Left Wing General. Volume 4:
>Why has communism never worked? How will it work again?
The Communist and Socialist ideal has worked quite a few times my friend. For example; Pic related...
As for why it will work in the future, it is inevitable. The internal contradictions of Capitalism cannot stand, as more labor is discarded in favor of automation and outsourcing, the pool of workers and consumers will fall and the people will want their work and production back. Leading to the people wanting to take back their labor in a democratic economy.
>Human nature?
Human nature is abstract, based off conditions one is born into, and things he learns through said conditions.
>How can you call yourselves leftist politically incorrect?
According to Wikipedia's citation of someone named Herbert Kohl,
"The term “politically correct” was used disparagingly, to refer to someone whose loyalty to the Communist Party line overrode compassion, and led to bad politics. It was used by Socialists against Communists, and was meant to separate out Socialists who believed in egalitarian moral ideas from dogmatic Communists who would advocate and defend party positions regardless of their moral substance."
Our general stance on the social justice movement essentially makes it a pariah to much of the liberal elite.
>Gun Control?
We are strictly pro-gun and anti-control here
anti-zionism is the general opinion among the left
>liberals and SJWs
we hate liberals, SJWS and their petty identity politics.
Feel free to ask more, as you see fit.
Left Wing General. Volume 4:
Other urls found in this thread:
Communists have betrayed every revolution they have been a part of.
>Communists and socialists
Wew lad.
All of the people in that pic were fucking death dealing monsters. Communism is shit and the people that support it are shit as well.
Reminder to Sup Forums we aren't libtards. Thank you in advance love a commie
>4 lefty generals up at once right now
Officially spamming
Don't forget to report
Why reject ethnic nationalism?
Is endgame of communism MultiKulti and egalitarianism?
What do communes think of Jews controlling the USSR and communism in general?
Is a revolution even possible now?
What happened to "The Red Scare"? How did it get trampled by all these fags and Trannys?
Also what is Stalinism?
Makes my noggin joggin
stop this copy and paste tier shit holy fuck
>No adolf hitler & national socialisn in that pic
that's pretty much the only type of socialism that has worked. ever
I feel I need to take a stab at this for the sake of the discussion.
The assumption that it is a cultural problem assumes that culture is not created out of the fabric of race and ethnicity.
I think if you break race and ethnicity down you can say that it has to do with environment. So much of what belongs to a "race" culture is determined by the long history of symbiosis with the environment. Ching chongs eat mandarins, Snow nigs like raw fish, etc.. and so naturally things evolve from that.
If you supplement the races with a culture that doesn't belong to their biological history, you end up domesticating these persons in ways that can potentially be harmful, and result in degeneracy. We all see what happens to animals when they are domesticated: weak, smaller brains, out of touch with nature/reality.
So to supplement the races with a culture that is not their own, is asking the WORST of them - don't we already see this in America and other places where this is happening? Are you telling me that it is not negotiable to be racist simply because it is viewed as "hateful" ? I think it can be quite the contrary if you consider that racial "ideal" has more to do with preserving and evolving the better qualities of any given race so that they are in touch with their HUMANITY instead of some theoretical idea about how humans should behave.
Most humans have determined how they want to behave given history, if you simply OBSERVE the races you can see clearly they each have a special way of existing and without saying too much - I think that is linked to their environment where they grew out of.
It wasn't until we gained international policies and started with this immigration nonsense that we started shifting humans around - and what was the result? Race mixed individuals creating a kind of "civilization" where they could exist without having to develop a symbiosis with the environment i.e. they domesticated them selves to live comfortably.
Communism will NEVER work on a scale that actually matters.
Give it up children. It's about time you grow the fuck up.
>>Why has communism never worked? How will it work again?
My God leftists are stupid
>Why reject ethnic nationalism?
Divides the working class and doesn't exist.
>Is endgame of communism MultiKulti and egalitarianism?
