Weed isnt degenerate

Weed isnt degenerate.

Face the facts

t. Gun Owning, deep south living, stoned trump voter/supporter till the end of time

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ill 2nd that

It is if you're useless and high all day.
It's not if you treat it as a recreational narcotic and you don't have responsibilities that would be affected by your impairment.

Or is it effected if I'm referring to responsibilities?
t. stoned

my dad smoked weed and worked a circular saw all day to keep my family safe and fed.

It's something about the south i guess. imean we have our douchebag liberal stoner types but almost every man ive met that worked with his hands for a living smoked weed. and a good few of them did coke.

>weed isnt addictive
>gonna smoke forever

God I fucking hate that guy

Weed itself isnt degenerate. Theres nothing inherently wrong with enjoying a bowl in the privacy of your own home at the end of your day.
The stoner culture that surrounds weed is absolutely degenerate as fuck and should be purged.
>inb4 200+ posts of DUDE WEED

Mate, heres how i roll.
Morning 0
During work 0
On break, one good puff from my pipe and back to work, im still productive, just not so stressed ( so in theory I am lessening my unproductivity)
After work I go home, set my alarm for the morning, eat dinner, get into my bad, and get stoned off my ass.

"trump voter********SLASH*********supporter till the end of time"

and it isnt addictive, do you like eating your favourite food a lot, or drink a lot because it tastes good?

We keep smoking because it feels good, not because if we go off we go into withdrawels (fun fact! we dont)

I fully agree

>smoking at work
kill yourself

i cant wait to gte home and rip a cone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |REEEEEEEEEEEEEE


I live in California and I support Trump. Take a look at this.

I'm sorry but dealing with bozos who come into the shop everyday, try to explain to me why this gun is better than this gun, or why this gun sucks or rules.

Or best of all! When a fucking dad and son come in, i hand the dad a gun to look at, and have to explain to him, in front of his son, that putting your finger on the trigger and pointing it around is dangerous.

Do not even get me started on the bubbas, oh god the bubbas

Nobody really cares how many brain cells you want to btfo friend. However your constant whining and attention seeking gets annoying, the way you constantly seek acceptance and admiration for a leisure activity puts you on the same level as literal faggots.

Holy shit m8, my stash is never that big

>not a poorfag just dont like a lot of the dealers in town

Think about how big of a fucking base wed get if we just said "You know what the biggest fuck you to big government is? Smoking pot in the DEA's face

It was 10 dollars a gram, 70 for the fourth, and it was delivered to me for free. The medical marijuana system here is a complete free market, which is why it is doing so well.

America will never be great again until cannabis is legalized.

Here in virginia we arent so fortunate. Sometimes resin is all i have

But you know on the other hand here in California we have really bad gun laws. I personally don't know if the marijuana is worth it because it is a pretty shit state overall. I could always use tor and move to a state that I actually like.

Learning the difference between effect and affect will effect an improvement in your grammar (you were right the first time, stoner)

t. Weedman

Weed so out last week. White people have upgraded to opiates. Way to go idiots.

Opioid Addiction Now Surpasses Smoking


I'm with ya bro

>american plebs paying $70 for 4g

I PAY 80 LEAF DOLLARS for 14g of AAA, feel bad for ya guys

It's degenerate being addicted to any kind of escape from reality... being a "recreational user" is a politically correct way of describing you as a weak human being that lacks the mental resolve to handle your own existence..... Definitely sounds like something to be proud of... you cuck.

Who the fuck is paying $70 for 4?

$70 in Canadian pesos, maybe.

Being a Republican is all about having the goverment out of the citizens hair

A free market bare bones government

So I would say if you aren't for legalizing weed you aren't a true Republican

It seems like legalization is such a bi partisan issue then we should be able to pass federally, I'm sure it would happen with more activism and pressure on congressmen and senators I mean 60% of the country is in favor of legalizing and getting rid of daddy government

Drugs and alcohol make you weak. Strive for greatness in the name of western civilization, in all that you do.

effected is used when an action is being done by the subject

affected is used when the subject had an action done to it

>The islamic terrorist effected an attack on college students with a vehicle and a knife.

>The islamic terrorist's attack affected the campus community so badly they needed coloring books and comfort animals.


>confirmed for not working in retail, hospitality, or anything that requires use of hands or muscles
must be nice, user.


