Suggestion: Replace all Prisons with Mental Health Institutions

How is this not a great idea. Criminals aren't bad people, they are mentally ill. So why don't we replace all prisons with mental health institutions where we can treat them. Also mental health institutions are also much better at preventing suicides. Prisons don't give a crap if you kill yourselves while mental health workers train hours on how to prevent suicide. Suicide in prison is one of the biggest problems in this country and mental health institutions can solve that. Tell me what is wrong with my idea.

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It will cost more money.

why stop there?

replace abortion clinics with churches and schools with military camps

Lives are worth more than money. I don't care if it bankrupts the economy, just cut the police funding

>clinics with churches
Churches are anti-abortion tho

>Sctools with military camp
Military is racist and sexist, what about people of colours.

Why even punish them, really.

Because it's easier to hate and kill than it is to heal OP. People are upset about their lot in life and love to take it out on people who they feel has offended against their society.

Is it wrong to kill someone who's brain doesn't work properly? Yes, yes it is.

Does it feel good? Yes, yes it does. As hard as it is to admit it, killing during war feels amazing. Blood lust is a real thing gentlemen and if you've never felt it, consider yourselves lucky.

This. I actually didn't expect Americans to be so open minded.

Money grows on trees
Trained psychiatrists and mental health nurses grow on trees

I really, really, really like your post

Ok you're a troll.

Also it would cost 0 dollars since Bernie Sanders was going to make healthcare free

it won't fix the vast majority of them

if criminals could really be fixed someone would have worked it out already

Canada delivers, is that you Trudeau? You are a true champion of humanity, a great leader for our future world.

Except the cure has been hidden by republinuts who think punishment is better. IDK who passed the 3 strikes act but whatever republican did that needs to be educated. Hillary Clinton was going to stop that but Drumpf got elected

>being this fucking retarded and delusional

I actually served in the military and people kept cracking jokes about my ethnicity.

So do you have a point, or are you a pussy who can't handle bantz?

Enjoy living in the 50s. Meanwhile the rest of the world will continue to use the word "special needs"

Trudeau's migrants making fun of you because you are white?

Fuck off pussy. I am saying we can have military but we need more anti-bulling laws. I'm Italian and people made jokes that I looked like the arabs in Afganistan. If you ever seen Hacksaw the Ridge the Italians in that movie went through the same thing

No it was whites making fun of me.

Anti bulling laws are a fucking joke

How would you like being constantly told you are worthless?

Already called worthless and guess what? It doesn't bother me because its a fucking word

government provided healthcare doesn't mean it costs zero, indirectly their must be a budget acquired through taxation.

Well if you were educated in mental health you would know words can hurt and be even more harmful than physical injuries.

Well I specialize in mental health, not economics so don't blame me. I leave that shit to the politicians.

So attempt to rehabilitate them by treating them like a person? No way that could work, prison is about punishment and retribution. Not trying to help people

The government does not exist to help its citizens, its to punish them for being stupid

Anti bullying laws can eat a fat throbbing cock you worthless moron thank god america has the first amendment

Doing away with privatized prisons would be a good start.

>Hello user, we've created anti-bullying laws to protect you from feeling bad about your self

>We figured you were already such a wimp, that the state should step in, and replace your autonomous ability to self defend

>Don't worry about having any mental fortitude, you won't need it

>They AREN'T just words! Now you can be sure to see reality clearly now that we have provided you with some censorship blocking part of it

That shit doesn't work. Criminal behavior is probably largely genetic. You cannot "environmentally condition" people. That's liberal horseshit.

Because scientific psychiatry is not real.
This would be an enormous unjustifiable and uncompensated power grab by quacks. Doubting the truth of any psychiatrist's decrees would necesarily in such a system be itself criminalized. You are also effectively talking about criminalizing political dissent.

OH I see you're a psychology major and you just want your prime minister to subsidize job growth for your retarded major choice

Who will pay the bills for all their needs and pills?

KYS faggot. You're a shame to the flag.

