The more you know
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Did you know... that all of the founding fathers had some sort of theistic belief, and that none of them were atheists?
The more you know.....
Did you know, they were right to be wary of communism? Senator McCarthy did nothing wrong.
I have a coin from the 1890's with
:"in god we trust" stamped on it
Post it and timestamp you faggot
Just look up the reverse side of a Morgan silver dollar.
Look up morgan silver dollars and the years they were minted faggot. Pro tip last year was 1921. Now take your leftist propoganda and shove it up your pussy
Good. Fuck the godless communist scum that plagues the world. Good white, god fearing Americans will reign once again.
Fuck religion. Christcucks, Jews, Mudslimes need to GTFO this board
most were Masons
>heritage of diversity and tolerance
Why do people just make shit up?
>diversity and tolerance
Nope. Out of the many states, one United States. And also pic related.
digits confirm OP is a cocksucker
We truly are a mighty faggot.
Just a way to hide the one world plan from the start.
>Out of Many, One
>Out of Many, Even More
can you comprehend this you hyphenated 67 gender delusion faggots
E Pluribus Unim was not replaced. In God We Trust is just another motto.
Well clearly we should have done more, because communists have taken over.
is it a faggot if its a bundle of dowels? i thought it only counted if it was twigs
did you know OP was a faggot? why isnt that on all currency its far more useful.
>Senator McCarthy did nothing wrong.
Used to horrify me hearing about it, but how right you are
no they haven't. But they are indeed a pain in the ass and we are in a cultural war
coins were printed with "In god we trust" after the civil war since they're was a resurgence of religious feelings
Dollar bills did not receive it til 1956.
It had nothing to do with diversity. The United States was mostly British back then in origin.
It had everything to do with the transition from a loose confederation into a powerful union.
OP BTFO 2016-forever
I have tons of pre 1956 coins and dollars, they all have this written on them.
I'm not tipping my fedore to you since you got rekt, have a nice night M'lord.
wait, so many now is defined as people of multiple ethnicities, genders, religions and or world views?
I thought it simply meant more than a few. Eg: Many Blacks are clinically retarded. Many Jews are greedy. Many Mexicans are rapists and murderers. Many women are too driven by emotion to be allowed to vote. Many memes are unfounded bullshit.
Yes the term most may be more appropriate in many of these cases however many is not wrong as many means simply more than a few people, places or things. Whether used as a noun, pronoun or adjective.
The meaning of the phrase was that out of many states (or colonies) emerges a single nation. The Jews have tried to change its interpretation in recent years to which I ask, how many blacks signed the Declaration of independence? How many Jews signed it? How many women Signed it? How many Muslims signed it? What about Hindus? Oh, zero? You dont say.... Why dont you tell me more about how the USA was founded on multiculturalism, I'm intrigued.
It's any bundle of sticks.
>Good white, god fearing Americans will reign once again.
should have made it "Deo confidimus", just to confuse and piss off the atheists...
This was before the welfare state existed.
Cool. Explains the whole communist left push for "Out with Christianity, in with Islam."
This one didn't even make me think.
>a french statue has gay shit written on it.
That statue meant Europeans. Not mud-blood filthy mongrels from africa and south of the border.
deistic, retard
None of them believed in the Christian God, because even back then that was obviously retarded.
whats wrong with that
Did you know?
The first immigration law stated that only free white persons could be citizens of the USA?
There goes your diversity bullshit.
I like Christianity, as long as it stays a white organization.
The idea that we are not "who we are born as" but "who we are as born through christ" comes off as very communistic. And if you're white you can't criticize the jews because if youre also christian, your christ is a jew, and that has been used against whites. Problem is the inherent judiasm in communism, and christianity.
But I do like christianity under the dominion of whites. because the same notion of being born again can be self-referential without having to acknowledge the jew - hell it even denounces the jew various times througout the bible.
the biggest problem I have with it is the fact that it internationalizes nations and has an immigration policy embedded within it. Anyone can be born again and so we have all these different balkanized sections of christianity applying to differing races anyhow.
Im confused.
if jesus was a jew he sure as shit wasn't a kike which is the group I have a problem with.
jesus flipped tables and whipped kikes to get them out of his churches, he was killed because he wanted to reform their kikey ways.
As a Christian, can I please just say that Sup Forums does not deserve a place in Christianity. You see our faith as a tool to accomplish your goals. Go be a neckbeard.
Yeah that's why I like it, because it reforms kikery in principle.
but it has this... weird racial quality to it, where you are not your race, but your are a jesus-ian, and not a CHRIST-ian...
It turns people into lap dogs for the jews. So people develop this victim complex, where they feel bad for jesus, and all those persecuted like jesus, i.e. jews.
I can't help but feel it turns people into jews.
what do?
Look, I'm not trying to "accomplish" or "further" an agenda - I'm simply observing the facts.
Who was behind christianity largely? Look at America - what was the country made up of in it's bigger christian days --- Whites.
I'm not saying that because I WANT it to be white-ethno-centric, but because that is who was taking charge of it.
and for what it's worth, it's civilized most of the world and I really appreciate christianity for that.
but christians are not how they were before, and they are now moderate and bend to the left.
They say christ was a communist ---
thus mixing the two when clearly we have on our dollar a request for God...
or does it really mean that we are legion for we are many
really activates my almonds
Yeah, but modern Christianity is based on the idea of, "Love thy neighbor." Islam is based on, "Kill your neighbor if he's a non-believer." That's why American society felt so comfy in the mid-1900s, as Christianity was a common trait amongst most of the general American populace. Removing God from the equation has absolutely had an effect on this country - it's pretty obvious, talk to anybody above the age of 50. I'm not even religious - I just hate this push for Islam acceptance when it preaches everything that drives civilized societies into the ground. It is a cancer on the world.