>What do communes think of Jews controlling the USSR and communism in general?
either don't give a shit or don't believe it. Either way, most real gommies don't support the USSR
>Is a revolution even possible now?
prob. not
>What happened to "The Red Scare"? How did it get trampled by all these fags and Trannys?
1. edgy to have those beliefs
2.thought communism and socialism automatically meant equality
3.popular to have in those communities
4.real commies but still retarded
or some sort of combination of the above
>Also what is Stalinism?
look it up.
I agree mate
>Copy and pasting the same thread repeatedly.
>If I say it worked even though it failed, it worked
>People totally do decide to work for other people while they do nothing because human nature is like abstract bro
>You guys listen we aren't politically correct we are so edgy
>Trust me guys, I love authoritarian regimes but I-I am not authoritarian
>We are anti-semitic too guys we are just like you
>We are above identity politics my fellow white proletarians, perhaps I can interest you in a cowboy hat, guns, anti-semitism, and all of the other things us white proletarians love
Fuck off Sup Forums is a board of peace that dindu nuffin
Why does it matter if races are "divided" by race? Is it because it's harder to get them to co-operate in the factories?
I don't get it, any time I've had a blue collar job, everyone stuck to them selves anyway.
I don't understand this idea of stripping people of their race and their heritage.
I think THAT is what causes people to turn into SJW's - because they have no idea who they are so they have to MAKE SHIT UP to feel better about them selves.
And you claim to reject that? So this problem really seems cyclical.
Just let this thread be in peace
Asking all the commie posters, what is your occupation? The only answer I managed to get from one of you was "writing erotic fiction on Amazon" from some Anglo a month ago in a similar thread.
> Leading to the people wanting to take back their labor in a democratic economy.
In reality what will happen is a government mandated decrease in population or we will be working slave wages competing with chinks and indians for penny wages.
>Asking all the commie posters, what is your occupation?
Like commies work...
I get paid to put floride in your water and spread brain control gas via crop planes
>divide to working class and doesn't exist
Isn't ethnic nationalism a uniting force for the working class? Can we really not have communism in one country?
I miss the USSR.
>that png
I get that it can be a circle jerk, but in all my time browsing Sup Forums, I've never seen a leftist make a compelling argument or post.
I always check out /leftypol/ threads to see if there's something interesting, and I'm always disappointed. No good thoughts, philosophy, or anything. Its always just "nuh uh it failed because muh CIA"
That being said, no way I'm going to
>Why does it matter if races are "divided" by race?
Because superiority/inferiority complexes start showing up
>I don't understand this idea of stripping people of their race and their heritage.
I have no problem with people celebrating their culture. It only matters when feeling of superiority show up.
>I think THAT is what causes people to turn into SJW's - because they have no idea who they are so they have to MAKE SHIT UP to feel better about them selves.
nah, most black SJW's are of the KANGZ type and they really believe it.
I help my ma and my pa sell shit.
>Isn't ethnic nationalism a uniting force for the working class?
not really. If there are huge amounts of nationalist sentiment in say, Germany, Gypsies wouldn't feel united with normal Germans.
>I won't bother reading books because the few times I've gone to leftypol they seemed dumb, therefore all leftists must be dumb
And living comfortably is good for making $$$
but why does it always seem that this comfort leads to degeneracy? It's because it is ignoring human nature. People also feel comfortable being proud of their race not taken away from it.
There is no way to feel human by supplementing the identity with the machine.
The machine has to be worked, the human cannot be FUSED to the machine. You are asking people to be trans-humanist and that is why these things precipitate in identity problems and people wanting to turn into trannies, other races becoming violent, people becoming fat, etc... And you might say that these problems exist naturally, but what I'm saying is that they are exacerbated, and left untreated, and OVER REPRESENTED!
How can communism/socialism support such mental illness? How can if function without the racial axiom?
I don't see a place where it does. Children being brought up by the state in a identity-less culture have problems with them selves because the racism we see today is a result of people not knowing who they are so they can approach each other in an egalitarian way, without having to throw away who they are.