Dude that's pretty fucked up. Treating people well is what our society should be about we aren't in the primal age anymore.

That's why I believe the United States constitution should be rewritten to be a lot more like the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Basically we have freedom of speech but to a reasonable limit, you can't say or express hate speech. So for example you can disagree with Justin Trudeau but if you call him something like a "globalist" like many neo-nazis do you will have a visit from the RCMP

Never leave Canada you pussy.

>Criminals aren't bad people

>prevent suicides
Population is already a problem as it is, let the weak-willed weed themselves out

I disagree. George Soros is a very liberal progressive good man and he runs most of the private prisons and I personally believe he bought the prisons to bring a higher life quality to them. I trust prisons in the hands of George Soros more than the Republinut government of Drumpf.

Mental health experts have proven that words can have permanent damaging affect not just on the brain but on physical body parts as well. Government intervention in bullying is vital and even Melenia Trump agrees.

You are clearly a liberal if you believe genetics has an impact on personality. It's us liberals who believe in genetic determinism while conservatives like Freud believe homosexuality even is caused by environmental factors.

Sounds good, get started on that. Where do you want the busloads of niggers to be sent?

>Lives are worth more than money
Certain lives are worth more than a specific amount of money, criminals are not worth the kind of money you need to build a mental institute.

If you arent just leafposting like I suspect you are, please rationalize your thought. If someone came into your home, or whatever domicile you live in, and stole your stuff at gun point/knifepoint/or just empty handed, raped your significant other, or brutally beat you or even tried to kill you, what would you want done? There has to be some innate sense of revenge in you or you're fucking insane.

>Suicide in prison is one of the biggest problems
No, suicide in prison is the solution.
We should invest in policies that promote suicides in prison.

>It's us liberals who believe in genetic determinism
Wew lad. So will liberals finally admit that race is a great predictor of intelligence?

>Because scientific psychiatry is not real.
See that statement proves my point. If you don't believe in psychiatry in an age with unlimited access to education then you are mentally ill.

>This would be an enormous unjustifiable and uncompensated power grab by quacks. Doubting the truth of any psychiatrist's decrees would necesarily in such a system be itself criminalized. You are also effectively talking about criminalizing political dissent.
It's not criminalizing, you aren't a criminal for having mental health issues. You just need to be helped by the medial association with assistance from your friends and family

There won't be any bills, I already explained healthcare should be free.

Please refrain from using language that could potentially trigger someones post traumatic stress disorder.

>Kill all prisoners
>Immediate death penalty for every single type of crime
>Modify prisons into homeless shelters
>Cleaner cities (Profit)

This thread is full of some top tier leaf posting. Keep it up but as soon as you're done please hang yourself and I genuinely mean that.

please I beg you tell me you're joking, tell me you are portraying yourself to be an lunatic

>Suicide in prison is one of the biggest problems in this country

Not even remotely close to being one of the biggest problems.

And, prisoners are not all mentally ill. Most of them are just dumb. Good criminals don't get caught.

Prison serves a vital role. The problem isn't coddling them in cushy dormatories, it's making it suck so bad they'll do anything to stay out - like not commit crime.

The "rehabilitation" crusade in the prison systems is utter bullshit. It's made up nonsense by liberal twits who interfere where they don't belong.

You want to fix prisons? Make them chain gangs again. Make them crush rocks. Take away TVs and weight sets and conjugal visits and canteens and cooking in their cells. Make them hate every day they have to spend there, and you'll see crime rates plummet.

Suggesting suicide is not a joke. It can cause serious mental health issues and possibly even convince the victim to fall into the act.

You are a pussy, you are scared to leave your conservative close minded bubble and progress like the rest of the world is.

Population in China is a problem, Canada and U.S are lacking population and it's actually a serious concern. That's why we need more immigration, Canada and United States will gain people while China and India lose people.

>George Soros is a very liberal progressive good man and he runs most of the private prisons and I personally believe he bought the prisons to bring a higher life quality to them.

