Other urls found in this thread:
>actually doing something
Well that's already different from past presidents
>Trump making presidential deals while not even in office
Holy shit, what a disrespect! The Founding Fathers made a job, not a suggestion. He has to be in that job before he does anything.
This may just be worse than not taking the president's salary or, dare I say, worse than SteakGate
Srs, he may be the hero that we need right now.
He might be a sociopath in it mostly for ego stroking, but he will work for us
I sent Trump a letter saying "Please, Please stop winning. I'm tired of winning!"
The dude wrote back to me. It was a single sheet of Trump Tower letterhead with one typed word on the page. And Trump's signature underneath.
It said "No."
Saving 1000 jobs, but why go soft on the 35% tariff, hes being way too easy on corporate america...
never heard of carrier.
who gives a shit.
pics or it didn't happen, fag
Absolutely awesome news.
Trump just saved 1000 families.
Thats the thing about Trump, he actually CARES about people, wants everyone to be happy. He has said this 1000 times.
Lying ass post pics
Carrier Air Conditioners.
Have air conditioning in your house or are you a nigger?
>Not even president yet and saving jobs already.
>People think he won't be able to do anything when he actually is president.
>People still think the wall won't happen.
Pic related.
>I sent Trump a letter saying "Please, Please stop winning. I'm tired of winning!"
>The dude wrote back to me. It was a single sheet of Trump Tower letterhead with one typed word on the page. And Trump's signature underneath.
>It said "No."
That is so freaking funny. Love it!
Want pics no one give him (you)s until such
This is not a good thing. Carrier is getting tax breaks in exchange.
Reddit was right.
Hi Donald Jr.
>keeping jobs in Indiana
Thanks Trumpbro.
You won't get rich living in this state but it's blue-collar haven. Learn to live within your means, enjoy the low taxes, vote for the right and in return not live in a police state like Illinois (which is with I left).
How the fuck have you not heard of carrier? Are you in some bum fuck part of America that can't afford AC? Jesus.
I'm sorry guys, I made it up. It was supposed to be a joke.
Someone send him a letter exactly like this and see how he'll respond
>Yes good goy, taxes are good for you.
Wtf? Why do liberal like taxes?
This is a very good thing. Cutting a little in taxes to keep a thousand jobs here is great. These workers still will pay taxes, buy things, and not go on public assistance.
Carrier makes some faggot shit. They couldn't carry Trane's balls with a wheelbarrow.
Yes we're not taxing domestic bussiness' to death, how horrible.
ur a faget
And here I thought Sup Forums was for smaller government... ugh.
Nigga you dumb. High taxes = big government.
He's a good man
He travels the world feeding the children
But you don't get that, huh?
You should be beheaded for libel.
8 years from now, the new right leaning and purged mainstream media will mention this as one of President Trumps 1000 best accomplishments on an all day Trump's best accomplishments - Marathon / America is Great Again Special
Are these actual worthwhile jobs?
Like full time, benefits, and livable wage?
Keep in mind he is doing this while he is in the middle of a very difficult transition period. This will be the most productive presidency ever
Can a non-bootlicker redpill me on this?
So what's actually happening here? More corporate welfare that the tax payers will have to pay for?
It's like you fags would rather see the country go to hell than admit you were wrong.
>he never saw a single Trump rally
they are more worthwhile than no jobs for those employed
He probably has dirt on them kek.
...and not only does he possibly have dirt on them and everybody else, the fucking media have used all the dirt they have on Trump and done their best to drown him with it. It didn't work.
So not only does nobody have anything back on Trump any more, he has seen that when people drop the shit on him, it doesn't work.
They have nothing whatsoever on the Madman and have no choice but to actually remember that they have a debt to the American people and act accordingly...
...and to bend the knee.
how is this remotely a good thing?
Carrier was effectively nationalized by this retarded, orange socialist today. Government subsidies of businesses does not remotely belong in a free market. He should make it easier to do business here, across the board, instead of doling out the gibbmedats to his favorites in corporate America.
Weren't there 2100 jobs in total?
Does this mean 1100 jobs are still going to Mexico? Hope not...
You have no idea what went down in this deal. None whatsoever.
in the long run, subsidizing large firms and not letting small firms compete will lose more jobs than the 1,000 that were """"""""saved"""""""""
Another one kisses the ring
Trump just did more for the middle class than Democrats have done in 70 years. Dems BTFO.
The Indy Carrier plant is a furnace plant btw, not air conditioners which are made elsewhere. The more you know...
yesssss goooood
Trump is baaaad, everything he does is baaaad
Don't try to save your country
Those workers are fucking white male Indiana bumpkin racist homophobic Islamophobic transphobic rednecks who probably deserve it anyway...
the fact that government is making a deal with a private business is appalling in of itself. I thought we wanted free markets, not more of the same?
I think we want you to shut your whore mouth and let the big boys deal with this.
yes, because giving Trump a free pass for absolutely not draining the swamp and continuing the same policies as Obama is a good thing?
Actually they are Union factory jobs. Decent working-class jobs.
Company threatens to leave because of Trump, Trump pays them off not to, company stays, Trump pretends he saved a bunch of jobs
So what? Even if that were true, which its not, its still a win for those thousand workers who get to keep their jobs
He isnt even president yet
He actually just threatened to cancel all government contracts the parent company had. They decided it wasn't worth it.
considering they were literally building AC units. yes it's very worthwhile.
Hey your a big boy now! You Finally understand politics. Try anal sex next.
I'm getting tired of fucking winning you guys
HVAC tech here. Carrier and Bryant are both shit. 1000 jobs is just a single drop of water in the bucket. Carrier's Mexico operations are still in full swing.
