Is this it?
Can somebody fucking tell me what is the alt-right?
its just a prank bro
its something made up by the media used to group together everyone that doesn't support their agenda regardless of their political opinions
>What is the alt-right?
A strawman pushed by the (((mainstream media))) to lump together and collectively demonize anyone who doesn't swallow their narratives.
Look at the space bar on your keyboard. Now look at the keys to the right of it. See the one that says "alt"? If you use it you are racist.
personally i like more the nationalism of the third position
task manager is facist
Dude we just like frogs and don't like jews. Is that really so bad?
why do cucks always play that annoying cheery music in the background?
KKK+anime+traps= Alt-right
a broad spectrum of anti-corporate anti-globalist rightwingism, until Richard Spencer went full 1488, now it just means neonazi
I just fucking finished fapping. Thanks fuck face.
Why can't I help fapping to a character I hate so much?
Kys youreself
The alt-right is a term created by the left to box us into a fixed idea so we can be easily destroyed
Porn is all she's good for, anyways.
If you want a serious answer to that question, this is the only article I've seen that actually does it justice in my opinion.
It's the movement of peace.
Alt-right are pussies to scared to call themelves nationalist socialists
a term made up by Sup Forums and then picked up b the media
don't know.
it's this.
BLM+Antifa+Kangs=C'mon it's 2016
Holy shit pol is more normie then ever.
The alt right term was popularized by Richard Spencer who heads the National Policy Institute. It is a decentralized movement with prominent thought groups behind it like American Renaissance, the right stuff, counter currents, etc. It is a collection of ideologies that while differing in beliefs, agree on the importance of preserving white identity, recognizing the reality of race, being against egalitarianism and democracy among other things. Check out or /r/altright for consolidated resources and information.
got that shit backwards famalam
no such thing.
You have the far left the left centre right far right.
"The Alt-Right"
are just the regular right.
thats because were not nat soc, you fucking stormfag
nationalism -> good
socialism -> bad
therefore national socialism = part good part bad
a useful prototype to work from, but only idiots think we can implement it unchanged from nazi germany
Fuck off, Richard.
did 16 seconds
>>who the fuck is this?
>>Why is she all of the sudden an expert on politics?
>>nope, false appeal to authority.
get this shit the fuck off my board. You need to start a fucking video off with " i'm a professor of ..."
Fuck off alt lite faggot. Whether you like it or not the rise of the term is traced back to him. Only entryists accuse others of shilling when called out so they can redifine it unchecked. And like i said he isn't the absolute leader of the movement, so who its credited to isn't so important.
while your technically correct, it's still just a strawman argument for the left and media.
It has potential to become a new buzzword like Nazi or KKK if it hasnt already.
20 years from now we'll be able to see who the retards are if they use it as an insult to someone's opinion
My favorite answer so far
You use a dog whistle for Jews and than say they're pushing a strawman. I'm pretty sure National Socialism is gaining ground and it's a danger to western civilization as a whole.
A term made up entirely by liberals and the media to paint Conservatives as extremists and now infer anyone belonging to the 'alt-right' is a neo nazi.
It is fucking nothing and if any of you cucks use it or embrace it you are some stupid fucking goys.
> We're not some 'neo-nazi's you fucking goy.
Do you guys do this stuff ironically?
It's the democrat wing of the republican party.
Trailer trash mostly. They are legitimately too stupid to understand that they're democrats. Every thought in their tiny little brains is spoon fed to them by the media, though they claim to hate the media.
Every four years, they roll out of the trailer and vote for whoever has the most tv coverage. It's always the most liberal candidate on the ticket.
i'm only a nazi in some threads
It's like living in bizzaro world. I can't believe fascism is actually back. I'm not sure how to fight you people who I view as literal enemies of western civilization.
>if you notice that Jews heavily influence the media to better Israeli and make America more pliable to their own ends you are a fucking nazi
People like you will hang first.
It's a part from hillary's campaign we are still trying to figure out.
100,000% this
Convert her. She's pretty, and the new queen.
I would say you threatening my life over a Jewish country makes you by definition a nazi. You're going to to have to get past actual patriots who believe in the constitution and we're just as armed as you are.
this is the alt right;s logo btw
That show was such shit.
Man, terms are all wrong these days.
I know right? Jesus it's like everyone wants to be one unique thing and if you're not that unique thing you're some other term that they call a bad term.
Fuck off, newcancer.
>just as armed as you are
Oh I doubt that
>how DARE you threaten me? All I do is erode the fabric your nation, make people hate you based on your skin color, criticize and belittle your accomplishments, then pretend to be the victim when you call me out!
The Day of the Rope is some White initiated ethnic cleansing. It is a desperate and violent act of desperation to save ourselves from ceaseless attacks that aim to destroy our very way of life.
We will not start this fight but God knows we will finish it.