Wait what? Can you give a source on that? Suddendly this thread got interesting.

>Treating people well is what our society should be about we aren't in the primal age anymore.

Then why can't the prisoners be held responsible for treating them well? Tell their victims that they should be coddled, after raping them, assualting them, trying to steal from them, or trying to kill from them.

Oh, that's right, you can't create another victim class if you give a fuck about the victims.


Please refrain from using offensive language. African-Americans are experiencing enough problems with the current corrections institutions as it is, my solution will help African Americans convicted of criminal offenses because deep down they aren't criminals.

They aren't criminals, they are mentally ill.

I would seek revenge, what I would do is look at society and see what drove that individual to committing such an act. Perhaps it was bullying, poverty, drugs, racism, and I would call up my local MPP and ask for a solution. I would then hope that mental health workers would catch the individual who committed the act and do their best to treat him for any mental illnesses.

>Please refrain from using offensive language.

Fuck off, troll.

Mods, kill thread please/

Yes but every criminal shitbag who offs themselves means one less degenerate to deal with in our society

The fact that you suggested that tells me you have some degree of mental illness. Perhaps psychopathy. Although you probably are offended by that term due to negative connotation in the American media psychopathy is actually nothing to be ashamed of, it's a very real mental illness that can be treated with therapy and medication.

Yes. Human genetics is what gives us our intellectual capabilities and our capabilities for mental illness. The human race has superior intelligence due to genetics.

>Turning a matter of personal responsibility into a matter of supposed illness
>Going from a simple standard of lawfulness into an arbitrary standard of 'mental health'

You are literally wanting to turn all crime into thought crime. I wish I could hate you to death for such a stupid pants on head retarded idea.

>...what I would do is look at society and see what drove that individual to committing such an act.

You just said above that you believe in genetic determinism and think that environmental influences have nothing to do with behavior or activity. So which is it? Dont even say that "They have a mental disorder" because what if they dont? What if all they wanted to do was to do harm or get some free shit since they knew you wouldnt do a damn thing about it. Would you accept that they did it because of their genetics and that peoples of a certain race have a higher propensity to commit acts of violence? Because that sounds awfully racist of you...

Please refrain from using the word "lunatic". That word is part of the reason why people suffering mental health issues refuse to seek help. Instead use the term mentally ill because if you use the term "lunatic" or "crazy" you are associating mental health issues with the negative connotation the American media has set.

Suggestion: Replace all Prisons with giant toilets


>prisons don't give a crap if you kill yourselves
That's the good part, user. A lot of criminality is passed down genetically (ever heard of the warrior gene?). When a psychopath is behind bars, he's NOT breeding more mini-me psychopath spawn. If he hangs himself or his fellow inmates introduce him to a sharpened toothbrush, he can NEVER again breed more psychopath spawn.

>TL;DR - prisons are eugenic

>The human race has superior intelligence due to genetics.
So what about blacks vs whites? Who has better genetics?

Better idea: Stop putting people in prison if they don't need to be there (substance abusers especially).

Prison isn't about fixing people or even separating them from the populace, though; it's about asserting state control and creating a pool of slave labor.

>Not even remotely close to being one of the biggest problems.
It actually is. America has one of the largest prison populations and prison suicide affects nearly 100% of inmates due to thoughts of suicide, suicide itself, and seeing other inmates take their own life. If you lived a less fortunate life you would see what I am saying.

>And, prisoners are not all mentally ill. Most of them are just dumb. Good criminals don't get caught.
Please refrain from using offensive terms like the word "dumb". If you wish to describe the condition of having a lower IQ please use the term "learning disability". That word is the reason so many people with learning disabilities have trouble admitting their disability and seeking help.

>Prison serves a vital role. The problem isn't coddling them in cushy dormatories, it's making it suck so bad they'll do anything to stay out - like not commit crime.
You are speaking a very vengeful attitude to society, perhaps it is mental illness. Do you mind telling me about your childhood? Were you abused? Were you bullied?