So you end up with racism anyway, and when you outright ban it, people start acting out.
None of this shit makes sense.
The whole ideal would be much better with then racial element, and then it would seem to me that you have NATIONAL socialism, instead of this side step, this theoretical thing that argues with the very existence of human nature.
Go here instead pls, someone already made another thread.
What do you think about immigration and nationalism? How to fix birth-rates? How to preserve families? What role do tradition, conservative values and religion have in socialist society?
I'm this guy right here, thx for all the help comrades. I'll check those sources as soon as i can
Who else /tankie/
I'm here to join your ranks!
Well why do you think those feelings of inferiority come up?
Don't you reason that it is because supplanting the host racial identity with a theoretical one doesn't really tell them who they are?
Don't you think being ignorant of who you are would cause you to think about others in a way that is harmful, because not knowing who you are causes a kind of paranoia about the "other"?
Your argument about the kang thing doesn't make sense. That would be dis-info and a result of not knowing who they are.
By censoring the racial aspect, you are censoring their identity, and leaving room for some strange shit to take place.
People want to be proud, but being out of touch not only makes them angry, but delusional about who they are.
>What do you think about immigration and nationalism?
Closed borders are absolutely necessary in a capitalist world. I've already talked about nationalism in my previous posts.
>How to fix birth-rates?
Stop this selfish and hedonistic culture perpetuated by capitalism.
>How to preserve families?
Stop this selfish and hedonistic culture perpetuated by capitalism.
>What role do tradition, conservative values and religion have in socialist society?
>"Human nature is abstract, based off conditions one is born into, and things he learns through said conditions."
always makes me kek
>Don't you reason that it is because supplanting the host racial identity with a theoretical one doesn't really tell them who they are?
Sub saharan africans have rarely accomplished anything throughout history. Imagine if your identity was tied to your heritage as a sub saharan. Wouldn't you feel like shit?
>Don't you think being ignorant of who you are would cause you to think about others in a way that is harmful, because not knowing who you are causes a kind of paranoia about the "other"?
I don't think identity and heritage has anything to do with each other. Returning to the africans, wouldn't others use the lack of accomplishments to discredit their people?
>Your argument about the kang thing doesn't make sense. That would be dis-info and a result of not knowing who they are.
Ah, so you're saying it's better to have them talk about slavery all day?
>By censoring the racial aspect, you are censoring their identity, and leaving room for some strange shit to take place.
heritage isn't identity
>People want to be proud, but being out of touch not only makes them angry, but delusional about who they are.
Again, do you really want people to complain and talk about slavery all day? That would wound race relations so bad. Oh wait. It already has.
It's true. We aren't animals mate
Why exactly are communists opposed to Nationalism (and national socialism, national bolshevism, etc)
Weren't all the third world socialist revolutions partly nationalist?
I wish somebody would do a better job defining what you're trying to fight for.
I like the idea of dignity for workers and farmers, less income inequality, cute waifus in wheat fields, wearing cool ass uniforms and fighting the global finance-capitalist banker power structure.
I disagree with absolute egalitarianism. I also dislike idpol inasmuch as it attacks the traditional family unit. Sorry, but having come from one, I can say the people it produces are less mentally ill and more able to take care of themselves.
I think I'm tankie.
Well, I don't hang out with communists anymore, but the ones I have more respect for are the tankie types-
There's a big difference between someone like Che and the useless hipster faggots who wear shirts with his face on it.
I perform skilled industrial labor at various factories around the country.
Oh thats right Sup Forums is the place where they shadowban, outright ban, censor, down-vote, and have mods alter posts.
Oh wait that's every other part of the internet dominated by leftists.
yes you are
the whole premise of your bullshit ideology is ignoring innate biological inequalities of nature
>fuk race!!! it isn't real!!! here is this gould and lewontin paper!!
