I think we broke liberals. Just found this on my feed.
I think we broke liberals. Just found this on my feed
>White women
Top kek white men. Get your shit together and control your fucking women.
the more I browse Sup Forums the more angry I become
write "cringe" in the comment section
You finally did it, pol. I fucking hate women.
Smack her in the face
her poor mother on suicide watch
Giving women the right to vote was the first step to our downfall.
yeah man that word isnt used nearly enough
Why is that white cunt culturally appropriating a proud POC culture?
Is this, dare I say, cultural appropriation? She needs to check her white fem privilege.
Take her out on a drink. Fuck her drunk brains out.
>Slowly start the red pills by your attitude towards niggers and sand people.
If your not man enough get a red pilled friend to do it. She may even lure some other retarded girls back to the cause.
>I told her Muslims can't just "take off" their identity
But not even all Muslim women wear hijab. What is she talking about???
You'll get over it eventually. I'm at the disgust stage. Just pure disgust at these horrible people, they don't actually fucking care, they just care about thumbs up on instagram. And they'll sell out their country and history for a few likes
>my muslim brothers and sisters
You're nothing but a western whore in their eyes, you fucking dumbass.
These fucking white bitches, I swear.
>white women
Where do I get a light skinned latina instead?
I thought the internet would advance human progress.
Stupid me.
10/10 would fuck
I keep trying to defend and see the best in white women, I wish they would try ti help
At first I always got angry but know I can laugh about it, especially after the Trump victory and all the butt hurt of fucking leftists in the US and Europe.
She is pretty hot, I'll give her that much.
What a brave, brave young woman
Argentina, Southern Brasil, or Uruguay.
Never met one who wasn't a raging bitch to her man. Idk how Hispanic men deal with that. Maybe that's why they're all drunks.
I wonder what her Dad had to say about... oh never mind.
Why do hispanic women always turn into angry bitter assholes?
do this
>not knowing mudshit women only include the hijab in their (((identity))) bc they will get beaten, raped, or killed if they dont
i think the only way to fix libs is to have them actually go visit other countries in the world so they can see how utterly shit they all are
Being 4'6, bearing 15 children and weighing more than the entire family combined does that to a person
She looks pretty qt
I consider all white women as vapid, slimy, selfish, treacherous, actively disloyal, virtue-signalling cunts until they prove otherwise. I've been hating them for about 5 years now.
This is just virtue signaling. She doesn't actually give a shit about the muds. She's just using them to make herself look like a good person.
In fact, she, like many who go so far out of their way to virtue signal like this, is probably one of the people most likely to be suspicious of muds and is over compensating because she feels guilty
agreed White men are the most cucked race cause everyone can get their women in order except nigs. Shit even Paco has his bitch in line
I hope she gets raped by a muslism "brother" .
i'm going to ask out the first white chick i see wearing this shit and then im going to feel really bad when she wont date me because i'm muslim
Cultural appropriation
That is a tablecloth
How long until Western women realize that men are dating "boring, not socially active, weird eastern European women"?
All 5th columnists must hang
The when in Rome thing to do would be to rape her, possibly kidnap her to keep as a sex slave in your newly formed harem.
That's the idea. Normies understand it now.
Muslims can't just take off their hijabs otherwise they get raped or stoned to death
Yah, this shit is making me so angry I'm concerned for my heart health
>source: my ass
It's funny because it's true. Since their spineless fathers did a shit job of raising them (if they even had fathers and weren't raised by a empowered single mother) they only way to fix them now is physical violence. And we go to jail for that, so that's not really an option. They are simply irredeemable at this point.
>wears hijab to support Muslim brothers and sisters
>accidentally gets deported to Middle-East
>explains the mistake to Muslim brothers and sisters
>takes off hijab
>executed for being infidel
I'm excited for things to come full circle in such a fashion
Shame, ridicule, subversion, manipulation. Their self-esteems are absolutely pathetic.
Remember, we da jooz now.
And the Japanese are the most cucked culture on the planet. Their women are discouraged from working after marriage, so many simply don't get married. And many of those who do don't have children, leaving it to their man to finance a lazy, extravagant lifestyle while he slaves away at the office for 12 hours a day.
And even should the couple have children, the salaryman culture is so strict, he gets to see his kids about as much as a divorced father in the US. And then the government has the gall to complain about the birth rate.
Just wait until she gets fully enriched in Muslim culture. She's in for a real treat ;^)
On the bright side it might save her from a terrorist attack when an Akbar tries to bring down the plane
That's cultural appropriation
So are trumptards saying that white men should be more like ultraconservative muslims?