E Pluribus Unum has nothing to do with diversity and tolerance, it has to do with individual states forming a federal union
I don't have trust in God, I don't even believe in God.
From afar, you Christcucks defending this look like big morons.
E. Pluribus Unum is a hermetic alchemical principal you dumb cuck
>letting Jews stamp their Jewy Canaanite god on money
Nothing wrong with this. Not at all.
That's what I'm saying.
We've removed God from the equation and now all we're left with is jesus - not even the christ aspect.
I get that we're supposed to follow in jesus footsteps but I can't help but feel it has turned brotherly love into a kind of legislation that brings in people who don't want to do what we are doing, and don't reciprocate that brotherly love.
God is the authority that speaks through christ, jesus was just a man. Even though christ was holy and god incarnate I think people have it mixed up when they start including other people into the faith on the basis of christs kindness - that had more to do with his character not what would be done if someone fucked up.
jesus flipped the merchants tables when the fucked up.
Facebook memes BTFO
Centurions BLACKED your Gothic ancestors and beat their Aryan bitches senseless until they abandoned their pagan deities.
The Romans fucked you up so hard that 2000 years later white Catholics everywhere still pay tribute to some old fart of a shitskin in Italy.
So you're saying being anti-christian isn't necessarily being anti-west.
It would seem being anti-christian is being pro-west.
I wanna know how to reconcile that when communism is a "godless entity" that ought to be subdued.
It's either
no god=communism
god=christianity (+ethnic egalitarianism + loose immigration)
what the fuck?
It's a politically-influenced take on the concept of brotherly love - "You have to love everybody, even if they disagree with you." It's an idealistic perspective, and I don't remember the last time idealism got anybody anywhere good. Leftists today are idealists.
Along with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, God is one part of the Holy Trinity - what good is the Trinity when one part of it is missing? How long until the remainder of the Trinity is phased out? Hence the push for anti-Christian garb in schools, for example, yet hijabs are perfectly acceptable.
Christianity kept people good and whole - as it's been discouraged through higher powers, morale and spirit in America has deteriorated dramatically - the Holy "Spirit" - that's the point of political powers today: break people. Broken people are easier to control.
Show us the other side of it.
>out of many, one
>implying there's an expectation that each of the many actually integrate with the one
"In God We Trust" first appeared on U.S. coins in 1864
It had nothing to do with what this pic says.
It had to do with counterfeiting.
It was "in god we trust" that you won't counterfeit this coin. That is also why the sides of coins have ridges.
(Harder to shave off)
NewFags don't understand physical currency
The Reverend M. R. Watkinson, in a letter dated November 13, 1861, petitioned the Treasury Department to add a statement recognizing "Almighty God in some form in our coins" in order to "relieve us from the ignominy of heathenism".[8] At least part of the motivation was to declare that God was on the Union side of the Civil War.[9] Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase acted on this proposal and directed the then-Philadelphia Director of the Mint, James Pollock, to begin drawing up possible designs that would include the religious phrase. Chase chose his favorite designs and presented a proposal to Congress for the new designs in late 1863.[10]
When you put it that way it becomes obvious how the trinity was dismantled.
And yet they keep it alive, but this godlessness that's been installed several times over, and has probably had its most success in the USA, seems to be the head forming at the top.
what the fuck....
Both can be true
>Both can be true
Translation I was wrong now I'm trying to save face
I'm going to quote an eloquent black queen who spoke about this topic one time: "Ain't nobody complain about God being on they money when they got it." Ponderize this atheists.
God's not confusing even to a career 'athest' though...It's/He's the Ten Commandments....1-5 Love me;6-10 show it....
Praise Kek.
OP comfirmed for being a dick muncher.
If you want to denounce Jews, start by dropping their mythology. Think about how much damage they've done through Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Jews have raped the world with their myths. Just look into the actual origins of Yahweh and the books of the bible to get started.
Rejecting the Jewish myths doesn't mean you have to be an atheist or a communist by the way.
Citation needed on that e pluribus.
Am I retarded or is this Sup Forums?.....newfag here.
I'm writing a 15 page report on this stupid topic.
>2 posts by this ID
OP never recovered.
Btw I love crazy Sup Forums....newfag says YES!....Stop PC!
It actually means 'all for one'
As the earliest religious foundation of America is/was Christianity, the idea of, "Separation of church and state," has been more-or-less solely been applied to Christianity - our Founding Fathers understood the danger posed by a heavily-influenced religious government. But again, as it only applies to Christianity nowadays, the term 'church' is not associated with other religions - our founding fathers intended, "Separation of religion and state." If it were, "Separation of mosque/synagogue/whatever and state," maybe the average American retard normie would get the idea. But reminder: America was not founded with the idea of a potential Jihadi conquest anywhere in mind. It all reverts back to globalism - Islam, like every other religion, is being only utilized as a political tool.
That's bullshit. I have an American half dollar from 1832 that says 'in god we trus't on it.
fucking owned lmao
Also >our diverse heritage
Our heritage is indeed diverse--it consists of English, Scottish, Irish, Germans, Dutch, Poles, Italians, and others.
You forgot the most important of all: jews.
>a fucking leaf
LEAFS....You'll be real ppl sometime.
I don't see a mint date on it
Xian's(!) (don't wanna assume any of the 6 gender identities here) right!....No proof xian!
E. Pluribus Unum does not fucking mean diversity and tolerance, that's pure distorted faggotry.
It just means ppl are ppl...not chairs or tables. I quite like it btw.
Jefferson and Franklin had deistic leanings. None were full blown deists. Pick up a book!
It's called a Fasces.
it does mean diversity, but it's referring to the many states being in one union.
The latest these were made is 1921. OP is a dickmuncher.