Now that Sup Forums has been successfully assimilated, which board will Sup Forums redpill next?
Now that Sup Forums has been successfully assimilated, which board will Sup Forums redpill next?
We should try and redpill /lgbt/ and /lit/
/r9k/ but they're already sort of redpilled.
I have noticed /lgbt/fags trying to subvert them though.
What about Sup Forums?
Sup Forums's an Sup Forums colony and Sup Forums's always been redpilled
>I have noticed /lgbt/fags trying to subvert them though.
It's completely disgusting that they prey on robots, but I'm not sure that it's /lgbt/. Certainly faggots, but I remember seeing some evidence of reddit as the source.
We must indoctrinate /po/ as our satellite board.
>boards that are /ourguys/
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
>boards that are bluepilled and beyond redemption
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Rest are fair game
We could do this through our numbers alone lmao
Than again, do we want them fleeing their containment board?
Sup Forums had to be the worst fucking board by far. I swear this place literally has zero moderators.
>what was his fucking problem
>watch it Chrissy
>it's a X episode
Derp, we're redpilling everyone even though we are the laughing stock of this site. Wew, lads.
redpilled boards:
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
battleground boards:
>Sup Forums
bluepilled boards:
>Sup Forums
/o/ is next
Fuck it, LGBT board and turn the ponyfuckers away from sins.
Sup Forums is /ourguy/ too
>Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums are bluepilled
bluepilled =/= degenerate. They have a degeneracy problem, not a bluepill problem. as for /soc/, Sup Forums, and /cgl/ they are bluepilled but not beyond redemption.
/sci / would be interesting, but someone would fuck it up by posting unsourced microsoft-pain infographs about race and souring everyone's opinion of us.
Lots of the oldfucks that blow in from 8/pol/ are incapable of subtlety.
/po/ is already redpilled
/fa/ is fine once you remove the women and gays
>inb4 nobody left
anyone who appreciates reichwear like they do has a chance at redemption
but those are the only good threads on Sup Forums
they are incapable of discussing film merits, and instead revert to generals, celeb threads, and BLACKED
throw /tg/ as a battleground board, whenever politics shows up there its always the D&Dbluepilled SJW's fighting the redpilled 40kfags and the grognards whos redpilled via their hatred of everything.
int is basically Sup Forums lite with more banter+local "forums",it's what got me into this board. pol used to be int+robot but it's very high energy now bc of 2016
We must take back Sup Forums. The once most feared board must rise again.
Those lazy fucks sould recognize colors and be get sure CTR Shills dont grow rampant.
I say Sup Forums is 50/50. Besides, when I'm at Sup Forums I don't want Sup Forums there.
The more allies the better.
gotta mass purge the gayfags and the furfuckers, once you do that everything will probably right itself again on Sup Forums.
Sup Forums unironically thought that Bernie Sanders was a good choice for a presidential candidate. There isn't a single board that has more Reddit in it than that one.
Fuck off /lgbt/
Sup Forums is nothing more than a resource-filled land of savages that need not be won over, only conquered temporarily when the resources are needed
in other words, Africa
You will ge blocked and or banned from posting there, but its worth a try.
>get reddited 100 angry post on /fit/ just by the word "nigger"
>our guys
i'm not kidding it's a leftist shit hole, go there and meme now
/fit/ /fa/ or Sup Forums
Sup Forums was such a libtard nest until the election. There will always be lefty insurgents, but thank god the worst is behind us.
/tg/, they have the potential to be redpilled but no support.
If only it were so easy user. Derailing threads as one person is hard enough.
We just don't like women. There's no "redpill" on there besides that. Also pls don't visit. And be my ai gf.
/x/ shills are another thing completely, and also that board it's the real deal, don't send people there if you value their mental sanity.
Seriously you aren't going the get anything out of them.
Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
/gif/ is battleground (literal daily war threads that are basically Nazi threads, interracial threads are 90% flame wars and little content)
/soc/ and Sup Forums are overrun by kids and nonwhites
/lgbt/ has literal faggots
/wsg/ is nonpolitical but most of the autists talking politics there are redpilled
/f/ is redpilled
all ever does is complain about Sup Forums
/lit/ is pretty redpilled with all the right wing philosophers being posted daily
to be fair theres a fuckton of fa/tg/uys on Sup Forums usually and vice versa, its the god damn D&D shits that need to be mass murdered, holy fuck. fucking fat SJW hamplanet shits, seriously them and the god damn WoDfurfags i swear to god.
Your analogy amused me.