Beaner here (legal, suck it and get lost spics). Have had a thing for bitchy women as long as I can remember. The "villain" woman in every romantic comedy are always the ones I've been attracted to. I didn't know why until now; must be our genes. Need to find me a latina soon
The color of her eyes is just beautiful
The glassy stare behind them is just frightening
reminds me of that American Dad episode where Stan moves his family to KSA. The daughter is caught walking around outside without a male escort by the morality police and as she's running away she screams "I respect your culture!" and the policeman's reply is "die, whore!"
Yes. Maybe the rest of their culture is retarded but they are on point when it comes to keeping women and the poz in check.
Sweden just stop
I bet the women raped in Cologne don't feel this way anymore. :) The simple, yet painful and inevitable solution is that women will once again collapse an aryan civilization, and there isn't much we can do at this point to stop it. We've awakened just a few floors from impact after leaping from a highrise building, and can't remember why we jumped... or were we pushed? Either way, it doesn't matter.
At some point in the future, because of the cyclical nature of time, a new "Great Britain" or "United States" will exist. The question that interests me pertains to how we can codify this downfall into legend, shouting it as loudly as we can into the future so these mistakes are never made again. ...but, ultimately, because of the cyclic nature of time... there is no way to stop it.
Ride the Tiger senpai
That's a Colombiana in the pic.
I'm married to one very similar.
>Idk how Hispanic men deal with that. Maybe that's why they're all drunks.
That's actually a very good point. They will try to improve you, whether you want to be or not.
Personally, I prefer Jack Daniels.
I know what you mean
Years of watching mecha anime has given me a boner for hot blooded personalities
No culture has more of that than Latinas other than maybe Italians
>i identify as a female isis fighter
Thats a 1000 cock stare
How do liberals always manage to get social issues precisely ass backwards?
>I'll combat 'intolerance' against muslims by adopting a symbol of their subjugation of women, while ignoring the fact muslims are killing non-muslims at alarming rates throughout the Western world
nice post brah, ride the tiger
You wrote "liberals" but you meant "women" and the reason is because they believe their opinions are valid because we stopped smacking the shit out of them for opening their mouths.
soo i dont understand how people can be this brain dead, retarded, fucking brainwashed. wearing the hijab is basically a law enforced by MEN. it forces women to cover their hair because it is too "arousing" essentially, supporting the hijab is supporting sexism and the idea that women should NOT be allowed to make their own choices. so this whole thing makes me (reeee) harder than anything else.
Everybody in this thread is overreacting, shes misguided but idk why people are talking about physical abuse like that's the answer
when social media attention whoring plus virtue signaling meet.
Yes. Comment #iamnotacostume # culturalappropriation
>having a jewbook
is that opossum dead or just playing dead
What comes after anger and disgust?
The reactions in this thread are not specific to this insignificant nobody, user. The reactions are directed at yet another confirmation of the growing sickness in our civilization. This confirmation is merely symptomatic of something much bigger.
...and the reason physical violence toward women is necessary is the same reason its necessary toward an unruly child equally ignorant and incapable of reason. The men who build civilizations work hard doing so, and don't have time for disobedience and disrespect for authority. The tantrumatic squabbling of women and children is a nuisance, not a plea for understanding. It is an emotional appeal that cannot be penetrated with reason or education (with rare exception).
Physical violence is an assertion of reality, as contrasted from the whining and crying of women and children. Applied judiciously (of which only men are capable) it is the only form of "argument" necessary, and the only resonse they are entitled to.
I'd have a good laugh when mudslimes beat the shit out of her.
> being that desperate to be fucked by arab
What was that one story? Some chick from Europe said she was gonna hitchhike across the middle east or some shit and ended up getting raped in some muslim country before she finished her journey.
Someone send a link to that article to the chick in OP
This has to be fake.
Post a full screenshot.
Idk man I just don't think people having the wrong opinions justifies violence
wait till you guys get to the "I understand we'll win in the end so i'm going to laugh at these autistic fucking retarded liberals"
Nah, they've always been this retarded.
You're looking at it. Everything we do is digital from it's inception. This record will never die
in b4 she gets physically attacked for "immodest behavior"
The day of the rope.
Rake as well, unfortunately.
nah they love this shit, a dirty kaffir eating up the taqiyya?
lol you don't understand them at all
>muslims cant "take off" their identity
wtf does that even mean
You know how I know this is a stupid idea?
Because all it takes to start a war in a country where hijabs are normalized is a fucking monkey who likes to steal.
She should wear a burka
Do they not think it may be offensive for them to wear it considering they are not muslim?
Also I would fuck the shit out of her.
If your identity is reliant on the clothes you wear, your identity is laughably weak
She must be fucking a Mussie.
Women's ideals, morals and ethics are completely situational
>I told her muslims cant just take off their identity
I was about to call her out on that since people can just leave islam.
Given that there's a death sentence on that in a lot of muslim countries, I will give her that point