Bannon, former Goldman Sachs
this guy, former Goldman Sachs.
What kind of 4 dimensional chess is this?
Bannon, former Goldman Sachs
this guy, former Goldman Sachs.
What kind of 4 dimensional chess is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Former employee at one of the best financial institutions in the world for Secretary of Treasury
Can't wait for CtR to tell me why this is bad.
they are broad brush kind of people. They wanted fresh econ 101 students to run the country.
GS is a HUGE company and a lot of folks have worked for it... just because you've worked at GS doesn't mean you're an insider Illuminati Rothschild guy.
>Can't wait for CtR to tell me why this is bad.
Sure thing kike
Anybody competent had some hand in the current mess, even if very indirectly so. Most of them just doing their job. Doesn't mean they don't want to change things if they could. Or that they won't cooperate if it's now their job to do so.
So the guy worked at Goldman Sachs and had deep ties to Wall Street. That means he knows how they operate.
Know the enemy as you know yourself.
>That means he knows how they operate.
>What kind of 4 dimensional chess is this?
This is the 4D chess where Trump tweets out some jingoistic nonsense for bubba--the same guy who picked up during the campaign that Goldman Sachs was some code dog whistle to rail against--to thump his chest over and say "darn tootin', I say we not only outlaw flag burnin', but burn the flag burners while we's at it," while at the same time Trump installs a George Soros man to run the country's finances.
>Know the enemy as you know yourself.
Or--you know--know your friends.
>sources say
why are we falling for this still?
He met with a guy yesterday who wants to abolish the fed. No one said anything.
He meets with his former campaign financer. NYT posts a bunch of "sources say" articles in an attempt to demoralize Trump supporters. Even highlighting his Goldman background opposed to his campaign background.
You guys are falling for the fucking trick.
and much worse, you're apologizing for this kike.
Ocean my friend, an ocean for all of us.
>He met with a guy yesterday who wants to abolish the fed. No one said anything.
Probably because there were no sources with the Trump transition team that said Alison would be given the job.
Yet you trust NYT sources?
Literally the only difference between the two meetings is MSM is saying "sources are expecting it".
The same sources who said he had a 12% chance at victory.
>Yet you trust NYT sources?
>muh boogieman media don't trust them meme
Everybody is reporting it. Fox, WSJ, CBS, CNN, etc. Are you waiting for Alex fucking Jones of all people to weigh in first before you'll get interested in this?
GS has a shitload of money and attracts top talent, this isnt really a shocker
From 2011....he's a negative interest rate guy.
Steve "Zionist Goldman Sachs shill" Bannon
Steve "Lenninist" Bannon
stop shilling CTR
>(((top talent)))
nice try glenn, not giving you clicks
Besides which, I almost let this pass, but it's just too much.
>He meets with his former campaign financer. NYT posts a bunch of "sources say" articles in an attempt to demoralize Trump supporters. Even highlighting his Goldman background opposed to his campaign background.
If you'll say these stories about Steven Mnunchin possibly being the next Treasury Secretary are purposed to "demoralize Trump supporters"---as if that means fucking jack since the elections were three weeks ago and means nothing now--where was your demoralization six months ago when Trump MADE Mnunchin his campaign finance chair in the first place that you can pass it off with the deflection that Trump was only "meeting with his former campaign financer"?
If Mnunchin is such an object of demoralization for you that you'd like to deny his insider track, what's he doing as an insider in the first place?
What must one do to knock that shit you have appearing to function as a brain out of your head?
These responses. The west is doomed.
may or may not be bad.
we will keep those kikes honest.
>like any of those have any credibility
This is what happens when people check their brains at the door and become a booster of /ourguy/.
I went full baka
I just really hate how its being presented as LOL GOLDMAN SOROS!!! NOT DRAINING SWAMP xD.
I fell for a bit of the bait.
I apologize.
I rescind this, ignore the paranoia.
Great argument jizzmop
Fuck off alt right faggot. We aren't racists. We're civic and economic nationalists
go back to stormfront
>I went full baka
Refreshing. That doesn't happen much.
>I just really hate how its being presented as LOL GOLDMAN SOROS!!! NOT DRAINING SWAMP xD.
>I fell for a bit of the bait.
