Jobs thread?

Jobs thread?

Thinking about changing my major and wanna know some Sup Forums approved jobs/testimonies from other majors

Other urls found in this thread:

meth dealer

I'm a Massage Therapist and loving it.

Legal jobs user.


>keeping the lights on

>asking Sup Forums for career advice

just kys now


Plan on it after 2-4 years in my career. Gotta better my country first

>not being born into rich family


>not majoring in finance

If you want to get rich and you're not a complete useless, fat, lazy fuck - then major in finance and rack in that dough.

Professional Bull Prepper

Seriously am considering this major, was doing research and came here to ask questions. Can you tell me more?

>good job opportunities
I heard most end up as sales men with a little finnance mixed in.

CTR Poster

Drove semi truck, now in IT. IT blows, NAFTA killed trucking.

>6 post by this id
>asking how to better himself to better his country

Kill your self shill.

Drop out and join the Military you pussi

I have a few friends that go to top 10 business schools, and they're living pretty comfy lives. Even if you don't go to a top 10 school, if you intern and network enough, you can still find yourself with a job at Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, etc. Just gotta really hustle. It's a great major with no salary cap, and you can move up quickly. You can close deals, work in risk management, mergers, all that fun stuff.

some common memes:
>just major in accounting, work at a big 4 :^)
Accounting is for lonely retards who just want to crunch numbers. Accounting is retarded.

>muh computer science
If you browse Sup Forums all day, have social anxiety and no friends, then by all means - go for it.


Sounds good. What do level entry jobs include?

>captcha; select all the pizza

Software development is actually decent if you don't suck at it. Otherwise don't bother. There are hundreds of thousands of Indians already in America who suck at developing software for less money.

Microbiology major here.

It is hard to get a job with JUST a B.S. degree in micro unless you've had excess experience in a lab in college. I plan on going to Med-school so that is why I took the major. I graduate in 2 weeks ayy lmao. From what I understand, just don't do most hard science degrees unless you plan on attending some form of grad school, granted any graduate school worth their salt will pay you to go to school at rates from ~30k to 45k/year.

From experience at looking through the job market, get a business degree or engineering degree and you will do great. Also anything that teaches you to code. If you do go into coding e.g. Computer science, have a portfolio of independent projects when you graduate for maximum job possibilities, that is what I have been told anyway.

I weave baskets underwater, I made $98k last year

Computer science or you're fucking worthless.

Undocumented chemist

English major.
100k starting.

Always employment in HVAC.

/jobs/ are for losers

if you have to /work/ for money you should just kill yourself

don't do accounting. Do computer science

Best trade? Thinking about this, plumbing, or electrician.

Overnight Walmart for the past decade. Making just under $25k annually.

No dreams of mine are worth $100k and years of lost wages and km already in my 30s, so my best days are far past me.

Preferably the illicit kind. Make more dough that way.

this, In accounting.

Your either a chad or a robot who never bothered to program in your free time.

I then learned too late about CPA and salaries. I'll be out in a semester without enough creds for CPA cause fuck grad school.

...Now I'm thinking about ways of offing myself for being a retarded 18 year old in going this route in life. I guess in another life I'll make better decisions and be redpilled faster.

Did 4 years in the military
Now going to (((college))) studying policing
Working overnights at a security job where I get paid to shitpost on Sup Forums, read books and watch youtube/ netflix
Eventually want to become a Police Officer either here or in the US of A

Plumbers make more money by far if you stick with it.

Both are pretty viable though.

Don't forget welding/boiler making.

Very high paying. High demand.

Fuck finance and jew shit. Build something with your hands.

Forgot to add, I'm an emt. Don't be an emt.

Had a defibrillator installed and I can't weld anymore. Decided to help people for a living. I'm going to heaven poor as shit.

>If you browse Sup Forums all day, have social anxiety and no friends, then by all means - go for it.

Holy shit, that's perfect! Thank you user!

Mechanical Engineering major here.
Might honestly move to China or Poland later since ideas are worth more than being another nameless "scientist monkey" and in those countries demand for new ideas is high.

You just gave me an idea.

Could you take out crazy amounts of loans for college, set up a job overseas with high foreign demand, and just split without paying the bill?

What would happen?

It seems like the only investment that can't really be taken from you.

What is Sup Forums's opinion on Mercenaries?

Power plant operator here. Job is based as fuck. So long as nothing is going wrong, you get to do whatever the fuck you want, including posting on Sup Forums and watching Netflix.

I'm doing exactly that right now, in fact. Not bad for 44.50/hr.

No clue, good question though...
But let's assume you could, I wouldn't want to do that because America isn't a good place to make enemies with. Even $100k in loans split on wouldn't be a good idea because what if the need arises to go back or do deal with the USA in your job later on?