>weed isn't degenerate

that's good user! then you must agree with trudeau.

a quarter ounce is not four grams, you literal mouth breathing retard.

>he buys weed in person
spotted the nigger

Are you me?

Stoned gun-owning deep southerner here as well, brother.

>weed isn't degenerate

It provides you with an escape from reality, an escape from reality basically means that you're ignorant and therefore a cuck.

Also it's a nigger drug

hey ur not quentin

I professionally mix and master music and I thought I getting stoned would help. It doesn't, it makes me less productive. A lot of the work I do is technical, so I just end up forgetting where I'm at and it makes it so much harder. It's important to know when and when not to and as long as you're aware it impeding on your work performance, you should be fine. The best thing to do after work is to smoke a J and relax. It's the best relaxation medicine.

you are a degenerate and fucking worthless faggot

I really hope weed causes depression (it does) so you can take one of your guns and shoot yourself

Weed is fucking terrible and stoners are terrible people.

Unfortunately, all signs point to Republicans fighting legalization over the next four years (t. Jeff Sessions)

Weed isn't degenerate. Stoners are.

Changing your mental state / intoxicating yourself is just the kind of degenerate thing the jews naturally want. As they are decended from traveling merchants and gypsies, they were always able to scam an intoxicated people. The jews basically scammed America out of a country

I support legalization of weed and I support Trump. Being the savvy business man he is I know he sees the economic opportunity this will provide.

This, the effects of it won't ruin your life like harder drugs and if consumed in moderation it is no worse than alcohol

This infographic is so fucking retarded that I'm not surprised some 22 year old stoner made it.

Stop lying on your 4473

Then stop calling it "weed", faggot.

You're a moron who has clearly never tried weed. People don't smoke weed to escape from reality, in fact it's more likely that it would be detrimental to that mindset as it gives you a certain sense of clarity that you don't have when sober. You often remember things like embarrassing social interactions you had throughout the day, times you fucked up, and can almost have an epiphany of what's going wrong with your life. I guarantee weed users know more about their own existence than closed minded cucks like you.

>Also it's a nigger drug

oh fuck off still pushing this propaganda from decades ago. Alcohol turns alot more people into niggers than weed ever has.

Like solar power, legal weed is here and increasingly accepted. Economics are the only truth. Trump has said it's a state's rights issue.

The biggest federal issues are getting Congress to let dispensaries use electronic transactions instead of cash. A secondary issue is getting Trump to order the DEA to reschedule cannabis. He can do it with a simple Executive Order.

All of American is on it's way in legalizing it. It is only a matter of time. The sooner the better in my opinion. I'm tired of taking hydrocodone for my crohn's, and reactive arthritis.


I'll agree with that, there is nothing wrong with marijuana and related goodies. Like alcohol, tobacco, shitty food and anything else it all boils down to moderation. Anyone arguing against autonomy should be hung.

With that being said, people obsessed with marijuana and the little culture they've built around it is annoying as fuck. They are the main reason people hate "stoners." Too many crunchier-than-thou kids try to act cool and one up each other. No different than IPA fags, wine fags and bourbon fags. People who obsess over simple shit like that tend to be losers.

Haven't gotten stoned in a couple years, but I used to love getting a little high and doing work around the yard/fields/house/property. Goes well with most any relaxing weekend activity.

Those who think they can stay high 50%+ of their waking time and are still normal are delusional though. No different than an alcoholic who thinks no one notices those two shots of beam they take just to get out the front door in the morning. Perma-stoners are a pretty sad bunch, but again, autonomy is everything. If that's what you want to be, be it.

I basically drove my supervisor around today while he packed bowl after bowl for us. Good thing his shit isn't as potent as the shit I have access to.

> Smokes the lazy Jew

> Not a degenerate

Yeah, OK.

It's fine if you fell for the trap, OP. Many of us did. But it's time to stop emotionally castrating yourself and start paying attention to the world around you.

If you're not White go to town.

weed is degenerate man. find something else to do.

Thanks god I don't live in dunpfuckistan. No one care about weed here

Everything fun is degeneracy. Sex is fun, go castrate yourself cuck.

Hemp is actually an amazing fabric. It defibrillates more than Kevlar which makes it perfect for impact situations.

t. Composite materials engineer.

sex isn't degenerate you cuck, dont compare sex to a plant

one can say the same for booze.

like with everything responsibility and moderation is everything.

