>Board made up of mostly nazis
>Allows opposition to freely speak
Board made up of mostly nazis
Other urls found in this thread:
>made up of Nazis
Nobody here is National Socialist in the slightest.
We're not Nazis, we just hate non-whites and degenerates. I'm not into socialism.
Because banning free speech would make us leftists.
Ethnic nationalist policies in combination with protectionist economic policies and competent trade unions is not necessarily opposed to free speech. In fact, upholding American values such as the bill of rights is directly compatible with nationalism.
Lefty ideas are so shit they can't compete on an even footing.
this user is correct
Totally correct actually. Closest thing we have are cringe Neo-Nazis who don't even know what National Socialism is.
Because national socialis is just the strongest argument and it takes on all other idealogies better than Hitler himself could as proof by his getting BTFO
>Dr. Himmler, I'm NSDAP
Stuff like this doesnt make one feel good
It makes logical sense
Have you even been to /nsg/?
jews can be entertaining
Free speech is not real
>hurr stormtards aren't the real deal!
are you complimenting the real NSDAP then? are they something to admire then? in which case, we're in the right.
You're on a board where you can freely speak faggot. You just have to come with a plausible argument and not some stupid fucking by-line or an illogical argument with facts willingly or unwittingly omitted.
You actually have to present a case to this court because we deal in truth here. Facts. And not your god damned feelings.
Not really. The second you give a dissenting opinion you're told to fuck off or kill yourself. If Sup Forums implemented vote bans any of us not "alt-right" would be gone.
I'm nationalist and socialist
not a nazi, tho
really makes you think
I sexually identify myself as a National Syndicalist tho
You mean the general that is 50% Hitler and NSDAP memes and 50% "RACIST NAZIS GET OUT REEEE!" ?
Stormtards are Jews.
National Socialism isn't the NSDAP. The NSDAP is dead.
Kek proves ya wrong, leaf boy.
1/3 of the thread is links to resources about the ideology
Hello good sir, you seem to be lost, allow me to assist.
The Stormfags are just as alien to us as the Clintonistas. It's ok. We know how to deal with aliens in these parts. You just get a sharp stick and a container of your beverage of choice, find a good place to watch, and let them go at each other.
Use the stick to rile them back up if they start to get tired of it.
>1/3 of the thread is the OP
Whether we are nazis or not remains to be seen.
But we have no fear of letting the opposition speak because they destroy themselves. Or values and ideals are self evident and self sustaining. So we have nothing to truly fear because in the end we know that Sup Forums is always right.
What's your point?
>>Allows opposition to freely speak
But I speak the correct type of speech, any dissenting speech should rightfully be censored, as a fascist you would agree with me, no?
I already made my point.
>not Mengele
Hitler wanted those pictures destroyed you fucking faggot.
Board mods have officially stated that non fascists have a right to speak on this board
>The Stormfags
how fucking new are you faggot
leftypol out
How does the rich amount of educational resources about the ideology in any way prove your point that nobody on Sup Forums knows what national socialism is?
>National Socialism isn't the NSDAP. The NSDAP is dead.
post of the year
>NSDAP wasn't National Socialism!! It was, u-uh, leftism!
Sup Forums is a board of peace and knowledge.
Just because Autists post some inane garbage every know and and then,doesn't delect us from our main objective:to have superfluous objectivity.
Because it's always coming from like 2-3 different guys, while the rest are Hitler and Nazi Germany memes and shitposts.
You're retarded.
I like to larp as a nazi on Sup Forums but I am really a libertarian nationalist
we have no choice. also allowing free speech allows us to argue with people and convert them. when u are the opposition, u support free speech. when u are the establishment, u don't. simple politics
yeah you can say whatever you want here
that's why people come here, and that's why this board is generally white nationalist
because any argument against white nationalism is untenable when viewed in light of history and statistics
welcome friend
Maybe because everything people think they know about "nazi" is a lie. This is a free market of ideas, only the best shall rise to the top, the rest get shit on with facts, frogs and smug animu grils.
>while the rest are Hitler and Nazi Germany memes and shitposts
According to you.
A wicked lie from the leaf.
Being told to kill yourself is a sound and well thought out recommendation for therapeutic self improvement.
You should not look at gift horse in the mouth when offered such sage advice pro bono.
>You're retarded.
another great post from a scholarly dude
I'm not a nazi, but I would rather live under Hitler than Stalin.
Your statement would be correct only IF the assumption of us being fascists is correct. Which as user pointed out, isn't the case because you can have a dissenting opinion provided it is backed up with evidence or logic, and not MUH FEELINGS.
>According to you
Well I am the one saying it.
I think you're just reading a little too much into my posts.
If you're German then it's a choice between paradise and oblivion.
Not if you were a faggot, nigger, or hebrew you wouldn't. Great for us. Not so great for them.
wrong, your numbers say otherwise
Do you think once Sup Forums gets the utopian fascist state it dreams of it will keep free speech and democracy?
>I think you're just reading a little too much into my posts.
But being a fascist does mean your correct....
>Well I am the one saying it.
And you're wrong. The thread alone that I linked had more serious active discussion then all of the generals currently in the catalog combined.