We have to gain ground there first.
i mistakenly end up there at least once a week anyway
It's that picture real?
their already redpilled as fuck though, they've been known to post nazi origami when they can get away with it, their probably is their mod is a massive homo,
This desu
I would also say /c/ but she's plenty redpilled too.
A lot of cucks on Sup Forums tbqf
>impblying i'm a faggot when i'm saying we should redpill them out of their own homosexuality
/tg/ brought me to Sup Forums via WH40K.
We gave y'all the "God Emperor" meme.
Sadly no. Putin holding Oklahoma's tie is shooped.
None of those boards our "/ourguys/". You call someone a nigger over there in any other board you get 10000 angry faggots calling you racist and then the mods ban you
>Sup Forums
Sup Forums's redpilled as fuck, they're just the most strictly moderated and most elitist board so they shit on Sup Forumsshit because it's not animu.
That board has done nothing but start shit over the only thing I want to hear is that we're spamming them till they stop coming to Sup Forums.
Sup Forums
They already are redpilled
fuck them i dont want those edgy 13 year old on our side
>replying to all those comments at once
Hello R.eddit.
yes please nuke Sup Forums so I can post my cra waifus
the most bluepilled board on the site currently is Sup Forums so i say we do that one
Sup Forums. We need to oust Redditors there
that's right
Don't shit on /po/ plz, it's a lovely board, and you guys are just mean.
I say it with all due respect.
No one should disturb a good origami thread.
I've seen quite a bit of push back against trap threads and gay posting on /r9k/ recently. Good stuff.
Wrong, they are concentrated into one thread. Most of /lit/ are bleeding heart liberal women overdosing on blue pills. If you say anything right wing you'll get 20 you's calling you a troll. They can't even handle it.
Fuck off /lgbt/
We may have an influx of reddit there, but this is easily the most reddit board of them all. I'd take a guess and say 60-70% of this board alone is from r/the_donald
You'd get banned, pruned and shit on for cross linking reddit on Sup Forums.
There's at least 2 or 3 threads a day cross linking reddit on Sup Forums.
Really makes you think.
>spending hours every day fapping to degenerate hentai and wasting your life watching cheap cartoons for children in a language you spent 3 years unsuccessfully trying to learn to so you can have more fap material
Sup Forums is not redpilled. They are the most hedonistic hobby board and literally don't care about anything outside of their hobby. Every once in a while they will post anime characters with maga hats or anime with nazi uniforms but it's all just a part of their kinks and fetishes.
/lit/ is mosy old school marxists, strasserists, and occasionally agnistic traditionalists
that's not what at all I meant you homosexual degenerate and you know it
Sup Forums and /fit/ should do a join effort to help /r9k/ to get gf
The biggest problem is /sci/. They deny the reality of race.
/lit/ cross poster
stay in your fucking containment board
r/the_donald was a Sup Forums proxy up until mid september when Reddit mods oust the original mods
/out/ is pretty redpilled. Too bad the threads are slower than a tortoise with Down's syndrome.
What happened to Sup Forums? I thought it was bluepilled?
lets take over reddit. or at least shit the place up
It's not about whether they support degenerate shit or not. It's about whether they are nationalist or not.
go for /his/ and /lit/ i say
Tried many times. Banned every single time. Even following the rules is fucking pointless. Also, their site is pure shit.
R/Debatefascism is pretty chill
>taking over a website that's about to be shut down
what's the point?
We tried (r/the_donald) but fucking reddit jew mods kicked /ourguys/.
I wasn't aware embracing the warp counted as redpilling
>they're just the most strictly moderated and most elitist board
It used to be that way but crossboarders have invaded. The mods are quicker on the draw for Sup Forums shenanigans but there are Sup Forums threads sticking up for hours, days even
How do you define the different colors of pill, Sup Forums?
Classic redpill meaning
Classic bluepill meaning
leaning towards red, but not totally a redpill
like pinkpill but leaning towards bluepill
totally in the middle
Libertarian leaning
Totally ambiguous or hard to define
You're a faggot.
there's only two pills in the matrix underaged newfag.
>fag pill
I know which you are user.
Idk, /tg/ seems largely impartial. Most of the sjw faggots I've seen on there get btfo as soon as they bring up shit, but I haven't really been active in too many threads, mainly wh40k, go figure. They'd rather get /comfy/ than discuss politics it seems.
This is what's wrong with the world faggot
You're reddit and you always will be no matter how ironic you think it is to make your own circlejerk sub. Delete your account.