>immigration provides a guaranteed flow of cheap labour which is essential in keeping our country economically relevant
How do you counteract this argument?
>immigration provides a guaranteed flow of cheap labour which is essential in keeping our country economically relevant
How do you counteract this argument?
>implying they work
We've almost completely transitioned to a service economy in the more developed areas which is where those immigrants tend to live thus making that entire point moot.
I know you're a troll but I can't resist.
The idea that we have to be in a race to the bottom with the developing world to keep labor cheap - as opposed to raising the living standards of our people - is a relatively recent Neoliberal idea that fags like you have been brainwashed by.
I happen to think that it'd be better if the guy who works at Walmart can have a decent quality of life rather than instead importing some cheap foreign opportunist who doesn't speak our language and isn't sympathetic to our values.
Does the native-born working class benefit economically from it?
>implying they work
>imolying they do anything but collect welfare
And even if they worked, they would work for the minimum wage acceptable, which would drive wages down, the economy of the companies would thrive, but the economy of the people turns to shit.
Its a basic principle which doesn't need much thought. Why are leftists so retarded?
we dont need them at all and it just depresses wages of americans. they also generally come from 3rd world shitholes and bring their problems with them.
They do.
Point out that it's basically inverted outsourcing-bringing cheap labor to a job, and then remind them of how outsourcing destroyed the American middle class.
Immigrants depress wages
And the ones that work sit on fucking dead end McJobs for their entire life, crowding native youth out of the job market during a time when they should be picking up basic workplace skills.
We need skilled laborers we are a 1st country
>liberals want 15 per hour for their barista jobs because it's "a living wage, fight for muh 15!"
>liberals want more poor immigrants because they do shit jobs for slave wages
So by definition, aren't globalists promoting the destruction and pillaging of poor countries by draining their best workers? Since immigration is a benefit, then the opposite must be a detriment.
Wow, it turns out that leftists are causing the destruction of poor countries.
George Borjas. Harvard economist, thoroughly establishmentarian, former immigration advocate.
Tldr: On this planet the data simply does not bear out Thomas Friedman's incoherent gibberish about illiterate welfare-cheats being essential to an automating economy.
Damn who's the qt 1st from the right
>a guaranteed flow of cheap labour
For non existent jobs. There are already hundreds if thousands of people out of work. These refugees are just going to drag the system down even more when they are all living on welfare. But I guess those of us that do work could pay more taxes to support them while they turn our country in to a fucking shithole and attack our people
The need of cheap labour is a proof for a failed capitalistic, Bolshevik system