Is this true?

Is this true?
Or are they retarded like us?
>inb4 niggeragua

explain what is 8ch

seems like i need to go to 8ch. hope theres less leafs there

8ch are pedos and we're all shills getting paid by the Trump campaign.


Cripplechan is infinitely more retarded than Sup Forums because cripplechan is full of moralfaggot pseudo-redditors.

somewhat true but the place is infiltrated with a lot more shills

All the nazi roleplayers are retarded

You are rich arent you?,

8gag Sup Forums is so far up it's own ass that literally everyone is "shill"

No one cares about your wasteland, cripple.

jims in charge now

hotwheels is dead

it's where all the more "serious" Nazis/fashies went to after moot cucked Sup Forums a few years ago.

the plus side is that there's usually better discussions and info there, but the downside is that everyone is super autistic (by our standards) and even more paranoid about shills

I don't recommend 8ch at all, the assburgers are off the charts and they ban you even if you agree with them if you violate an obscure, invisible rule. Literally nofunallowed: the board.
The only good thing in thatb shithole is no captcha and webms with sound.

guy on the left is jewish fyi.

>really makes you think senfampai

could it be because they are in fact, shills. If not directly, then indirectly.

Why do you think rich lefty kids push for communism? because, they feel "guilt" and fall for an idea that is sold as equality, but in fact, only furthers their position of privilege and wealth. And in fact they know it, they shill for communism because they think that they are not rich, when in fact most of them are gold cradle babies. And their families are already in influential positions in government.

The point is, if you are rich, you are a shill, whether you mean it or not.

Just ask OP about wealth inequality.


Look at hitler's half jewish driver and SS founding member.

>really makes you think

The difference is simple. Sup Forums Sup Forums is politically incorrect anonimous forum. 8ch is policitally correct nazi circlejerk.



8/pol/ is basically a tribe of schizophrenic stormniggers and assorted white trash. Literally zero growth post-exodus. Shitty memes, zero debate, and lots of actual Aspergers. Expect jewish info-graphs and a 3,750 word essay posted from TOR if you try to check'm.

there were Jews in the SS

>our standard

you mean reddit?

>You're kidding me

Thats one ugly flag m8

Voldemort was not jewish

also Ralph Fiennes is "Not Jewish or partly Jewish", so that's not true

>better discussions here

I have bad news for you.

also Sup Forums and 2x4chan are both extremely compromised. pm use they both data mine.

im banned from 4+Sup Forums for 3 weeks for a post i didnt even make at a time i wasnt even browsing their site.

How does that work?

I don't wear a leatherjacket, niggeragua.

no seriously though how does that work? Im spooked someone was usuing my wireless so i turned wireless off and am using cable now.
check my 5

>current year

Maybe you've got a new ip which was already b&. My ip changes every 24-48 hrs automatically. Happens.

I even got an ip-range ban on Sup Forums once for a week because of reason.
I could still post from my phone, but not from my home ip nor my neighbours ip.

>current year

cant criticize islam, deny the holocaust or write any "hate speech" anywhere online or the police comes and arrests you.

I would say we are way beyond data mining, KrautAnon.

seems like a pretty strange coincidence. I thought 8x1chan pol was an obscure site. idk
also the post that was banned was just some shitpost of a guy saying he was a jew. Sort of an ironic shitpost. 3 week ban. crazy.

left guy is a degenerate, was fucking jew

come on, post..."heil hitler", I dare you.

this post is written by a shill


Ralph Fiennes is half Irish/ half German

He's not a Jew. Relax with your paranoia

>browsing 8pol and 4pol unironically

Sure is normie in here. True Sup Forumsacks abandoned both long ago for greener pastures elsewhere.
