Tfw Sup Forums ruined Canada

Fuck you guys. Canada is one of the top 5 highest posting countries and you destroyed it with
Now most leafs have just given in to the stereotype and post stupid bullshit because nobody takes them seriously.

Bravo, you turned 10-20% of our posters to garbage

>Bravo, you turned 10-20% of our posters to garbage
Its the other way around....


its just a meme, itll fade out just like
>poo in loo


How's your vacation in Niagara Falls, Doug McKenzie?

>implying we didnt already shitpost

some of you burgers are alright, dont come to Sup Forums tomorrow

>Sup Forums make fun of Australian shitposters, they get progressively better overtime and attain "Classic" status, well-aged after many years and always getting better
>Sup Forums make fun of Canadian shitposters, they rapidly become the worst in like 2 years, and universally reviled

Sup Forums is not the problem here.

Most leaf posters are fucking retarded. It's not like nigs became lazy, stupid and prone to crime because we called them nigs.

nah, leafs actually make shitty posts and deserve it, poos are innocent.

Yeah okay pajeeto.

To be fair, they worked really hard to earn that reputation, so you really shouldn't feel too bad for them.

You need to realize that the most superior cultures are those that don't take things too seriously

Look at American negro or hispanic culture
Way to serious
You bump into someone accidentally, and it's a lethal offense. Kill that fucker because he disrespected you

Hot temperatures lead to hot temperances.

You just gotta chill and roll with the shitposting.

There's a reason why the old Scandinavian cultures had so many wacky festivals
They didn't take things too seriously
Too bad the Swedes got infected by white American social justice

The used to know how to have fun. Now the Danes are superior. The fucking Danes .

>tfw your shitposting comes full circle.

For a few months there every single fucking thread and/or post by a canuck was stupid trash bait and butthurt stupidity. They've earned their reputation.
But I have been seeing better performance lately.

We fucking elected the king of cucks. Leaf is too kind.

RIP Mike Brown (PBUH)

>(((white))) American social justice

and I'm pretty sure Denmark is the bedrock of Western civilization and all of her achievements m8

or they could just, you know, not post stupid bullshit.

It's a choice m8.

Blame CTR for hiring so many Canadians to shit the internet up.

They shitposted their fucking asses off for Hillary Clinton.

Denmark is a country who doesn't know whether to be shit Swedes or shit Germans

Long ago they were based
But all the based Danes went to England and became, God forgive me for saying this, English.

we deserve it....

Cry more faggot. No one calls me a leaf. Maybe they can tell I'm not some uppity maple nigger with tears of 'gibs me dat's in my eyes. Try posting in the spirit of the board instead of being a high horsing bitch.

>be leaf
>post insightful and well thought-out comment
>"hoayaho good post leafster"
Yeah, they COULD, but they're a fucking joke if they do. Of course 99% of them become shitposters


I know it's leaves you faggot, leafs just looks much better

no point in not making shitty shitposts instead of regular shit because no matter I post its

>a fucking leaf

ive literally posted the same shit under different flags and no one says anything or they just respond normally.


Leafs earned their name

Sounds better too



no op they were always garbage.

lol that monkey is sitting on his balls

>tfw I fed the flames of Leaf hatred
>tfw I started the "Day of the Rake" meme

Control the memes, control the planet

If you can't handle the bantz, there's always reddit.

t. skin of aged leather lined with kevlar and superball bouncy reactive armor