All of those places are shitty places to live, fag. If that's your definition of a "working system" then you can fuck off
The errors of the past are not what people should look towards, obviously.
There is much more going on in African history, outside of slavery.
For them to live in the host country, especially now should be more than an apology, especially considering the countries that are better off, are that way, because they simply did it better. I know that might rub some people the wrong way, but that is simply the truth. And we've welcomed lesser peoples into our arms willingly, and graciously.
They should be able to assimilate and in a truly free country exist semi balkanized like the Haitians or the Vietnamese do here in the states.
I don't buy into the argument that "sub Saharan" africans would feel like shit about their past because it was tied to their heritage. Your history is only one part of your identity, and to focus on this one aspect is futile and results in animosity at those who placed a line over where their identity begins and where it stops - I.E. the man in control... That inevitably leads to resentment at those who were perpetrators in accelerating that
>we took your heritage, and racial identity away so you wouldn't have to feel so bad about being enslaved by the white man
It's like you guys WANT to stir up racial problems as a way to mobilize these people to unite.
This doesn't sound like unification.
Like, I wouldn't have nearly as much of a problem with gay space communism if it allowed the various groups of humans to preserve their own identities when they form the federation and explore space.
But, it really seems like modern leftism is entirely taken over by a cultural focus, that seeks to break down everything that gives a person an identity, forcing them all to merge into some homogenous mulatto worker caste, leaving them an atomized cog in the economic machinery, and also entirely weak and dependent upon some monolithic bureaucracy to live.
It's like, precisely the kind of people necessary to make collectivism succeed - people who are pious and religious, or hardass shitlords who look out for their own in-group- high-trust, low time-preference, are the ones regarded as speedbumps on the road to progress, who need to be wiped out so we can progress into glorious multiculturalist future.
>Why exactly are communists opposed to Nationalism (and national socialism, national bolshevism, etc)
read the thread
>Weren't all the third world socialist revolutions partly nationalist?
not really. could you name examples?
>I wish somebody would do a better job defining what you're trying to fight for.
We would if we didn't let idpol-tards speak for us
>I disagree with absolute egalitarianism
>There is much more going on in African history, outside of slavery.
it is literally impossible for african americans to look back at who their ancestors were before slavery.
>They should be able to assimilate and in a truly free country exist semi balkanized like the Haitians or the Vietnamese do here in the states.
No matter what you do, your movement is and will always be dominated by pic related on the left
>being this retarded
>I disagree with absolute egalitarianism
user, from the very moment we are conceived on this Earth, we are unequal to other men.
From the very instant the sperm enters the egg, comes a genetic preset for your general intelligence, physical attributes, possible genetic diseases, susceptibility to certain diseases, and possibly even our personality. From that precise moment, you are now unequal compared to others who may have legitimately superior genes, or those cursed to have genetic defects
When you come out of the womb, that inequality is exemplified a hundredfold by your ethnicity, culture, your parents ability to be adequate parents, socioeconomic standing, and developmental upbringing. But even if you were to do away with those, and make them all the same, you would still have that genetic inequality, which disposes itself to general inequality.
The only such society that could truly make itself equal was Brave New World, and they found that doing so was harmful for humanity and instead made itself a caste-system.
One can always push beyond the genetics provided for them. We are not defined by our genes. However, do not say that generally speaking, people will overcome the natural obstacles nature has imposed on them.
Egalitarianism only works in a society free of mass genetic diversity. Absolute egalitarianism is an afront to evolutionary science
> read the thread
Yeah I know the basic argument. These things are ideas and therefore not concrete reality in the same way that a ton of pig iron is. However, people created them, derive meaning from them, and a good many of them would be willing to sacrifice any material comfort for the sake of an idea that truly resonates with them.
