How do we preserve this great American tradition? And how do we convince millennials, beans, gays and nogs to arm themselves?
Gun ownership rate on decline in US. How fix?
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We've already fixed it by voting trump, no worries
Most places that don't suck don't require you to register your guns. These numbers are all made up bullshit
ownership is falling because of mass incarceration and revocation/infringement of bill of rights.
mandate participation in the Civilian Marksmanship Program by schools
>Gun ownership rate on decline in US. How fix?
>he believes the (((Gunpolls)))
It's not, we just lie to anybody that asks us and sell millions in private market.
We are buying more guns than ever before, the government just has no clue where the fuck they are going to end up.
>Hi, I'm so and so with the faggotville census would you like to tell the government how many guns you own?
>"fuck you"
Ownership does not drop as positive views of gun ownership rise.
The sharp decline coincides with the Assault Weapons ban in 94.
Gun ownership couldn't possibly decline so quickly.
In other words, people just stopped answering polls correctly when the political climate changes.
All the people I know who own are in 30s and 40s. Alot of young people don't seem to give shit about gun rights.
Schools should be left up to the local, but offering that should come back, and I mean bigly.
there's no way gun ownership is down
there have been record sales under Obama, year after year
We already have more Guns than People. I'll be getting armed as soon as I leave commiefornia, so you can add one to that.
All guns matter.
Isn't there close to 1 billion separate firearms in the hands of Americans today?
No shit. I've lived my entire life in Chicago. I bought my first pistol at 19. I've never registered anything. I never had a CFP. I carried a solid decade before Moore v Madigan. I've had CFP items and ammo shipped to a Chicago address. Theres no way I'd honestly answer a phone poll asking if I owned a gun.
What's the problem with commieforina?
I literally went to wal*mart for starters just to say that I literally went to wal*mart to buy a gun. Just so I could feel USA.
What is it like owning a gun? I mean are you not tempted to go out and kill the filthy cunts who prey on people? i.e drug dealers, paedophiles and general scum. I don't know if I could trust myself with a gun, I would more than likely kill someone
you realize that means you're a resident of faggotvile
In my dream America, every responsible household would own at least one firearm. We need to make gun ownership mainstream (even in blue states).
That's anecdotal evidence though, there was some study floating around /k/ for a while that showed that the largest antigun segment of the population was Boomer women and that pretty much every other group either had positive views or did not care.
I am young and know plenty of young gun nuts but that does not matter.
We are buying more guns than ever before and most antigunners will be dead in 20 years.
Call of duty has raised a generation of youngsters that want the bangstick from their videogame.
Don't let CBS, NYT and WAPO try to get you down, they are constantly trying the same "hillary is going to win, don't even vote" in every argument
>hurr you gun rights are as good as gone, just give up and let us take them.
It's deceptive. Men own guns more often than women. Women spend more time single nowadays, their houses don't tend to have guns.
Millennials will buy guns as soon as they have a good enough job to afford it. It's what happened with me and my friends. It's inevitable really - you'll be bored one weekend and will want to go to a range or out shooting with someone. After that you will eventually buy a gun.
The best thing to do is just keep access to guns cheap and easy
Elect more democrats.
I work with high school kids and I can say that only the newly minted party line liberals are anti-gun and its not in their top 5.
estimated 300-400 million. the thing is, a lot of those owners own several guns. that's why the overall percentage of households goes down while the country buys guns in record numbers.
Changes your perspective completely. Honestly was anti-gun until I tried it myself and stopped listening to the (((media))).
What now?
>I don't know if I could trust myself with a gun, I would more than likely kill someone
That's sounds crazy to me, as a burger. But I'm sure it's a matter of unfamiliarity. If you were around more guns, you wouldn't have these feelings. In the USA we have Freedom. Freedom to be able to have the tools to do all kinds of things. The Law is there to make sure everyone stays peaceful.
We have 225,000,000 sales on record through NICS since 1998-2015
Some of those NICS checks are more than one gun because you can buy as many guns as you want with one check per checkout.
It also does not include privately manufactures firearms, the millions bought in 2016 or the millions bought before 1998.
Some of the higher estimations are over 700,000,000.
>And how do we convince millennials, beans, gays and nogs to arm themselves?
Threatening to ban guns usually does the trick.
>16 years ago
The timeline changed, remember?
Well I think we need to help make the case that armed women are safer. Even wrap it in bullshit sjw buzzwords like female empowerment, strong single women own guns etc.
Woman empowerment means carrying a gun.
Xe gets a surgery penis, so xe should get a gun amirite?
We don't. Instead, patriots should have their own armories and when the uprising begins, we will arm the sheep in exchange for their fealty.
Aye you're probably right. Its more than likely that guns so alien to me, that I have these feelings. I must go to a shooting range the next time im in the states.
Free market does what it wants.
If people don't want guns, then they don't want 'em
>source: NYT poll
FBI background checks have been breaking records every quarter for the past 8 years. There's also no way to accurately poll this data because it relies on self reported gun ownership.
