Jordan B'ased' Peterson has a new video up.
An interview with an Orthodox Christian artist.
Jordan B'ased' Peterson has a new video up.
An interview with an Orthodox Christian artist.
Joe rogan just had him on the podcast and it was the most intellectually stimulating conversion I have possibly ever had the honor of listening too
It was fucking beautiful
thanks fellow leaf, i was waiting for joe to have him on
Here is me predicting it on Sup Forums two months ago.
Been listening to Peterson since 2011. I am so happy to see him getting the recognition he deserves.
He is changing the world.
this guy's utterly based. listen to this. u faggots
Nice vid. Take some rare peeps
You can stop saying this now.
does he hate kikes? is he /ourguy/?
has anyone been able to access his free self authoring program he offered?
i got the confirmation email but it didnt seem to generate a working username and password
He's a classical liberal who makes a compelling argument for religion and mythology being interpretations of evolutionary biology thus serving important roles in the health of society.
Sup Forums is probably going to eventually start calling him a cuck.
He's against liberals restricting freedom. (pic related) I don't think he's ever spoken on immigration. So not exactly like Trump, but he's still a good guy.
yeah ok it will happen
enjoy while it lasts
"where exactly you stand politically, but it sounds like based on your comments that you're kind of like more in the middle?
I've studied the temperamental basis of political beliefs, and my temperament pulls me in two directions, because I'm very high in trained openness – which is creativity and an interest in aesthetics and ideas – and that presupposes me towards being a liberal, but I'm also very high in industriousness and in conscientiousness, and that sort of presupposes me towards being a conservative, so, you know, I would say that in some ways I'm a radical traditionalist. I know that's a strange combination of traits, but, you know, I believe that we have plenty to learn and our society needs to be continually updated, but we should be very careful about dispensing too rapidly with the wisdom of our traditions."
listening for my second time
Yes, most people that are influenced by Nietzsche, Freud, Jung, et al. rather than the Marxists are based.
which one of you faggots was it
There will eventually come a point where he says something Sup Forums objects to.
The audience at his debate tried to get him to conceed that racial slurs were not covered by free speech, but he managed to dodge the question twice.
I got one for free, but user/pass didn't work... got e-mail a bit later saying that if your user/pass doesn't work, try again. Got a new one and it works.
Not sure how I feel about entering in all this personal info online into the program though. Even though it's supposed to be only us who sees what we write.
I ended up using a random name and random email from my VPN to stay anonymous.
i am fascinated by jung, what books are good if i want to know more about is ideas?
Guy seems bright, I'd like them all in a room with Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson.
I dont like how he interrupts though.
Prometheus Rising.
It comes to similar conclusions to Maps of Meaning, but with more openness to mysticism.
Portable Jung is good, too, for an overview.
based Québecois
thanks lads
The principled opposition of the libertarians to the Vietnam War coincided with the somewhat diffuse opposition to the war by the New Left. In addition, the anarchistic upshot of the libertarian doctrine appealed to the countercultural left. For did not the illegitimacy state and the nonaggression axiom (that one shall not initiate or threaten to initiate physical force against others and their property) imply that everyone was at liberty to choose his very own nonaggressive lifestyle?
Did this not imply that vulgarity, obscenity, profanity, drug use, promiscuity, pornography, prostitution, homosexuality, polygamy, pedophilia or any other conceivable perversity or abnormality, insofar as they were victimless crimes, were no offenses at all but perfectly normal and legitimate activities and lifestyles? Not surprisingly, then, from the outset the libertarian movement attracted an unusually high number of abnormal and perverse followers. Subsequently, the countercultural ambiance and multicultural-relativistic "tolerance" of the libertarian movement attracted even greater numbers of misfits, personal or professional failures, or plain losers. Murray Rothbard, in disgust, called them the "nihilo-libertarians" and identified them as the "modal" (typical and representative) libertarians. They fantasized of a society where everyone would be free to choose and cultivate whatever nonaggressive lifestyle, career, or character he wanted, and where, as a result of free-market economics, everyone could do so on an elevated level of general prosperity.
ronically, the movement that had set out to dismantle the state and restore private property and market economics was largely appropriated, and its appearance shaped, by the mental and emotional products of the welfare state: the new class of permanent adolescents.
This intellectual combination could hardly end happily. Private property capitalism and egalitarian multiculturalism are as unlikely a combination as socialism and cultural conservatism. And in trying to combine what cannot be combined, much of the modem libertarian movement actually contributed to the further erosion of private property rights Gust as much of contemporary conservatism contributed to the erosion of families and traditional morals). What the countercultural libertarians failed to recognize, and what true libertarians cannot emphasize enough, is that the restoration of private property rights and laissez-faire economics implies a sharp and drastic increase in social discrimination and will swiftly eliminate most if not all of the multi-cultural-egalitarian life style experiments so close to the heart of left libertarians. In other words, libertarians must be radical and uncompromising conservatives.
>based Québecois
he's from Alberta tho. What are you on about?
holy shit, this is next?
i dont understand why people continue to care about whether or not the group you personally are or arent a part likes or dislikes something you or someone else happens to personally like. clearly no secrut club here friend
Peterson is a good man, but he his actions (or lack thereof) allow these social degenerates free reign.
Daily reminder that a NatSoc physical removal of the undesirables is the only solution left. Either Europe awaken or it is doomed, you sure as shit won't get anywhere by trying to become a social conservatives by arguing with subhuman Marxists.
nvm I'm dumb, didn't even open the video.
like if this is your mindset, and you havent exodus-ed yourself yet maybe you should try a different method