Reminder that no one has ever countered the claim that purposeful flooding of foreign people to a region counts as genocide by the UN and the guy that made up the term genocide.
Reminder that no one has ever countered the claim that purposeful flooding of foreign people to a region counts as...
Other urls found in this thread:
Not genocide: mass immigration of European whites into North America.
The image doesn't mention immigration at all, it's only about race mixing.
>legal immigration in a democratic country where the native population has institutional power is the same thing as colonialism
So it's an absurdly specific thing that not even most of the people you are trying to argue against don't even believe
>Native populations with institutional power can't genocide themselves
Pol Pot
> Khmer Rouge Killing Fields
>It happens nicely and decreeded by a piece of paper so it's no genocide
Colonialism was the perfectly legal activity of a democratic empire.
Pol Pot was not democratically elected.
Except that the people being conquered aren't considered citizens and don't hold institutional power.
>Except that the people being conquered aren't considered citizens and don't hold institutional power.
my point is that buzzwords like "democratic" and "legal" are a convenient way to cover the fact that the native population is powerless to stop something that is, in reality, decided by a separate elite class.
>Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.
-straight from the guy who literally invented the word
But you aren't powerless. America just elected Trump because of his anti immigration stances. Britain just voted to leave the EU because they wanted less immigrants. France is likely to elect Le Pen. Etc etc.
I'll concede that if you concede that flooding european nations with 3rd world shitskins by (((politicians))) against the will of the masses is genocide.
That assumes that if white "genocide" is real, it's being deliberately orchestrated by an outside group against the will of white people.
Its not interracial marriage you fucking whore
Its the millions and millions of nonwhite immigrants europe, america, canada, and aus take a year
You are a dog fucker its what you are. Fucking kill yourself
Let's not take the chance of it being just by fluke or circumstance.
Nope, I'm not going to kill myself. I'm going to stay here and vote for pro immigrant politicians just to trigger you.
Maybe if Europeans maintained a 3 children per mother birth rate, and corporations didn't fear a shrinking market, and lobbying wasn't rampant. Maybe just maybe none of this would have never happened.
Also Europe chose to give up there currencies to make a unified market turning into a big ol' circle jerk
It is.
No one anywhere asked germany to bring in 10's of millions of rapefugees and use the EU to force member states to take them.
You do realize we are going to kill your right? We are done having this arguement and we are moving into the stage where we take action
And we are going to put a bullet in your head
Call it demographic replacement if you prefer, you fucking pendant.
You don't have the guts to try and kill me personally.
We are...think logically about where we are heading.
What do you think happens next...We just forget that their is demographic displacement levels of immigration in every white country?
No...People get more and more angry...More and more extreme and war breaks out
>10's of millions
There's 1 million Syrian refugees in all of Europe, and all of the treaties establishing the EU were put in place by democratically elected governments. Nobody forced Europeans to create the EU, in fact when some countries didn't like the EU, they voted to leave like with Britain or to never enter in the first place like Norway.
You keep hoping that this "we" will kill me on your behalf. You're too much of a pussy to try and kill me yourself right now, you just hope someone else will.
>America just elected Trump because of his anti immigration stances.
We've yet to see what the results will be. Trump only got in because he's extremely persuasive—after he was set up as a Pied Piper candidate to make the GOP unpalatable, when he began to pick up support, big media turned very transparently against him. They failed, but if he had been a normal candidate they would have crushed him. As it happens, he's a born politician who plays some advanced variety of polydimensional chess, and he was able to feed them the right talking points via his Twitter, debate comments, etc. There's a lot more to it, including the funding of Project Veritas, but the short of it is that we don't even know whether he's about to fuck us so it's a little to early to call this a victory for democracy, and if it was, it was still a win against large odds which only worked because he was extraordinarily persuasive, moreso than any other presidential candidate in living memory.
>Britain just voted to leave the EU because they wanted less immigrants.
And the political class in Britain are twiddling their thumbs. Brexit has not happened yet and there's still plenty of time for them to shut it down. "People voted for X" does not imply and never has implied that "X was effected according to the will of the people."
>France is likely to elect Le Pen.
This is pure speculation.
Do you not suspect, even a little bit, that there is something operating in our "democracies" which supersedesthe will of the voting population?
"Typically, states regard the general population as an enemy. That's normal. The task and role of the population is to be apathetic, obedient, passive—if it's what's called a democracy they're supposed to show up every once in a while to ratify elite decisions. But if they get involved in anything beyond that, they're causing trouble, and they have to be controlled, and they're an enemy."
If you're on the left, you'll know who said this.
>There's 1 million
Germany and sweden have taken 10's of millions of non white immigrants.
>try and kill me yourself right now
We're on an anonymous message board you dumb whore. Again you're fucked...The Rapefugee crisis was a fucking mistake
>so it's a little to early
fuck me, I normally don't make typos like this
I accept your apology, nigger. Now go get your soft shoes and dance.