Sup Forums goes to /k/ for good mercenary/pmc discussion.

There are detailed plans for an invasion of a couple small nations, like sealand.

Some of the plans don't even have dragon dildos.

A good way to make money as well as die.
Honestly it sounds interesting, but unless PMCs need Engineers then I'm out of luck.

Pharmacist. I fucking hate it and have applied for medical school.

Wow. Am I touching any high-voltage equipment, or is it more of a foreman role?

Can't build engines, weld, or fabricate anymore, and that's all I knew.

Worked with them in Afghanistan, Blackwater or Xe or whatever they're called now. They're a breed of their own. Very A type personalities and most are dicks. That being said, they are professionals, adrenaline junkies who like high risk, high reward life styles.

Oh, and the pay is good. Most made around $200k a year. Good work if you can get it.

Operators are paid on what they know, not what they do. We are in the control room.

>/k/ having plans without dragon dildos


PMC only need enginers man, what do you think they need ? a military historian specialised in international relations faggot like me ?
If you can sell something, or build something, go see Academi (former blackwater).

essentially prostitutes

>implying Sup Forums is college-educated

any musicians here?

I have the opportunity to open up a trap studio you think I'll make cash?? pls respond

How do I get in on this racket?

>mfw future career is sitting in office desk being wagie cuck

fuck it I'll do office cuck work for a few years and train with sks and lurk /k/ be a merc before am oldfag. Lifes short might as well go innawoods and shoot some niggas

But life isn't like MGS man, what are they gonna do have me designing new weapons like they're that invested in technology and not just getting jobs done?

Idk... I mean I always wanted to specialize in Weaponology but still.

>satisfy bloodlust
>mortal combat


>trap studio

Like a pre-op palace?
Tranny town?
Lady boy lane?
Dickgirl diner?
Sex-change seminar?

Or that faggy nigger noise?

Depends in the location, but with the advent of social media I'd say you'd have better luck focusing on a target demographic that is trending, like pretending a recount will do anything, and comparing trump to hitler.

Become an electrician or electrical engineer. Alternatively, be prepared to take a huge pay cut to work in a small town for a few years (this is what I did, my starting wage was $14.37/hr in a small town in KS).

Those smaller wages aren't that bad, though. I was living in a town where rent was 400/month for a pet friendly duplex with an attached garage, all wood floors, central heat/air, a storage shed out back, and lawn care included.

Here's a link from the website I started at. Pay's a bit better, too.

you dont need a degree.
you need to get your foot in the door at the type of place you want to work.
you want internships, and relevant part time experience (which, yes, going after a degree can help you get).

I recommend studying CS/MIS and working a low level support job for your university. Its easy as fuck to get hired and maintain the job as its basically a glorified password resetter.
If you work there for 2 or 3 years while in school, you will be able to use that as experience, and even though its a silly/childs job, employers really like that shit.

Even if you start not having enough money to finish school, you can use that 2/3 years of part time experience to get yourself a low paying full time job in the IT field. From there, survive and work on increasing your skills, even sometimes using your personal time for projects experiments. Try to find something you like and kind of specialize in it and try to squeeze your way out of a basic support job into that other role. Like programming or networking. continue applying for new places with a pretty and up to date resume (use publisher, word is for plebs, if you .pub correctly, you will ALWAYS get an interview, even if word can be satisfactory). Keep applying/stepping up pay grades (but dont switch jobs more than once or twice a year or that raises flags!) until you find an employer that is definitely willing to pay you what is fair (as in what you would think you are worth if you were them, not what you yourself think you are actually worth). These types of places generally give regular reviews that ALMOST ALWAYS results in promotions/pay raises. If less than half people arent "good enough" to get the raise, this is not a good company to work for.

Find the right job and "marry it", and continue to work on relevant skills in the specialization you prefer.
TL;DR my life story.

Sweet. Thanks user.

For you.

Glad to help. Also, more out of morbid curiosity than anything, but I've never bothered researching JLaw's nudes. Is there really a pic of her butt hole? if so, why?

nig noise rate my nig noise

also yeah im in LA I would specialize in mixing and mastering beats on the side, I would have a mic in the room so I could have that service available as well

do you work with audio?

On a scale of 1-10, how dope are those beats?

Computer science is a safe bet. I graduate in a semester and have two job offers, both 90k+. I don't think I'm worth that much, but clearly someone does. Also, internships are pretty easy to line up, just don't be a moron.

I'm asking the thread my family

what do you guys think about electrical engineering? ive always been good at math and i love electronics. it just seems like something id be proud of and itll pay the bills

Why do you hate it? The pay must be nice

I have many friends that are EE majors. Shits fucking hard, but if you enjoy math and engineering and have a passion for it, it's a great choice. Also super easy to get jobs.