Just a circle jerk led by autistic men. Nothing crazy
It's only a strawman argument for them in the sense that they scapegoat any dissent as alt right, even when most of the time it isn't. The term has been used in a slanderous way ever since it got attention simply because it is right wing. All the left has to discredit their opposition is claim they're the alt right boogeyman. The stigma is inescapable, so there is no reason to be apologetic about it. Whether or not the alt right label's public perception is inaccurate 20 years from doesn't really matter. All that matters is what the masses believe it has come to represent.
There's no such thing.
Some Madison Avenue /CIA dreamer type came up with it but it has no concrete meaning
This is the alt-right. Ignore the nu-right plebs from reddit and Milo kikeopolis fagboys.
What he fails to address is the JQ however.
you shouldn't expose our secret too often though
sometimes I'm a hilldawg, and a pepe trumper, and a Zionist jew.
just depends on who looked triggerable and vulnerable
No; the neies of Western civilization are the Progressives who keep importing non-Westerners and acting as if straightwhitemales created everything awful and nothing good.
The ills of Western civilization, like slavery, were universal human ills. But the great creations of Western civilization, such as Enlightenment humanism which would eventually spawn ideas like "human rights," are almost unique to it.
As for the constant importation of non-Westerners: since the Progressives chucked the Melting Pot ideal of assimilation for "multiculturalism," every single non-Western immigrant to the West who fails to assimilate completely is a cancer whose descendants WILL metastasize and either destroy the host, or be destroyed. Cf. Spain after the Reconquest; it was worth the time and effort to spend centuries expelling *every last Muslim*.
It's this.
Couldn't agree more. I still don't know why things are this in the shitter right now. When did it even start? 2007?
Sauce on the girl now
The leaf is right.
Alt-right, that is.
it’s the fact that there are two Alt-Rights—and that distinguishing between them is critical.
The first Alt-Right comprises, plain and simple, various breeds of under-educated bigots: a multi-faceted gaggle that hates blacks, Jews, feminists, liberals, globalization, and Hispanic and Muslim immigration, to name just a few of the bogeymen ethno-nationalists have been ginning up fear and loathing about online and off for decades.
The second Alt-Right is incensed by all the same groups, but targets them primarily “for the lulz.”
You all are typically the latter. End of debate.
> Oh I doubt that
Good, please underestimate us.
> All I do is erode the fabric your nation,
You are a threat to western civilization.
> make people hate you based on your skin color,
Propaganda by actual racists. The kind who aren't about speaking freely or make jokes but actually believe they're better than other people.
> criticize and belittle your accomplishments,
Yeah, the fascists waste of lifes are always the biggest givers to society. I'd say they have the spray painting swastika thing down.
> then pretend to be the victim when you call me out!
All I hear from you is crying and projection. National socialists are special snowflakes so leave our fucking country if you don't like free market capitalism.
> The Day of the Rope is some White initiated ethnic cleansing. It is a desperate and violent act of desperation to save ourselves from ceaseless attacks that aim to destroy our very way of life.
We went to war with you scapegoating assholes yet you filth seems to stain even our own country. I'm sure hanging people who disagree with you is your wet dream.
> We will not start this fight but God knows we will finish it.
Just like fundamentalist Islam you theocracy and dictator pushing assholes think you know whats best for others. Over my cold dead hands are you going to piss on the constitution our founders gave us.
or making jokes*
>all this weak ass bait vomit
Congrats. You have gotten to the point I am not even going to pick apart this pile of wet shit of a reply. Pretend that means you win.
Not an argument.
>the alt right are just a bunch jaded sjws who are trying to hijack the white national agenda like jews who steal other peoples ideas because they lost the election and are now looking for a safe space to hide.
Alt Right = anybody who's not a cuckservative of shitlib
Anything from anti-establishment conservatives to full on stormweenies. It's the lefts attempt to sweep a vast array of right leaning and hardcore right wingers into a crappy scapegoat. But ever since we were named, we've only made our voices louder. I don't support spencer and all that crap, but I'd consider myself one of the many sections and splinters of it
Pointy because it is evil.
i can tell a video is garbage by the infant music in the background
It's scientology for race-baiters.
Jared Taylor is an asshole.
Fuck him. Fuck him right in the asshole.
Why tho?
Just look at him. He's a faggot and a profiteer off a brand.
The guys been doing this shit since the 90's, well before it was as popular as it is now
FUCk i want to stick my hard cock down her throat
I'm older than him. The problem is the claim that he's somehow effective or even proactive with this shtick. This type of appeal has only ever been effective by race pimps like Jessie Jackass or Al Sharpton. He claims in a roundabout way.. "hey, if it's okay when they do it then it's okay when I do it". The problem is it's not okay when they do it and the quiet majority is tired of race pimps and the idea of belonging to some sort of 'team'. What's wrong with individuality and independence?