> name examples
Cuban revolution started off as nationalist anti-imperialist, before veering towards marxism due to realpolitik. A great deal of anti-colonial revolutions in africa seemed to derive more fro nationalism than socialism- many of them abandoned the command economy post-independence. Mugabe lives a luxurious lifestyle not different from anti-communist tin-pot dictators like Mobutu. (as far as I could tell, Castro didn't do this, so I give him credit for that). A lot of these revolutions also played out along ethnic lines, with one ethnic group accusing another of being collaborators with imperialism (easy to do in africa, with so many ethnic groups). The khmer revolution in cambodia is a good example of this- Pol Pot singled out particular ethnic groups and revolutions (the chinese and cham, I think) as enemies of the state
> I disagree with absolute egalitarianism
Because then you get some dystopian Harrison Bergeron reality (if you haven't read it, it's a great Vonnegut short story)
I acknowledge that a lot of wealth disparity is based upon injustice, but every human comes out of the womb different, and there will always be some resentment towards those who were lucky enough to be born with innate advantages. Humans are not some engineering equation, where if you subject them to the right environment and tinker around, you can teach everyone the same skills at the same aptitude. Some will always be more gifted, have more of a spark of vitality to them, and they should be allowed to shine.
You've done terribly at defending your ideas
Alright to finally answer the question about nationalism and 3rd world revolutions, it's kinda the same thing as what the germans were feeling against the jews after WW2, though not nearly as extreme in many cases.
About nationalism, many don't like it simply because it mostly divides the working class. You can read my posts for more info.
And yeah, I just wanted to know why you disagreed with it/
Hey man, I've been in this thread for a long time now and I'm getting lazy. That's really it.
Yeah, that's kind of my point. What's the difference between National Socialism in Germany and any of these other socialist (with a tinge of nationalism) revolutions?
All of them got pretty extreme and killed a lot of people, and I think that's kind of unpleasant and I generally disagree with slaughtering large groups of people, even though sometimes it's inevitable when people have serious grievances against other groups of people.
So why is it that a lot of these communist revolutionary leaders are seen as 'brutal, but they did what needed to get done' badass cool, and yet Hitler has such a stigma against him?
Did you know that Che read Mussolini in addition to Marxist literature? Gamal Abdel Nasser admired Hitler, but allied with the Soviet Union? That socialists and fascists pretty much sprang from the same ideological root and read a lot of the same books?
It really bugs me that there's this big blind spot where we ignore all the similarities and connections between fascism, socialism and other ideologies. Like, I always get lectured about political theory by people who have only studied one particular viewpoint in depth and only attack strawman caricatures of everything else.
Honestly I'm trolling you know much more about it than me
nigger faggot kike
i'm deriving some sort of enjoyment from this
Bumping because the other thread died
>There is much more going on in African history, outside of slavery.
it is literally impossible for african americans to look back at who their ancestors were before slavery.
That's dis-empowering. Their civilization and identity need to be built upon, not erased. Having them come to understand how little they've done will encourage them and incentivize them to take pride in what they can do in a free country, capitalize on it and band together with people who are like them, so they can enrich their own culture and identity.
with all the money and power we have it's not "literally impossible" this is just an excuse, the work has to be done, even if it's hard to do.
this form of egalitarianism just seems lazy, like, "lets just blanket people under one definition, that will make it easier" ...
>They should be able to assimilate and in a truly free country exist semi balkanized like the Haitians or the Vietnamese do here in the states.
Why? Because they have everything that anyone else here has, that's why. They aren't economically oppressed if the Vietnamese are doing it, with a bit of a push they can do it as well. Being able to group together with your own kind makes being an agent in a foreign world easier if you have some kind of root to ground you.
Other thread died before I could post this counter-meme.
I guess this is the new bread
>we're worse than Nazis
>you should totally try to apply an 1850's economic model
there are legitimate arguments to be made against communism, but Rummel is a faggot making some gay liberal humanitarian argument based upon sentimentalism
Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible
Human intelligence is highly heritable.
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.
Privately, intelligence experts hold more hereditarian views than they express in public.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The average African IQ is estimated at 79.
The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.
The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.
Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.
IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.
IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.
France's IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration
> bread