Doing chemical engineering. Hope that's worth something when I'm out.

Biochemistry. Then medical school.

the more i think about it the more i want to pursue getting into engineering. im currently working 60+ hours a week but maybe next fall ill get the motor running

studying to be a doctor. i duno if i want to cut people open to fix them or just fix them with medicine, to be a surgeon or not to be

wheres the old guy you usually sit with?

I just finished my 2nd year in EE and its fucking suicide tier. Trust me if you take EE you will wanna kill yourself multiple times and might even go as far as wasting time and changing major.
My only drive for it is after I'm done I'll have a much easier time getting something done with that degree then 90% of the shit unis offer these days.

ThIS pleebs. Fancy degrees are just that, fancy. Real men get trade jobs or start their own business.

Theres not much practical. Its just circuits, circuits and more circuits.

I'll believe that. Never met a single EE major that was happy about it. Mechanical Engineer majors (as well as Mechanical Engineers) are totally happy, though. They work hard, but they don't hate their lives.

I know that feel bro

>applying for a job in the Vic government
>asks for gender

God I'm so fucking tempted to specific that I'm like polygender or some other shit

Victoria Government panders to this stuff so hard that I'd probably be a shoe in

If they ask me about it I can just say I'd prefer to not talk about it due to muh persecutions right?

What's so hard about complex analysis and differential equations, that's babby math.

t. Math major

He's getting some well deserved rest for a few days.

Its just the nature of it. Too many different fields in one major, core courses consist of electronics shit, electrical and programming + obviously your general maths and physics courses every engineering major has to take. Doesn't help that they go out of their way to fail you as well.

non Autistic = Business
non Brainlet = STEM
Brainlet + Autistic = Arts

Yeah. And from what I gather, Mechanical Engineers are kind of the "jack of all trades, master of none," engineers. They get a little bit of everything, so they can hit the ground running on pretty much everything, and then have the prerequisite knowledge needed in order to self train on the job.

I was about to ask what a dumb autist should go for when I realised that was the last option

Thank you for your breakroom posts user, they make my day

>Working grocery jobs through uni to make rent/stay fed
>Pretty used to busting my ass for breaking even

Meanwhile at uni:
>CC transfer, got AA
>pretty much only room for curriculum in my schedule to avoid surcharges in tuition b4 graduation
>want to travel, see study abroad opportunity for taking a foreign language credit
>say fuck it and take the classes, learn a new language and travel the world

Fast forward to a couple weeks ago:
>Still working grocery jobs
>Still working on degree
>get a call from foreign language department
>lady I contacted regularly while I was studying the language credit got promoted, recommended me for old position
>$14/hr, work in same building as classes, allowed to study during downtime at work
>get interviewed and offered

I start next week. I think I'm finally starting to make it. My family hit some hard times financially, this time last year, I couldn't make rent, now I'm going to be making enough money to set aside and invest and I haven't graduated yet.

Pinch me Sup Forums

You can do well even with a meme major but you'll have to do a shit ton of networking and professor dick sucking.

I'm pretty sure women's studies professors are paid pretty well and they don't do shit except make shitty power points about opression.

BS in Computer Science

Programmy computery thingies.

I make a bunch of money and have a big house.

im getting let go cus i hurt someones fee fees at work

Left my 62k a year chef job for a cdp position at the best restaurant in my city days are 14 hours but overall less stressful since i manage products and prep not people. Although dropping down to 18/hr kinda hurts but im enjoying myself again

Don't you mean mechatronics?
I generally avoided mechanical because I hate chemistry so I wouldn't know too much about it but I know that mechatronics is some kind of combination between mech and EE.

Congrats on your hard work paying off!!!!

Glad I can be of assistance in some form.

I'm glad you took the opportunity when it was presented. I have turned down so many for stupid reasons (like getting to do a course for free because I knew more than the teacher about it) and now the offers seem to have dried up

Nah. Never even met someone in Mechatroinics. Just Mechanical.

Do something you like doing. If right now, you don't see yourself enjoying working in an office, start looking into how to work for yourself ASAP. I majored in International Trade and it really hasn't helped me much at all, besides learning another language and economy, if I had some sort of degree with computers that would have definitely helped me a lot more with my current field [web dev]. You should start any projects or ideas that you have, right now, sooner than later. Once you're stuck in a job, good luck getting out of it.

mah nigga I work on designing substations and make about $85k after 3 years. Work is pretty easy once you get the basics down and most of the time I don't do shit unless something breaks. So many people are old that after you get your PE you are going to be loaded when all the higher ups retire.

right now I am washing dishes but I hope to either join the service sector pouring/brewing ales or something less degenerate helping people, like growing cannabis and selling that

t. sociology major

Navy intelligence