Would you need HVAC certs for these jobs?
>companies get used to demanding bribes in exchange for staying
>these bribes need to come from somewhere
>can't tax the companies cause they'll leave
>tax the workers instead
>literally taxing the workers and giving their money to the company
>company's operational cost is the same as it would be in the third world
>worker's net takehome pay is the same as it would be in the third world
Yeah, I can't see corporate welfare ending badly at all.
who cares, Oreo and Ford are mexican now crackers hahahahahahaha stinky illeterate white dixie fags hahahahahahahahhaha
he managed to """save""" 1000 of the 2000 jobs that they're moving to Mexico, with the other thousand still going to Mexico
If this is what winning is like get ready for 4 years of tug of war bullshit, protectionism worked out super well for us guys :^)
>set precedent for companies being able to strongarm the government into giving them preferential treatment
>but a thousand jobs!
that's a thousand jobs still going to mexico.
>just 1k
This is nice but... what?
Likely not.
My ex-gf was on the engineering team which re-designed factory and production line configs for Carrier's Mexico plant.
In the US, these jobs were done by part time workers who lacked benefits and even had a separate parking lot.
This was from 2006-2010 fwiw. I'm sure shit changed - but the globalist agenda sure hasn't.
Its optics. I wonder how long those jobs will stay, Trump cannot do anything about economic globalism. As soon the TPP was dropped China said "nice" and called up India for a new trade agreement. They are also talking to South America. Mexico and Canada have started talking to each other too. Russia is very happy since Trump is an isolationist. But all that stuff is more complicated so Trump voters just get happy with a 1000 job headline.
government funded jobs program.
So best case 50% success rate?
oh boy.....
Globalism isn't an agenda, is quite literally the normal evolution of economics in the age of information. People that think globalism is some conspiracy are just gonna get left behind. In a global economy you either get left behind, follow or lead. The US was on its way to lead, if Trump start concentrating on doomed manufacturing jobs that were gonna get phased out then we might get fucked in the future when we can't compete.
Meanwhile Obama is working to fast track H1B workers
>Watched pic related a few days ago
>See this thread
>Not the first time Trump achieved this
I know Moore is not what he used to be but I can't wrap it up my head that back in the day he would've considered Trump a blessing but nowadays he is a turbocuck.
We should e-mail Moore every time Trump makes arrangements such as these.
Corporations are leaving the US because of our high corporate tax rate, I know you want Trump (and as a result the USA) to fail so you can go on your leftist drivel, but it ain't gonna happen, boy! Eat shit!
Trump can do all kinds of shit about economic globalism. All it really takes is trade intervention against China, and China will drop like a rock while the US takes a much more modest - and short lived - hit.
>As soon the TPP was dropped China said "nice" and called up India for a new trade agreement.
And India might be willing to play ball, until it sees the terms of agreement and decides to tell China no. The TPP was China's golden backdoor into the global economy; by killing it, Trump seriously harmed Chinese future prospects.
>cannot do anything
Placing tarriffs is literally all that is needed.
If you think any corporation will willingly leave the USA and its juicy market of retards, you're completely deluded you filthy nigger.
What has Obama actually accomplished that was actually good for the country. I'm quite appalled that I can't think of anything.
is this another of Trump's stunts? those jobs were never going anywhere just like the "deal" he struck with Ford auto.
1000 out of 2100...not good, but better than nothing. Hope this cuckery doesn't continue.
So you want americans to not have manufacturing anymore? Because why? Some chinese worker will die for $.50 an hour?
What do you do for a living? I'm sure some indian will do it for 1/16 your wage, who cares if he still lives in abject poverty, some company will make an extra $50k a year and that's all the matters.
You = (((jew))) = only wants $$$
Carrier confirmed it.
Eat shit
>leader of country has to beg and compromise with a business to keep them from committing treason
can't he just lock them up or stick some CIA agents on them?
sure, get your head out of your ass first, nigger. carrier and others do pr for Trump, and he doesn't bring them up again. this is bs
TIL reducing government-imposed burdens = subsidizing
i have yet to find proof of this even though i think its likely
>Muh PR
>that denial
Oh man...
Got any more whimsical conspiracy theories? eat shit, bud.
I can't wait to read about what Pence gave them to stay. I'm gonna guess "everything they wanted and more" if they got Carrier to give him and Trump credit.
I live in Indiana and this has been all over the news. People here really appreciate. President Trump is already doing great things for our country.
Obviously lowering corporate taxes is what makes corporations stay. Derp.
This. This. This.
Are you being sarcastic?
Its a thousand jobs - whoopdeedo. One job at a time - that's a practical solution for the president to execute
American corporate taxes, to put it mildly, are fucking weird. We have a high statutory rate, but a relatively low effective rate because of numerous deductions businesses can take. Most companies, primarily small businesses, in the USA are also designed as pass through corporations that pay no corporate tax rate. We'd be better off, in the long run, switching to a territorial tax system, raising tariffs on goods from developing world countries, and putting a small tax on certain types of pass through corporations. Right now, big companies in the USA face double taxation in foreign markets because they are taxed overseas and then have to pay taxes when they want to repatriate money to the USA. Also pass through corporations, like S-corps, get legal protections afforded to corporations, but don't pay any corporate taxes. Use the money generated by those changes to lower the rates on corporate and income taxes and cut out loopholes that skew economic behaviors.
>who gives a shit
The people working there?
I know!!!!!!!!! He should just create millions of government jobs with an executive order like obamarama!!!