Are there any non-whites on this board? Why do you come here?
Are there any non-whites on this board? Why do you come here?
i'm Slavic
does that count?
Non-white here (Slav). I come for the memes and the #pizzagate.
God Emperor Trump race mixes with Slavs
Slavs are white
I come here to laugh at those who like to play 4th Reich
>Slavs are white
Nice meme.
Are you a bogan? I'm also Slavic
I'm half spic but my name is white. My skin is brown though unfortunately so i would't call myself a real white, nor should anyone.
I come here because Sup Forums was cancer and this is much better.
Close enough desu
I am white hispanic, does it count? Because I want to share My thoughts with another white people like me. I dont like stupid shitskins.
It fun reading how pot belly white NEETS think I'm a subhuman. While I'm making six figures a year
>white hispanic
You will always be a worthless mongrel to them Pedro
Because I hate the left.
I'm the only red pilled member of my family :/.
Stay mad.
I would be a blue eyed blond haired nordic but my fucking mom was B E A N E D
Hello there lady.
Please be careful around these parts, a lot of rude "autists" as we call them (rude anons)
Anyway if you need an introduction to Sup Forums we can chat on Discord :)
I love the Mexican people!
I love burrito too.
> my plan for escaping cancer is to hide in a tumor
You'll do fine here, lad.
I believe that white people run countries better. Because I never seen a black or Mexican do anything valuable.
Also, I live with white people and grew up around white people. Everyone calls me a redneck in my family. But my uncle voted Trump.
Racist white people on this board don't really exist IRL. I already know real white supremacists affiliated with prison gangs and they don't really mess with me.
They said if I ended up in prison, just shave my head and run with the white boys lol.
>White Hispanic
You mean you're a Spaniard/Portugese whose parents immigrated to the Americas?
Stop larping that you're a poopoo indigenous
I'm a Spic, but his is a fun board. Not all of my opinions align with the board, but many do. I don't take this place too seriously either.
I'm 1/4 Indonesian
Dutch Indo happa reporting in.
I pretty much look like this actor tbqh famalam.
Very similar bone structure to the face.
Pedro, please
Having lots of spanish men raping your filthy indian women does not make you white
You are as fucking mestizo as everyone else on latin america
I identify as ethno-fluid. My race is what I feel I am.
>people of European decent
>includes race mixed children because their father was European
The wall just got 10 feet higher wey
I ask myself that every time I come here. I have yet to find a meaningful answer.
The middle east is an infested shit hole of Islamic trash. White people should have crusaded harder in the middle ages, wiped out Islam for good, and establish Christianity as the de facto religion of the world, so we wouldn't be in this mess today.
that's the real American identity anyhow
wrong. Mexico is the 2nd whitest country, after Brazil
wrong, Peru is not even mestizo, you are indians.
I'm Chinese-American. I come here because I have no friends.
Because I can and want to you faggot.
I can and will never leave Sup Forums
I believe that Mexico is whiter than the US
That depends if you consider Italian white.
Considering the amount of people here that get triggered by the alt right actually being real and white nationalist, i am willing to bet there are a lot of shitskins browsing.
thanks bro, slovenia is cool too.
but its my girl
Asianbro nonJap here. I share the same values as whites and will fight on white side just like my peoples did in WW2.
I'm a nigger that just hates being used by anyone for subversive purposes. I wanna believe that I have the agency to do what I want and believe what I want at all times. The left doesn't offer me that so I basically became a libertarian with white nationalist tendencies.
>Captcha: Blackness Pratkis
Reminder that Spaniards have never been white.
Therefore, Latin Americans don't have a single drop of white blood in their bodies.
Stay triggered.
This. It's funny to see the (((whites))) freaking out about becoming a minority.
long live Hispania.
Also, I share a lot of white values and believe that the stability and future of the world is in the hands of white people.
You understand the enemy to forever be ahead of the enemy.
>no friends
Checks out
I have a strong suspicion that half of us are actually Slavic, not only the posters from actual Slavic countries but people like me and you that live in the west
not only are you race mixed indians your also shitty moors rape babys
>tfw see some misguided foolish nonwhites here talking about how they're "based" and "not like the others" and asking how to "redpill" their fellow nonwhites
Just because I'm not white, doesn't mean I can't sympathize and be an ally to whites.
By that logic there must be a lot of non-whites in the Swedish/German government, since they're cucked.