>The "rehabilitation" crusade in the prison systems is utter bullshit. It's made up nonsense by liberal twits who interfere where they don't belong.
Again, please refrain from using offensive language

>You want to fix prisons? Make them chain gangs again. Make them crush rocks. Take away TVs and weight sets and conjugal visits and canteens and cooking in their cells. Make them hate every day they have to spend there, and you'll see crime rates plummet
I am sensing some display of psychopathy. You probably were offended I use that term though you need not be. The American media has portrayed psychopathy in a negative light but the truth is psychopathy is a very serious mental illness and is nothing to be ashamed of. It involves a lack of empathy and a sense of anger towards the less fortunate.

I would love to discuss this more but we are talking about mental health issues right now and socio-rehabilitation.

>Then why can't the prisoners be held responsible for treating them well? Tell their victims that they should be coddled, after raping them, assualting them, trying to steal from them, or trying to kill from them.
Because it's not their choice, they have mental illnesses. You can't expect them to act like someone who is not suffering from mental illnesses.

Depends on what your opinion of each gene is, and every trait that comes with it. Koreans are master race though.

Please refrain from using offensive terms like "degenerate". That word is why many homosexuals, substance abusers, transexuals, heavy drinkers, and mentally ill people have trouble coming out. You associate them in a negative connotation.

Okay -

So why is that the states job, and not the parents. This creates a disconnect between the identity of the child and it's parents.

Do you think it's a fail safe to prevent dumb parents from neglecting to teach their children not to be pussies?

Why isn't there an effort to educate instead of outright banning human nature?

I know bullying doesn't feel nice, but people need to be taught how to deal with it, not put into containment chambers.




We are talking about Soros owning prisons that promote inmates to be threated as menthally ill people. That's very interesting.

You have a learning disability.

There's no cure for being a nigger.

I raped your daughter.
You dont want justice?

What I am suggesting will soon be public thought due to compulsory college education in the arts (Canada is considering it under the Trudeau government). The law system we have is flawed and treats humans as individuals responsible for their own actions rather than connected to society and with mental health issues.

>Dont even say that "They have a mental disorder" because what if they dont? What if all they wanted to do was to do harm or get some free shit since they knew you wouldnt do a damn thing about it. Would you accept that they did it because of their genetics and that peoples of a certain race have a higher propensity to commit acts of violence? Because that sounds awfully racist of you...
If they didn't have a mental disability they would never have committed the act in the first place. So your case point debunked.

Your humor when discussing a serious topic illustrates possible mental illness. Possibly sociopathy, you may be offended I used that term but that's only due to the American media negative association with sociopathy, in reality sociopathy is a mental health issue that can be treated with medication and therapy.

It would cost trillions of dollars, and psychiatry isn't a real science.

Also, there would be very little holding people back from murdering their enemies to then get life in a cushy mental institution where they can fake any type of disorder to get free drugs

Science has proven time and time again that race is a social construct. All "races" are identical and an arbitrary classification. It is the equivalent to left and right handed people


>there's no such thing as DNA
>black bear and polar bear is different species
>black person and white person same race

pls leaf

Stop using the term "psychopath" in a negative connotation. Socio-pathy is a very serious mental disability that can be treated with therapy and medication. Stop associating it was crime and anything else you personally dislike it. Your attitude is why many people with mental disabilities are afraid to disclose themselves to therapists and their families

We are all one race, the human race. Blacks and whites have the exact same genetics.

oh its that faggot terrone redditr lel

once again

probably anglo lel

Replace prisons with gas chambers
>100% success rate
>fertilizer created
>0% recidivism

Yeah, look at all those dogs. Their race are just a construct, they're actually all golden retriever dogs.

>We are all one race, the human race. Blacks and whites have the exact same genetics.
Okay leaf, that's enough shitposting now. You can determine people's genetic ancestry and what region of the planet they came from based on DNA.

>I am dog breed blind
>we is all members of earf

An enviroment that silence opposite scientific proofs can't create scientific results.