Does this include unregistered guns?
Virtually all guns in the US are unregistered guns. Very few cities or states have gun registration and compliance is abysmal.
>we will arm the sheep in exchange for their fealty.
>handing out my babies to sheep
You have fun with that.
This isn't true. My local gun shop is always crowded and there is always at least one new gun owner. All the other trends suggest increase.
Oh, it's just made up nonsense, then.
I'm not anti-gun at all. I just don't know if I could be trusted with one, as another user pointed out, its more a cultural thing, we never see or use guns in the UK, so they're alien to me
>registered guns
It's not the free market that bothers me. It's the media/Hollywood/universities that have demonized gun ownership and turned a proud tradition into something people now have to lie to pollsters about.
Come visit. We'd love to have you and show you a good time including shooting. What's freedom good for if not for fun?
That chart proves people are lying about owning guns. Look where the sharp decreases are. They come right after things like the 94 Assault Weapons Ban. The past 8 years under Obama have been a constant stream of bullshit from anti-gun types. People were afraid of confiscation. You will see these numbers immediately climb once Trump is in office. It won't be because people will be buying more guns, they will probably buying less. They simply will stop lying about having guns.
>I just don't know if I could be trusted with one
Can you be trusted with sharp objects or motor vehicles?
Maybe what I was trying to say is I don't want gun ownership to be a white thing or a male thing or a republican thing. I want it to be an American thing. I'm afraid we may lose this battle on the coasts.
You're romanticizing the idea of owning a gun since it's a foreign concept. A lot of people here buy handguns, go shoot them once or twice, then put them by their bedside and forget about them. Some hunters may take years to go through a box of ammo. After the 'wow, it's a gun' wears off, it's utterly banal for most people.
My bad, I forgot Trump is a Saint that never lies. Praise Kek 1488 epic memes
Hello Nate silver.
This makes sense really. The population of big cities tend to be way more liberal than other places in the US, they also grow faster than other places. So its only logical that per-capita gun ownership would fall as the number of liberals rises, but the absolute levels of gun ownership will always be rising there.
The way to fix this is to fix liberalism, or at the very least its modern interpretation.
I don't own a gun because having one in your house dramatically increases your chance of dying. Nevertheless, I support gun rights and have plenty of friends who could lend me a piece come the happening.
Why would you want blacks and mestizos to arm themselves?
The only way the 2a will last wave after wave of globalized cultural enrichment is if we get good at indoctrinating newcomers on importance of 2a. And a lot of those newcomers move to big cities.
There's no fucking way 30 million people disarmed between 2012 and 2016
I know people here in California with unregistered AR's because they milled them out and built it. Hell, I don't even think my mom has registered her 2 hand guns. How did they get these numbers?
>I don't own a gun because having one in your house dramatically increases your chance of dying
Take some training and don't handle your gun like a retard, they're only as dangerous as you want them to be. They're no different to any other tool.
>being in america
>not owning a gun
>pic related
The obvious answer is less white people.
Suppose its like anything new, the novelty will wear off in time
>owning a gun dramatically increases your chance of dying (to a gun)
>owning a pool dramatically increases your chance of drowning
Funny thing, that.
Public health reasoning is not reasoning, it is literally the innumerate misreading of statistics. We need to stamp this out. Owning a gun does not magically make you less safe. Averaging together completely different people does not point to a pattern and has nothing to say about causation.
Make American Guns Again!
>I don't own a gun because having one in your house dramatically increases your chance of dying.
Are you an idiot?
You do realize that's not how statistics work right?
Just because you have a common factor with another person who would be considered at risk does not increase your risk of coming to the same fate as them.
>retarded people don't watch their kids and lots of little kids drown in pools
>having a pool increases your chances of drowning exponentially!
>some people drink and fall down the stairs
>I would never live in a hime with stairs!
>sub 80 IQ mongoloids shoot themselves, get into arguments, etc etc etc
>hurr guns increase your chances of being shot!
Obviously you are not going to be shot by your own gun if you don't own a gun but simply owning a gun is not going to get you shot.
If however you belong to the poor retarded drinking class go ahead and continue thinking that way.
You buy it, shoot it a few times a month/once a month, and put it away. It's like owning a fire extinguisher that you can use if you feel like spending money.
Still nice to know I've got something if shit hits the fan though.
Whites are well on their way to becoming a minority in this country. Only way to save 2a is big tent.
Probably just the shit economy. Everyone's too busy being poor to buy guns.
The overall trend is probably due to urbanization.
It's pretty legit. You feel like you have a shot at holding the castle. It puts my mind at ease. I couldn't imagine enduring all the modern socialist/commie bullshit, AND knowing the population is forcibly unarmed. You see where all that peace and love propagand a led? Fucking murderous niggers, pedo rings, and muslims everywhere. The socialists are sick perverts that peddle fantasies to pacify you.
You're more realistic with it when you actually have one. Life doesn't work like an emotionally charged movie.
Just give me a year, I'm a broke college freshman at the moment.
