because there lazy and poor
America for the past 8 years I guess.
All the checks and balances were majority white though.
King of da Homeys
If they could only free themselves from Nigeria
Fucks like the people on this board have made sure this doesnt happen anywhere thats important...then they make fun of blacks for not having any power in the western world. Really stinks the pink
Ethiopia is literally the only one that comes to mind
maaayyybe Jamaica, don't really know much about Jamaica just never heard it was a hellhole like Somalia
They were slaves.
the only successful civilizations in africa were because of the white minority living in that doesnt count
Running this motherfucker into the fucking grave!
The Masai.
yea and a glance of Wiki shows that Whites have quite an influence on Jamaica
>Tha Homie
It's like pottery.
Stop embarrasing us, nigger.
black egyptians were the last rulers of egypt before things got destroyed. kek.
>obama is black
When will this shitty meme die? His mother was white. That makes him just as much white as black.
maybe Wakanda, they can claim that.
and there is no proof for that.
She was a jew!
and george zimmerman was half spic,but that didnt stop Murica from calling him a white guy
Oy gevalt !
sandniggers are actually half nigger and half kike, so while they are good with money they are also extremely violent and prone to making rash decisions
Das rite. Holy shit.
America is run by kikes actually. Obongo is just a figurehead
>implying Zim Zam didn't become an honorary aryan after slaying the kang
does that mean chicago is filled with honorary aryans
Pre-colonized Rwanda, Somewhat Kongo, Interesting the case of the Zulu, Ethiopia was pretty interesting, also since ancient age various kingdoms in Nubia, the Empire of Mali, probably Ghana and Songhai too...
asking the real questions
>implying zim zam wouldnt be lynched when the day of the rope happens and white americans take their country back from the minoritys
killing a nigger doesnt grant you the title of being an aryan
now killing a million niggers,that might grant you the title of being an honorary aryan
Higher on the HDI than a whole slew of white countries including the often praised on Sup Forums Poland along with Lithuania, Latvia, Portugal and Croatia.
inb4 Sup Forums BTFO
Yea, I know, it needed to be done, I just did it by myself.
Cap this for future reference, Sup Forums has just been eternally stumped, you fucking racist bigots.
Trinidad and Tobago is pretty decent too.
how about you relize the ones on the bottom of the list are the worst out of them all,which proves my fucking point