Don't end your questions with the word "no"
Any time any place, bitch.
Somebody post that Trump gif please
Do you understand why people respond to generalized OPs with other generalizations? Because that's how you communicate and have discussions about these topics. Naturally you and I don't know how many legitimate NatSocs there are, but I can without a shred of evidence claim that the good majority of posters on this board are NOT NatSocs, and I'm extremely comfortable with that assumption.
>The thread alone that I linked had more serious active discussion then all of the generals currently in the catalog combined.
Yeah, and go and look in the archive and you'll find dozens of /nsg/ threads that are pruned before the 6th shitpost can be posted.
Go ahead and articulate your grievances because I really just think you're confused. Nowhere am I saying was the Nazi Party not National Socialist.
We just call them shilling cucks and leave it at that.
They'll get what's coming soon enough.
I will slaughter you
>Free speech is not real
ikr? the herd just parrots whatever the top sophists say and thinks he's done something of value, something he should have a right to.
Because truth doesnt fear discussion
Latitude: -2.32362, Longitude: 32.43680
Come get some.
Because the people who moderate Sup Forums are not nazis. Or at least they are accountable to people who are not nazis.
If you implemented some sort of Reddit-like community moderating where people could delete posts if they got enough reports, I guarantee that people would abuse it to delete posts that they disagreed with.
But fascism is truth. When leftist speak all by WANT is a reaction not a discussion, hence why they should be censored
>Do you understand why people respond to generalized OPs with other generalizations? Because that's how you communicate and have discussions about these topics
No, responding to strawman shitposts with other strawman shitposts does nothing but drain the quliaty of the board.
>I can without a shred of evidence claim that the good majority of posters on this board are NOT NatSocs,
I agree, but that's quite a bit of a step backwards from saying "Nobody here is National Socialist in the slightest".
>you'll find dozens of /nsg/ threads that are pruned before the 6th shitpost can be posted.
Usually happens when there are too many /nsg/ generals posted one after another.
>I agree, but that's quite a bit of a step backwards from saying "Nobody here is National Socialist in the slightest".
Yes, but it wasn't a strawman but merely an exaggeration not meant to be taken seriously. If I say "nobody does _____ anymore" I don't really mean nobody does blank anymore, really I mean barely anyone in comparison to the majority of people blank.
>Usually happens when there are too many /nsg/ generals posted one after another.
Usually happens when shitposters start shitposting and Neo-Nazis only interested in Nazi Party imagery inhabit the board in great numbers.
this absolute fucking madman... he did it for the fucking lulz
>If I say "nobody does _____ anymore" I don't really mean nobody does blank anymore, really I mean barely anyone in comparison to the majority of people blank.
The amount of blank would have to be so small in number that they hardly create any noticeable presence within the majority. This is not at all true for NatSocs on Sup Forums.
>Usually happens when shitposters start shitposting and Neo-Nazis only interested in Nazi Party imagery inhabit the board in great numbers.
Because we know our arguments will always win.
Because freedom of speech is a god given right. If I were to advocate to the contrary I would be no better than the liberal tyrants you see infesting our society
because the Nazis don't own the board, genius. this place is 100% free speech
And? If they are so wrong let them speak and make a mockery of themselves. Point at them and laugh. Humiliate them with their awful arguments. When an argument is not participated in but rather shut down it gives credit to the censored and gives the impression that the censurers fear what they have to say. That is not the case they should fear us.
>doubting this place isn't populated with complete retards
What's a noticeable presence on Sup Forums to you, the amount of posts you sift through on a daily basis? You have the numbers?
God is not real but power is
I respectfully disagree on the first half of that statement
>Board made up of mostly nazis
lol, are you fucking stupid?
If "Neo-Nazis only interested in Nazi Party imagery inhabit the board in great numbers", then /nsg/ would be great in number of individual threads and speed and low in the amount of quality discussion, which is the opposite the current state of things.
Socialist confirmed
HA! A leaf! Get him boys!
Sup Forums is a multicultural board of peace and tolerance
it's called National-SOCIALISM for fucks sake
fucking leafs
I think you're just affirming your own confirmation bias. Need nobody explain that this board is a cesspit of stupidity with a few drops of sanity.
You can be National Socialist and not against free speech.Not even sure how the economics would work if you couldnt speek against your boss.
The holocaust didn't happen.
But the Einzatsgruppen did.
The day of the rake will come.
>You can be National Socialist and not against free speech.
Nope. Commie literature and Pornography must be banned/ burned. People who promote the jew must be silenced. Althought the Ashkenazi can help out I they promise to cuck the jew in their lineage.
Here is a fact.
The Nazi's lost.
Hitler lost.
Maybe if you listened to the people who destroyed him you would learn something. Adapt. Find what went wrong.
Zamasu wouldn't let this kind of thing happen. Zamasu actually got shit done and genocided the inferior race.
The idea is to use your power to squash any kind of speech counter to the ideology that is going to save your country and people.
>burn books about fucking children from the place that invented the term transgender
>get labeled anti-free speech for 70 years
He wasn't a socialist though.
>reason for not being a NatSoc is because you're not into socialism
>I don't like ice cream because ice is hard to chew.
That's what you sound like.