I'm half white and I come here because it's the only real place of discussion left.
hggggggggggggn, i can't tell if you're being serious or not mate
why shouldn't i come here?
you think we spics just ayyyiieee ooga booga taco muh welfare?
well i don't, so all you "all the same" can shove it up your ass
I hang here because i was already "redpilled" and it's nice to see that there are others like me
however, i've been seeing Sup Forums turn away from the goodness that brought me here, you guys are getting soft, thinking one man can save you all when the bankers are just laughing at all you cucks, when you learn the true answer it will be too late
But hey, as long as you keep posting redheads, i will keep lurking and observing
american gook here, i come here to get away from the libtards in my life
you are not white mongrel. Mexico is not a race neither. There are white mexicans.
Mexican American here, basically because it's all funny and not necessarily offensive to minorities
Its a meme you filthy taco bender
This isn't stormfront you faggot. This is an anime pictureboard afterall. Lots of asians on here.
Disgusting faggots. They will hang on Rope Day with the rest of their subhuman kin.
Deus Vult!
I'm a Jew,
heaps of us are here
Kek, you niggers really are easy to control, no wonder shlomo wants whites to mix with your kind.
true, even argies and uruguayans.
I wonder how many people here are virgins.
shit is fun
I come like once a week for cheap laughs
On Sup Forums we are all whites, regardless of skin color.
checking the fuck in
I have german ancestry on one side and Russian on the other.
Do i count?
100% American negro here.
The conversations can sometimes be interesting so I lurk.
I'm also completely not bothered by racists.
Yea I'm Mexican, because I'm a right winger that can accept that white countries are far superior and I just want to assimilate and I think "white genocide" is real and want to keep the USA majority white so it doesn't turn into Mexico 2.0
glad you're here, Adolf Nigler
>White and arab
I'm not sure those should go together.
Egypt was white.
yes they should
Is the real world that bad now? I don't check anymore, I just come here.
anonymity lets everyone how they truely feel inside. I love it.
I'm sure there are other forums where I can manspread. I'm almost fully white, with some prairie nigger, so I'm not really offended by anything. But there's just not too many places concerned with intellectual honesty.
Its a shame that you have to filter through SO MUCH bullshit. But I'd prefer that to no place at all, where people can come and have arguments, participate in brutal honesty, etc. Its a unique human experience.
I hope Sup Forums never dies. I hope it replaces Starbucks one day, colonizes Mars and forces people to say "wow, really makes you think".
I'm mixed race, I come here to remind myself that I'm an abomination and shouldn't breed.
>englando is hard
For a glimpse into what's really going on since the msm can be pretty shit. There are also no sacred cows here (though some certainly try to push their agendas/ideologies), which makes discussions pretty engaging here.
Also, the international banter is top-notch.
>tfw from Uruguay
How can you untermenschen even compete?
Reporting for duty. By duty I mean dying alone.
Because I always wondered what the edgy whites kid in class did on their free time.
I'm a Slav
Aka the meme ethnicity of white people
>tfw misguided fool doesnt want progress because its too close to sounding like progressive
Same desu. Being a mulatto sucks.
Beaners think they're white. Even if they look like a brown goblin, they'll check white.
I come to shitpost about politics. I assume that's why we're all here
I'm studying French..
im black. i realize this board is just satire and no one here is actually racist so the memes doesn't bother me
We came to rape white wimminz motha fucka.
Native american
White people are pretty cool fampai even though we got the shit end of the stick, I don't hold you accountable for your ancestors and wish you wouldn't hold me accountable for mine.
Just want to see this great nation prosper as an American and for this nation to be in the forefront of developing the human race.
Also you guys make good arguments and show me the other side of things. Can't argue against data and facts (although recently post quality has been deteriorating).
>no one here is actually racist
Fuck i been wanting to do that for unknown reasons.. maybe the idea le penn will be in. Viva la france!
slav-jew-romani mix with a bit of roach
Look like a Mediterranean
Beat up a nigger once
Can I stay?
I am of Celtic decent, I don't think I am considered white...
because fuck you nigger
Political incorrectness should have nothing to do your skin color. Fuck you storm fuck fascist faggots.
Stay, get comfy. Things are about to get interdating.
>tfw some misguided fool thinks all progress is forward and good because muh "progress"
Good luck maccas bro. We are at the stage our lives where its much harder learning a new language. Practice will definitely help.