But we can arrange something off this image board. But you won't, because you're a coffeeshop revolutionary who can only fantasize about someone else killing me, you won't do it yourself. Also, give me a source than there is more than 10 million non whites in Germany or Sweden.
I don't know who said that, so I guess I'm not as far left as you think.
>I don't know who said that, so I guess I'm not as far left as you think.
well the left used to be a great thing
Question to the white genocide fags, would you honestly label yourselves as genocide survivors?
>citing an anarchist who doesn't believe in borders to support your argument against immigration
They tax the fuck out of us to the point where both parents have too work full time. Thus no time for kids. Then they give you faggots every hand out imaginable so that you can shit out as many useless retarded violent pieces of garbage from from our taxes. When (((they))) say mass migration will double the economy. What they mean is it will generate massive debt that (((they))) can charge interest on and we will have to pay even more taxes on with our now further deprecated wages. If whites drop out of the labor force to breed in mass and try and milk the system like shit skins do the economy would collapse and everyone would starve. All so that the kikes can grind the only civilised counties in the world into shekels. The chink's don't have souls they won't take them in when the entire West turns into South Africa and everyone remotely white is getting necklaced and beheaded by the religion of peace.
Thank god there is no le ''armenigger genocide'' in that picture. I was getting ready to chimp out.
Tbh, I was trying to rile up stormfags as much as possible when I made the image by only using examples of genocides committed by whites.
>Germany and sweden have taken 10's of millions of non white immigrants.
american education everybody. sweden has 9.3m population.
Nope but genocide is the appropriate term when this is being done purposely to breed European genetics out of humanity.
so wait, marrying someone of another race if voluntary but it is purposely being forced on whites to breed them out of humanity?
I just want to thank you arrogant shitskin faggots
White people haven't had moral law in 200 years
We haven't got to experience what is best in life in 2 centuries
They dispersed them throughout the EU and their actions cased all of the boat people in Greece and Italy
I know this is bait, but just in case some newfag comes across this, thinking you might have a point:
Natives were genociding opposing tribes for hundreds of years. Not to mention the population of the Native Americans actually increased for a period of time following the Europeans bringing civilized culture to America.
>free will exists
good one OP
>Except that the people being conquered aren't considered citizens and don't hold institutional power
Why would they be given these privileges in a civilization that they had no hand in creating?
Are you just going to ignore the fact that the natives of these colonies were given first world living standards and infrastructure for doing basically nothing? Standards that translated to an expontentially longer lifespan compared to that provided by their indigenous culture?
>Why would they be given these privileges in a civilization that they had no hand in creating?
That's not my point. My point was that colonization is different from legal immigration in a democratic country. You did not address my point.
>Are you just going to ignore the fact that the natives of these colonies were given first world living standards and infrastructure for doing basically nothing?
They were only given these things after hundreds of years because of progressives. You don't get to claim credit for that. Do you honestly believes the natives would be worse off if colonialism never happened and all the interactions between Europeans and native Americans happened via mutual consent?
>I just want to thank you arrogant shitskin faggots
I'm white though. I posted proof in yesterday's thread.
Nice attempt at a response, but I was actually citing him to support my argument against the legitimacy of US 'democracy'.
Who gives a shit...You're a nigger
Your DNA doesn't matter when you are trying to force genetic displacement of your own DNA
You'll probably produce nigger children if you even have any. Which is doubtful
So ideology trumps race? That sounds like some civic nationalist bullshit, friend!
>most US natives were hunter gatherers
Stopped watching there. Does he honestly believe this shit? Most were farmers before Europeans arrived, and then some of them switched to being hunter gatherers because they lost their land to white people, plus the introduction of horses helped them become more nomadic. He's clearly making up shit to fit with his narrative about the population. And my source is 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus.
What don't you understand about if you do not fight for your genetics you are nothing...You are not white, white people have white children and provide those children with a European standard of life.
It depends
We are talking about two entire continents of people.
90% of which died before ever seeing a European because of Small pox, the flu and every other European, African or Asian virsus/Bacteria they had zero natural immunities to
Now look at what kind of societies those people build.
These people had 1 chance in their entire history to give their people a 1st world life. You blew it for them.
But user, none of those things ever happened :^)
pick one and do it fast
But he's clearly manipulating things to go with his bullshit narrative. I don't get why people take this guy seriously other than he says what people want to hear.
Chile? Singapore? Most of our legal immigrants are from countries that are racially the same as those countries I listed. Chile and Singapore have top tier living standards.
You want to talk about manipulating a narrative being a liberal and talking about what happened to the native people?
Give me a fucking break
>100 million people
>90 Million die for virus and bacteria
lets talk about the couple million that died in war.
Pick one
>being a liberal
I have no ideology besides collecting (you)'s desu.
Anyways, the book I mentioned gives a much more accurate account of what happened.
Chile, singapore?
The entire displacement level migration is coming from Mexico
We don't take 1st world people anymore
>The entire displacement level migration is coming from Mexico
Which is racially the same as Mexico...