I've actually gained respect for the man now. He just went in with no lube about this bullshit double standard with Hillary "not accepting" the results of the election.
Joe's a fucking madman
Mika is "Biased"
>woken up
>Joe pls stop
Its called damage control
they are at the bottom of the barrel in ratings so they see which way the wind is blowing
never forget
>joe is joe
>stahp joe
>please stahp
Mika seems distraught
Joe was a Republican when he was in Congress, and he and Mika were pretty much fawning over Trump this summer. Not sure why the relationship went sour all of a sudden but seems like they're coming home.
Fucking amazing.
Jesus, the video title.
MSNBC was getting harassed by every libcuck that watched the show, then he pretty much had the nomination in the bag so it was time to go complete shill for Hillary mode.
To many reddit fags jumping over bringing the collective attention span down to levels lower than the usual autism.
wtf I love the narrative now
Sorry faggets we won't be shilled to
>white house press secretary
Is he, I dare say, our man?
he has always been our guy, he just keeps his powerlevel in check
>joe... joe... pls stahp... joe...
he voted for trump didn't he
>joe please stop
I bet she's not the first woman to say that.
Mika has a headache.
Common side-effect of unintentional red pill consumption.
Holy fuck. We need to see more of these low life hypocritical fuckers get called out like this.
You can tell she wasn't able to accept the blatant truth, but it was still satisfying to watch.
Oh god, at the end
>...please stop
He is official based as fuck.
the cognitive dissonance fucked her up
He's one of the few people on that station that seems like he "gets it".
It's like a fucking comedy skit.
This is the best election cycle ever.
Joe is pretty legit
>(((media matters)))
No he was a shill for Hill from the beginning he's just trying to cover his ass
This happened this morning, he started going nuclear on Pajeet Brock here
He likes those Slavic chicks
Is the blonde there only for eye candy?
>what did bill daily say?
>quote immediately available upon demand
this was a dog and pony show you retards
it was scripted
>Joe Pls
>Pls Stop Joe
No shit moron, that was the point
No you stupid cunt he's calling out hypocrisy in his own party. Stop thinking in such binary us vs. them you dumb fuck.
>falling for the bait
joe is joe
lol you fucking retard no shit. he can see what is coming up on the telepromt
totally forged reactions
Being scripted doesn't matter if the argument of "there is a double standard at play with Hillary Clinton" gets out to the people who take the mainstream media seriously.
she is the daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski
I will never get tired of winning
The exchange was scripted, the tirade at the end may or may not have been.
This is getting out of hand.
I literally can't believe what I'm seeing. There must be scriptery at work.
fucking great
The people voted for Hillary. They don't have to accept shit.
Joe has a real problem on his show that he needs to fucking let people finish their sentences. Unless they're obviously shilling. But there was a clip posted today where Mika just wanted him to calm down and stop shouting in her fucking ear for like a minute or two.
WTF Joe.
What did he mean by this?
>Joe has a real problem on his show that he needs to fucking let people finish their sentences
pretty sure thats common with most interviewers unless its been rehearsed. they only have so much time in a slot and there's certain things they want their show to go over, while guests can go off on tangents or talk too long about a single thing
m8 when you have a very limited amount of time you don't want to waste it letting some faggot talk
Haha, never noticed the Checkem towards the beginning of the video. Love it.
It never ends
fokin chryst
God Mika is a hole
Same. He's given the lefties more than a few red pills to swallow and I appreciate that. It's what they need. They can't be in denial forever. If they do, the DNC will die - no buts about it.
It's a script kiddie right?
Joe fucking hates this guy they always bring on kek
that's a good thing faggot
>p-pls stop
>that video
>this thread
>mfw my name is joe
kek that hair
Legit or not, WOKE AF
What does it mean
I like how she gets BTFO and literally doesn't have an argument and just goes "P-please stop... I have a headache... shhh please stop."
This woman actually gets paid to be a talking head? Pathetic.
You broke the chain user, how will you repent?
What did he mean by this
What the fuck??
>let's bring in some new people here
What did she mean by this?
shitlording so hard, he deserves some news shoes
It's a news show that talks about about different relevant stories of course it's scripted otherwise they wouldn't really have a job.
> Hillary gives a concession speech and goes to spend time with her family
> Jill Stein raises money for recount from idiots
> Hillary camp says they don't think it's going to change anything
>Some people don't realize this is scripted
Oh I am laffin
So why the "oh joe pls stahp"
He's just reading lines...
This nigga looks like Kanye West at age 50
damn joe even rips into his hair
Kanye hasn't made it to 50 bud
It's like Polnareff and that Indian lady from part 3 had a son
stop it already
Because acting.
Not even good acting.
>Please stop
>I have a headache
>Please... please
Feels good man
Joe pls stop
i dont think she even disagrees with him, i think she just wants him to stfu and follow the script for the program
i love this
>that name
Its like they just kept throwing shit together so they can make more names where in the English they're like fuck it you're smith, too, what about him, fuck it you're cousins whatever just go away.
I find Mika incredibly attractive for some odd reason
>I've actually gained respect for
he's decently been /ourguy/ before, so he's either a good dude or a good actor, or hopefully both
He meant Trump will never stop winning, obviously.
Too good to be true
why is david brock in blackface?
lol you guys are like days behind on everything with the most visible board.
This is a last ditch effort. Network takes the fall, while this "hero" drags them all out of their own shit show. The truth must never come out, even at the expense of the entire network, while this guy will get a major bonus if they make it out alive.
I've always liked MJ, even in the heavy shill against Trump days. :^)