Now let's talk more about Soros owning prison. You seem to know more and i think it's an interesting argument.

Prisons cost more in government spending than they ever make from work-related activity. Don't pretend like they are slave labour, they cost more resources than they produce. They are there because many republicans don't understand empathy and personally I believe republicans suffer from many mental health disorders.

Except it is irrelevant right now. The only reason you are fixated on George Soros is because he is Jewish, which indicates you have at least to some extend racism; a mental illness.

You're shifting the goal posts. There are tons of people who dont have 'metal disorders' as you would currently describe them. Read about the atrocities committed by rank and file soldiers from any army at any time in history. Your argument has absolutely no weight if you look at something happening and just say "Ah they must have a mental disorder because they arent like me". What if their country of origin was so backwards, rife with war, rape, and all sorts of evil and they grew up there stealing to survive. What if they came to Canada and thought "Well if it worked in -insert backwater country here- then surely it'll be fine here. I dont know the language or the culture so I'll just do what makes sense to me" And does exactly what I described above. Then what? You're going to plaster on some term to describe their behavior? Wait we can say that the environment is the cause so naturally we'll just say that they were genetically predisposed because they're inferior, because thats what you mean. Or you'll just say "Ah its because of X, something I just made up today or jumped through hopes to make sense, here take these brain chemistry altering pills". Your argument is laughable at best.

No no no.

You make prison a place inescapable in other ways. Give your inmates all the marijuana they want. Constant flow of weed. Junk food and soda too. No booze, but you can smoke all the cigarettes you want.

No exercise. You do a single set of push-ups and a guard sees it? Locked in the hole for a month with your fingers broken.

No books but all the porn you could ever want.

Weed, cigarettes, junk food, and soda, make docile fat lazy prisoners who don't even have the stamina to cause trouble even if they wanted to.

While they slowly die of diabetes, cancer, and boredom, the rest of us can get on with our lives without worrying about recently paroled, fit, pissed off niggers fresh out of criminal university.

Fuck that; they come out of my prison 350lbs wheezing and stupid. Good luck with a burglary and fleeing from police now.

>Suggesting suicide is not a joke. It can cause serious mental health issues and possibly even convince the victim to fall into the act.

That's the point.

>reputable scientist bill nye

lol you're a fag. If you weren't an idiot you'd ask yourself, if difference in UV light creates different types of skin, then maybe other environmental factors create different characteristics. Alas, that is not the case. I weep for all idiots tonight too

It's not irrelevant. If these concept has been tested in some prisons already it could give some insight of the result of this experiment. What is Soros program about prisons?

>So why is that the states job, and not the parents. This creates a disconnect between the identity of the child and it's parents.
I personally believe the state should raise children, many parents are not educated on the topic of mental illness and raise their children in a traditional patriarchy sense.

>Do you think it's a fail safe to prevent dumb parents from neglecting to teach their children not to be pussies?
Please refrain from sexist language like the word "pussy". The reason that is an insult in our patriarchal culture is because it is believed that women who have a vagina are weaker than men when that is clearly not true. Parents should not raise their children "not to be pussies" since being empathetic and open is not a problem, being a bully and a promoter of hate is.

>I personally believe the state should raise children

So you are showing your true colours you scum. You'll never have my children!



It would not cost a single cent since Bernie Sanders proposed making healthcare free for all including the government.

"Miss Revolutionaries" in bottom right.

I guess I've been trolled softly. Goodnight.

telling people what to do with their kids is something i have been thinking about it is difficult they dont understand biologysapolsky should be making decisions and people like him not fucking politicians

>The law system we have is flawed and treats humans as individuals responsible for their own actions

I have no words for how stupid as fuck you are.

DNA is real. It's very real, however it can't be used as a cop-out to talk about real issues like systemic racial prejudice

Most of these DNA cites are created by racist organizations like stormfront to encourage systemical racial prejudice

Sure they are

I am Southern Italian actually, how did you know?