You'll never be as good at indoctrination as (((they))) are, so that puts that plan to an end already. The only way 2a will survive is if people genuinely have big enough balls to fight for it. If not, then 2a is on death row.
Cuck mindset.
Every man should at least own a pistol, but the this is nu-males aren't really what we would describe as a man half of them own their own personal hair drier and carry lip gloss
>You buy it, shoot it a few times a month/once a month, and put it away
>not trying to feed it as often as possible and cuddling them every night
Gun abuse is not a joke.
Its happening because more people are moving to cities and are forgetting how to fend for themselves.
Also minorities have much lower gun ownership rates than whites. We all know how many minorities are in the states these days.
Just looking at the two issues as separate. Curbing immigration can be pursued at same time as explaining 2a to newcomers who came legally.
Not really. Given current trajectories whites are going to be a minority there really soon. It's about 62% white right now, not including Hispanics as it usually seems to do. All the while Mexicans, Africans, Arabs, Chinks and so on are flooding your country. It's not defeatist or cuck, it's realism.
You'd probably just put it in a closet and take it out twice a year to clean and oil it. Only crazy people walk around fantasizing about vigilante shit.
>And how do we convince millennials, beans, gays and nogs to arm themselves?
We could violence them.
I can't bring my guns onto the train when I work and am gone for 4-7 days.
Replace the word guns with dogs and people would be calling the police on you.
Find a gunsitter.
If people interacted positively and directly with guns in any capacity, the anti-gun sentiment would die off quickly.
Most people are afraid of guns until they actually get to a range, are taught by a reputable instructor, and feel that awe-inspiring recoil from a firearm.
It's like watching this video and suddenly guns aren't so evil.
For stupid pussies that are scared of guns, they probably waited until they were in their thirties to start driving too. There's no helping them if they're scared they'll blow their brains out at the first sign of trouble or actually think they'll intentionally end a human life while they're mad.
whites in decline
guns in decline
And I think you can explain 2a to gays while still thinking traditional marriage deserves a special place in society.
Brilliant, I'm sure the mestizos that made ciudad juarez and the crime gangs that have turned guatemala into a hellhole will intuitively understand anglo-saxon norms about self defense and legal responsibility.
In fact, we should permanently shackle their political ambitions towards ours so that we have a permanent class of third world peasants dictating policy for the people that were able to land on the moon.
>Don't resist that at all goy. You have to become brazil.
>Reported gun ownership rate on decline in US.
Nobody that I know has guns, and I certainly don't have guns. I know a lot of people who used to have guns but lost them. I accidentally flipped my boat with every single one of my guns inside. None were recovered. Very sad day.
>>Don't resist that at all goy. You have to become brazil.
No, I'm not saying to just sit back and watch your country blacken. I'm saying that accepting the reality of what is happening isn't a cuck thing. You can only fix something if you accept the problem, right? So if you continue on ignoring it and calling everyone a cuck for pointing out the problem then you'll never fix the problem.
I never said we shackle ourselves to anyone. I'm talking about minority outreach on guns alone. Still oppose amnesty, open borders and all illegal immigration.
>traditional marriage
Libertarian here. Do you social conservative types even realize that gay marriage ceremonies were already legal before this even became an issue? Religious freedom has always allowed for the religious side of marriage to be gay when gay people want to do that. The debae about gay marriage was always about the legal side of marriage and had nothing to do with defending religious sanctity of marriage at all. The religious ceremonies could ALREADY be gay marriages regardless. The debate was about marriage CONTRACTS, a legal issue and not a religious one. I'm not sure whether social conservatives don't realize this, or if they do and just want to confuse the issue by bringing up religion.
>not opposing all immigration
You sicken me.
Then again, if you stopped getting immigration your economy would collapse. Same goes for us.
Obama needs to give Trump some pointers.
He was the master at selling guns.
>I don't own a gun because having one in your house dramatically increases your chance of dying.
You realize this is literally impossible, right?
>reported households with guns
Can't fool me.
>I accidentally flipped my boat with every single one of my guns inside
What the fuck is with boat manufacturers these days.
You put any guns on them, and they capsize.
It's getting to the point where I'm scared of the water.
Or are people less honest about hot button issues in political polls?
Giving outreach to them legitimizes them as your country men and as citizens. It's transparently obvious that they're incapable of adhering to anything resembling the 2nd amendment in their home countries and they oppose it here.
This is a microcosm of their problem with the politics of white americans more broadly. They don't practice the same politics as whites do in their home countries or here. The presence of minorities in the US is essentially equivalent to the han chinese in tibet, russians in the baltics states, or the protestants in northern ireland.
More people ought to take a gun safety course. In fact, every American ought to take one
Well, he can't shoot himself when his favorite contestant loses on Celebrity Whatever the Fuck.
I honestly don't give 2 shits about the entire issue of gay marriage. But groups like pink pistols help 2a cause. That's what I think is important.
old people dying, boomers being anti-gun, and the pro-gun youth being smart enough to stfu about owning guns.