>yfw General Mattis becomes the next defense secretary
Yfw General Mattis becomes the next defense secretary
Mattis and Patraeus both in the White House would be too much winning. I would actually be tired from that level of winning.
It's over the Yanks have won.
Our fucking man
Work with us and you'll be alright buddy.
jesus this is comfy
look at that fucking rack holy shit
thats a fuckin man right there
Is he gay?
What a faggy song to post.
That is what he said to iraqi tribal leaders in one of their meetings
Oy vey goy
People don't realize the deep, fucked up shit that goes on in man's mind.
If I man can convince himself that he is ridding the world of evil or badness, he will enjoy killing. He may be extremely compartmentalized and sociopathic. But its in a man's nature imo.
This confuses the numale. It forces the beta leftist to contemplate.
looks like a typical stolen valour faggot to me, should be perfect for defence nancy fuk boi.
>five finger dick punch
Hell yeah.
This guy is walking meme.
fpcp (cuck post)
coward detected
Aside from the government conspiring against him and setting him up to cheat on his wife what do you have against him?
a modern day patton but even better
the absolute madman did with 100 k what George H Bush thought was impossible with half a million with barely any casualties at all
>Mattis is a military genius
Mattis is a god and if we get Petraus as SoS we'll usher in a new era of bad assness,
>SJWs will have a problem with this
lol this music fucking sucks
>muh surge
if Reinhard wouldn't do it, why would anyone do it?
I get all my knowledge of war from Paradox games and Legend of the Galactic Heroes. I've watched a documentary about Bonaparte. I've played Total War (not 'total' enough!) take my word for it, Petraeus is a fuccboi
your mom sucks.
what some bullshit ribbons for an office guy?
Meh his rack isn't that great for a 4 star general who's been in for 40 years
>mirin that valored bronze star tho
Dear government dataminers: this appointee would positively increase enlistment rates and general morale in the armed forces.
you say that as if the surge didn't work
If the surge had worked, Daesh wouldn't exist.
The point of war is to exterminate your enemy.
How could the surge have worked if people still live in Iraq?
The only winning strategy is the nuclear option.
>office guy
He was an infantry officer dumbass
It's not like there was a new President a couple of years later that pulled them all out (and then destabilised Syria with no thought for the consequences)
>office guy
Same thing.
>If the surge had worked, Daesh wouldn't exist.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooowowowowowowow. Fuck you fucking retarded.
"Daesh" wouldn't exist if Obama had not pulled the troops out on the Bush time tables which did not take into account the rapidly deteriorating state of Syria which of course didn't exist when he was in office.
>The point of war is to exterminate your enemy.
How could the surge have worked if people still live in Iraq?
The only winning strategy is the nuclear option.
Obviously not an appropriate strategy for the goals of the war and occupation nor is it in accordance with the moral values of Americans.
>the reincarnation of General Patton appoints General Flynn, General Petraeus and General Mattis to his cabinet
We military council government now?
>sold ier
>sold out
Same thing
>what is a media blackout
You don't know half of the shit that happened in Iraq, man. Petraeus ordered about a thousand black ops operations. He fucking failed. The surge didn't work. People still live there. Obama is trigger happy as fuck and still hasn't won.
Are you Petraeus? lmao the PIDF is out in force tonight
>Nooooooooooooooooooooooooowowowowowowow. Fuck you fucking retarded.
Ad hominem, I'm not finishing your post.
The day of the rake is coming.
t. incapable of winning wars
2008 was the single most peaceful year in Iraq since 2003
I already like him
Like I said, what do you know?
Petraeus failed, Obama failed--there are still people living in Iraq.
Or supply us with giant robots.
What is your knowledge? We're you on deployment?
I get all my knowledge of war from Paradox and Sid Meier games and Legend of the Galactic Heroes. I've watched a documentary about Bonaparte. I've played Total War.
>Callsign: Chaos
Kek wills it.
You're lucky I replied to your shitpost at all.
>Trump POTUS
>Mattis SoD
Enlisting soon, gonna do some crunches before bed, ty Sup Forums
>"Daesh" wouldn't exist if Obama had not pulled the troops out on the Bush time tables which did not take into account the rapidly deteriorating state of Syria which of course didn't exist when he was in office.
Not only that, but it seems like the Generals under Obama didn't even do an adequate amount of airstrikes. We've basically been slapping ISIS on the wrist once or twice a month to make it seem like we're doing jack shit.
Mattis confirmed pepe conduit.
confirm. Praise kEk.
1 billion dead Krauts
Stupid fucking leaf. That man is a legend amongst those of us in the military.
I understand that with your general level of cuck up there that you would rather blow him than shake his hand, but that guy is the real deal.
what the fuck
“You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it’s quite fun to fight them, you know. It’s a hell of a hoot. It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right up there with you. I like brawling.”
General Mattis is a fucking boss
“I don’t lose any sleep at night over the potential for failure. I cannot even spell the word.”
General Mattis
Mattis is a marine meme.general that fucked over ODA 574.
I seriously had gotten out, and got right back in because of Trump. Mattis is just the icing.
Petraeus is a cuck. The little manlet passed classified intel to a journalist who slobbed his cock. You don't want that kind of weak mindedness in the cabinet.
She was pretty hot though...
ODA 574 fucked themselves playing secret squirel and not telling anyone.
devil dog detected
If the US didn't start funding and arming Sunni militants to fuck with Maliki when he started getting friendly with Iran, we wouldn't have Daesh. ISIS is a CIA creation that got out of control. Bagdadi and others were originally mercenaries on CIA payroll to observe and disrupt Iran's revolutionary guards operating in Iraq and Syria. Obviously, when opportunity arises to take control and you're sitting on top of a huge pile of off-the-books US dollars and weapons while surrounded by poor ignorant mudslimes who hate the west, what enterprising megalomaniac Muslim wouldn't jump at the chance?
That show was great.
Mad Dog Mattis in Generation Kill
MFW Trump's presidency was a military coup
don't let the jews fool us again.
Mattis is an eccentric queer and Petraeus is a political soldier who accomplished nothing of consequence in his entire career.
Finally no more trannies or women in combat arms.
Looks like you forgot the fact that they won when they dropped 2 nukes on your shitty island.
Patraeus might as well be Hillary. You don't know what you're talking about.
What is with these fags wanting a guy who not only wants to strip you of your guns as SoS, but also fucked someone while gently whispering state secrets into her ear?
Also is Mattis gay? Like actually?
They don't know what they're talking about. It's freakin scary.
Good. We've paid for this our entire lives. Take no prisoners.
He is a legitimate threat to both national security, and our fundamental right to shoot things. It's fucking absurd that anyone wants him around. I would have had him stripped of rank and honors and charged him with treason for that shit with his biographer. It was legit disgusting.
Also I am pretty sure Mattis is actually homosexual.
I want reddit to leave. Calling them anything but ISIS draws away from the fact that they're muslims, that is the point of calling them that.
>Mossad plz go