Great argument

As much as I am for personal autonomy in most things, the only benefit to prohibition is that it has removed liberal losers who value weed over family and careers in droves and concentrated them in areas of legalization. I know so many loser kids who hopped planes to CO and WA just for weed. They were the dumbest and most unproductive millenial hippy faggots you could imagine. They would rather focus on Phish live shows than a career, family and bettering themselves in any meaningful way.

Agreed stoner culture and the ones 20 and under are making a bad image for use

Things would be different if medical patients and middle aged people unwinding after work were the "face" of marijuana use

But because of that immature stoner culture (and negroes) being what everyone sees that affects public opinion alot

Sex for anything other than reproduction is degeneracy. Literally cannot prove me wrong.

>he buys fucking weed on darknet
Spotted the autistic shut-in

Virtually every people has a long history of taking intoxicants. The Scythians smoked weed and the Aryans took a psychedelic called Soma.

>Believing weed kills brain cells.

>Dude William Randolph Hearst

People are always going to find something illegal to do.

It's more fun.

I'm high right now famm

>>AAA weed

Your monopolized pharmacy weed is mids.

I do admit, now that it's legal in california. I no longer get paranoid when i smoke it. This state finally did something right for once.

or just appoint someone decent as the head of the DEA and let the pro-cannabis groups legally challenge it again
Trump has made it clear he doesnt want to involve himself directly in certain situations but let the respective people take care of it themselves without his interference

Yeak ok, bud... I state that weed is a form of escape from reality, and your rebuttal is that i'm a moron because weed gives you a "detrimental mindset that gives you a certain clarity that you don't have when you're sober" .... How fucking retarded are you....
And yes, I have tried it, and unless you're suffering from strokes, seizures or glaucoma, then you're a weak faggot that can't handle life for all it's hardships... Just like you.

Hemp is useful though you pleb

enjoy cancer

>enjoy curing cancer

I used to like smoking weed. I smoked an eighth of dank every week when I was 20. Now whenever I smoke even a little bit I get super anxious and self conscious and over-analyze the fuck out of everything. I also begin to feel like everyone around me is fake and only pretending to like me and that people are disgusting for being so vain and hollow. Then I spend the next few days after the high feeling depressed.
What happened? Is there a secret redpill in weed?

>inhaling in smoldering carbon
>curing cancer
you're a fucking retard

I hear the same from others, but then again I know a lot of 50+ people that have been smoking their whole lives. Who knows

Sure kiddo.

I want you to get started on the bubbas

you on the right

>professional mix engineer that doesn't smoke weed
how did you even end up in that line of work in the first place? my studio has a rack mounted vaporizer, lol.

It's not fun m8. I even took a 2 year smoking break and it's still the same. I have a panic attack every time I smoke thinking stuff like "look at what you're doing with your life. You're a failure. You're never going to achieve you're dreams. You're going to end up working some eagecuck minimum wage job for the rest of your life."

It's called getting older user. I've tried the insane grade shit they grow now, I've raken dabs of insane shatter and all that shit. I haven't smoked in a couple years, but when I did I would only purposely get good but very average bud.

When you drink do you want to pound shots of everclear? High potency is not the end all, there is such a thing as too much, unless you are a brain dead addict of course or just want to numb out to escape reality.

This user has it right. Damn shame Kek didn't bless you with quads of truth.

I've never actually seen a legitimate argument against industrial hemp aside from "MUH STONERS SUCK DICK LMAO"

Do you have one?

Responsibility is the big thing here. Weed should be viewed as a bit worst than caffeine and much more soft than alcohol. I've smoked weed with friends and the worst thing we did was order 40 dollars at taco bell right before they closed. We got hammered once and we had to call an ambulance for someone because they almost drunk themselves to death.

exactly what happened to me when i smoked. id get so self conscious i would start harshly mocking and ridiculing my personality and become very reclusive

thank God i stopped fucking with that shit

>tfw cucked by the weed clubs
>doesnt grow his own
>why even buy a fucking 215 card anywa

>doesn't know basic biology
Next you're telling that you got major in liberal arts

I used to take dabs too and honestly when I started messing with those is when I noticed the change. I think my brain is fucked and maybe I have latent psychosis or something because last time I smoked I literally only took one hit and still felt the same schizophrenic like side effects.

t. Canada

you need to be smoking something with some CBD in it as well as THC because the CBD is anti-psychotic and will take those anxious feelings away.