120mil of 330mil voted. 60mil voted for the other one. 60% voted Trump with deep reservations. More people voted against Trump in the primary than voted against him. That's a lot of people ready to throw out the "I told you so" bomb, in many forms, and Trump's mouth wrote out far too many checks that his ass can't cash. Get used to it.
>We're civic and economic nationalists
>go back to stormfront
would you rather some retarded fuck sell off the gold and force all people in the land into poverty because theres no gold in the treasury?
Or would you rather someone that knows what they are doing do the job?
>Can't wait for CtR to tell me why this is bad.
We don't have to tell you anything. You fags have been complaining about insiders, lawyers, and bankers in politics for months. Trump just gave you more of the same. But i guess you'll just change your narrative because Trump can do no wrong. Drumpftards are fucking cowards.
a brush implies a bit of thought and precision no matter how broad, these people just shit and vomit wildly all over the walls
>'Drumpf' at the end
You were so close to not outing yourself as a retard.
Hey moron not all of us are Nazis here some of us are actually fucking Zionists.
some of us are other things and some of us are not even human.
But we all have a common enemy yes thats right shitty lying media forced nazis and zionists to team up.
If you actually watched his rallies you'd know that he said he knows nasty guys that can make great deals and that he would hire them. These jews are the ones that have shown loyalty to him. I don't see the problem if they're working for him. "Draining the swamp" comes through the anti-lobbying measures he's implementing to break up iron triangles. You can't determine that the people are bad, but you can get rid of the system that lets the corruption happen.
mfw ctr and cnn and the pinkos calls zambian and nigerian posters white supremacists
>gets btfo
>you said drump haha
Reddit diaspora please go
liberals be like : black people cannot use computers
Goldman Sachs literally rules the world, in case you didn't already know.
When someone asks who the final boss is, its Goldman Sachs.
And Trump will rule Sachs.
Trump now rules the world.
Yeah usually there arn't ex employees.
>so im hopeful but I am sorta with Dave Chappelle on this one it doesn't really matter you'd get teh same with trump or clinton.
Interesting. So suddenly having years of experience for a role suddenly matters. Imagine that.
4d chess by cucking "occupy wall street" commies
>CtR shills and accidentally outs themselves as a confirmed retard
>This means you got btfo xD
Have a (You) on me
finally white people can be allowed to work again.
Swamp as in illegal political corruption, not "muh billionuhs and millionuhs".
Bernouts need to fuck away off already.
>political corruption
Yes a lot of corruption coming out of Trump and his transition team. How many nations is Trump in debt in again? I know China has a lot of debt Trump owes them.
Lol you're a complete nigger but a great meme is a great meme.
>Look I set the world on fire I have experience
This is what a retard looks like everyone. Watch as he goes through mental gymnastics instead of admitting he's been btfo.
Then why don't you guys just become the media? Isn't it already controlled by Zionist Jews?
>Le reddit Boogeyman meme
>t. seething
>drain the swamp
>cabinet filled with jews and cuckservatives
btfo trumples he's just another puppet
So Trump's filling his national security positions with hardcore NeoCons and ow is handing over economic positions to billionaire globalist 1%ers.
When does the swamp start draining again?
>worked for goldman sachs for 17 years
>good friends with soros
I'm starting to think Trump was a Hillary plant
It started and ended with Bannon.
I just don't get why Bannon is okay with any of this. Has he not been in contact with Trump?
Reminder that trump supporters here are actually jews
They've been with us since the beginning influencing you to vote for their candidate
>the damage control
If this was Hillary who appointed him you would be in rage
Only smart user ITT and Kek agrees.
It literally just came out that Trump is appointing a guy to abolish the fed.
If so, give us a source
I would fucking love to not have a Soros Jew running the Treasury
*posts the SAFE SPACE FOR DRUMPFY image again*
CTR still here? Trump does what he promises and he's a bigot. Trump does what you want and he's a hypocrite. Trump goes to lunch and you shit all over him for it.
We get it. You don't like him. Nothing he does will ever be right. Ever. So can you please fucking stop? Because you're starting to sound worse than his 3AM tweets.
No, we're just good goyim, unlike stupid leafs.
I fail to see the issue, your post is Sup Forums worthy by the way