What is going through Mitt Romney's mind at this moment?

what is going through Mitt Romney's mind at this moment?

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Holy kek. Is this a recent photo?

Romney probably voted for Hillary. He backstabbed America.

Should I tell my wife I'm gay now?

Look at the look on Trump.

I wonder if maybe he just brought Romney under the guise of giving him appointment, only to talk a bunch of shit to him.

>"thus smug orange son of a bitch is going to grin all night..."

"Glad I didn't wear my good pair of magic underwear, I'd have ruined them by now."

I was having a shitty day until I saw this pic.

Trump is the greatest.

Mitt is reaching for his knife in order to fight Donald's increasingly aggressive sexual advances, but Donald, knowing of Mitt's sophisticated upbringing has already snatched it and is preparing something sinister.

>that positively demonic Trump

>Thanks for buying me dinner, Trump!

>I wonder if maybe he just brought Romney under the guise of giving him appointment, only to talk a bunch of shit to him.

The funniest part is how Mittens is perfectly willing to kiss the ass of the person he insulted so much only a couple of months ago, just to keep moving up the political ladder. One wonders how many blowjobs he's given over the years, or worse.

I honestly feel like I'm friends with Trump. It's hard to explain it. It's like we hang out all day on this board and he's the one sending me funny pictures.

Love this picture by the way. I can't figure out what Mit is thinking right there.

I want trump to force mit romney to give a public apology to Trump for talking shit, then Trump throw him to the curb. That would be fucking hilarious

He's thinking the weak should truly fear the strong


Donald's totally touching Mitt under the table, look at their faces.

> I should have worn my magic underpants.

I swear to god, if he makes mittens secstate, I'm going have an anyeurism

Look at this faggot eating his gay faggot food

>I want trump to force mit romney to give a public apology to Trump for talking shit, then Trump throw him to the curb. That would be fucking hilarious

Fuck yeah.

Fuck Yeah, I had to save that pic

Trumps face lmao

But seriously how could Trump fucking give Romney anything? Romney shit on him his whole campaign yet Trump is going to reward him?

To make peace with people who he might need on his side later. We don't need congress fighting Trump because they are butthurt, he needs to MAGA hard for 2020.

Anybody know the site where it rates facial emotions?

Understandable I suppose



He was thinking if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight


>"I dun goofed and I dun goofed bad."


>"Oh yes, big league."

Photoshopped guys. There's a guy out there who's pretty good with photoshop who makes lots of these manipulated images of girls with big bunda. Look at the thigh of the woman in front. Clearly shooped.

>when someone makes a "if you don't reply to this post" post but the image is more interesting so you didn't even read the bait you responded to


>Third place third time around.. I'll take what I can get. :(

>Tell my wife I love her.

big fan of trump.
not a fan of rom.

I will accept there are reason Daddy has that I don't know.

So cutting him slack on this appointment.

>>Tell my wives I love them.


>romney thinking : sam better not have put any of my money into that india based pharma shit i swear to god if he doesnt get me 6% on my investment i will fire his ass and find some one else to manage my portfolio
trump speaking:you ok romney you seem lost in thought
>romney thinking : oh shit how long have i been sitting here staring at my plate
romney speaking: oh yea im fine just admiring the china. its a nice set
>trump thinking: it was bought at wallmart by the help

was hoping that was Ivanka

Me too.


>drinking water in wine glasses

How quaint.

"They keep filling my glass with wine. This isn't funny."

Someone make this into a webm

>We've hoodwinked these dumbass white voters its literally impossible for them realize how rich they've made us



Get fucked nip

Wow, where and what is this?

"I told him I wanted a steak and he just ignored me and kept smiling."

Cossack auxiliaries that Putin brought in to enforce order before the Sochi Olympics beating the shit out of Pussy Riot.

i hope you get nuked a 3rd time

>fork turned upside down

He's signalling that Trump is actually a retard.


Looks like Russian cossack militsya clearing out some protestors or maybe an unauthorized public concert of some kind

>why is Trump such a kikeloving scum?

>implying trump isnt making mittens pay for everything as part of an 'apprenticeship' only to scream youre fired in his face next week and appoint alex jones as sos

fak u

>Yeah he really does burn flags at his rallies.

that ass


great goy


i can explain it. autism.

He should give it to mitt to keep him under control

Take the most influential republican that isn't pence and put him under your boot

The three men ordered a young garlic soup with thyme and sautéed frog legs, and diver scallops with caramelized cauliflower and caper-raisin emulsion as appetizers, according to a readout to reporters.

>frog legs



Mitt really is a coward, isn't he?

>Tfw these don't affect me anymore because my mom died last month

Feels bad


Frog legs is code.

mitt had allot of frog legs.

I'd know that look anywhere


stop this

>yep, that's me

>I bet you're wondering how I ended up in this situation


why? its great underage bait

why would you say that?

I want to smell her farts.


What an awful post

>I want trump to force mit romney to give a public apology to Trump for talking shit, then Trump throw him to the curb. That would be fucking hilarious

I would die laughing. Seriously.

>I honestly feel like I'm friends with Trump. It's hard to explain it. It's like we hang out all day on this board and he's the one sending me funny pictures.
Literally what cult members say about their leaders


He's scared of what The Don has in store for him.

How dare you call God-Emperor elect a mere 'leader,' you Muslim scum?

And then a day later

"Jeb, I'm considering you for Secretary of energy, can we meet?"

>But seriously how could Trump fucking give Romney anything? Romney shit on him his whole campaign yet Trump is going to reward him?

Trump will receive the ultimate joy of being able to tell Romney "You're fired!" any time he wants.

>t's like we hang out all day on this board and he's the one sending me funny pictures.

fucking funniest post I've read all day

Then after the meeting Trump tweets 'Considered Jeb! for SEOE but his energy was still too low.'

I figure Deputy (or whatever) Secretary would be better. Literally doesn't have the energy to fill the position.


It's a few hours ago

Romney is such a mincing faggot. I can't believe we had Republican 'leaders' like him. It already feels like ancient history and I'm ashamed of our past.

oh wow this one is even better

Good lord

That smug motherfucker



Nip bantz. I like it
