Why haven't we taken this shithole yet?
They are our Mexico, And is not like they would put a big fight or even unwilling of flipping their current government.
Just think of all the sweet land waiting to be taken
Why haven't we taken this shithole yet?
They are our Mexico, And is not like they would put a big fight or even unwilling of flipping their current government.
Just think of all the sweet land waiting to be taken
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Don't think it would be worth the trouble, but go for it bro. YOLO
same reason we just dont take over you same reason you build a wall on your southen boarder?
1-Because your ancestors didn't want non true whites to be part of your country (yeah, that was a big argument against the expansion of your country en.wikipedia.org
2-We deport most of them m8. We had plans before about that wall and is not far from the truth. Is very likely that we do it at some point ( trac.syr.edu
Exact same reason we haven't taken over Mexico: If we took it over we'd be responsible for the people who live there.
but is so tiny
>We deport most of them
>Implying anyone wants to move to the shithole of Mexico
I thought you loved Chaves Joao baka
>implying we don't have enough problems having to deal with our degenerates and cholos
>implying finishing what others started some time ago would pay off
>implying millions of centracas, maras included, getting into mexico would be nice
it isn't worth it, instead, we should focus on trying to get our shit together, that is, of course, if we aren't past the point of no return (which is most likely given all the shit happening as we speak)
You are poorer than us m8
>plane crashes
Binomials confirm it, huerousseffs btfo
ITT butthurt cucarachas
we had them in 1821 with Iturbide.
I only miss costa rica and panama.
We should take them back. Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras could be great like us.
We purge them by moving our armed forces to the south border with the excuse of stopping immigrants.
Not far-fetched from the truth really
+ gang stuff like tattoos are perceived by our civilians as degeneracy.
drasil do sul is WHITEEEE. Stay nigger, nigger.
mmmmm you might be on to something...
When the Mexican army gets control of Mexico you can't thinking about expansion.
*can start
Maybe take over Guatemala, and relocate all your undesirables there. Then built a wall so they can't get back into Mexico. Actually wall off Chiapas as well.
Must be tough to be Mexican and have to explain you're not responsible for all Latinos.
> MS13, Contra rebels, Guatemalan illegals
Everyone just sees this and thinks 'fucking Mexicans'.
Not excusing you guys coz we all know you have plenty of worthless individuals representing your country. But must suck knowing people don't know the difference between one of you and a El Salvadorian bottom feeding lowlife.
Panama was part of Colombia m8.
t./his/ nerd
Why do tomorrow what you can do today
Because you lost it, just like you lost California.
I like the pic.
The table is actually the ranking of countries with highest amount of:
1) Rapists
2) Dug-Traffickers
3) Corrupt politicians
Even some Mexicans aren't responsible for others. There are huge cultural and physical differences between northern and southern Mexicans. It's mainly the southern ones who go all the way to the border and then become illegal immigrants in the States.
Is actually the list of gpd per capita (per head) m8.
Google it.
Good to know you are still open to the integration of negroid prominent countries
We are pretty much the same culture m8.
Mostly due to the fact that the most prominent tourists zones are in the south and baja california so the fresas get mixed with the natives of that state + our capital is in the middle of the country, so eastern, north, southern and western all get scrambled like eggs.
We don't need centroamerichangos in our country
Wasn't there a war between mexico and a central american country due to some boats?
idk but i wanna suck those titties
Why are you so stupid, what about the south?, they are natives and mayans, the peninsula brings TONS of money to Mexico AND most of the people are brown also you are the cunt wanna be spanish, who always spam all Sup Forums boards screaming "Mexico is white" threads. don't you have to go to school kid?
Because if you have money you have to put it into improving Jalisco, not wasting it on expanding into land you'll never use.
>But Russia can do it
and before, they have money, dont forget they are commies.
They needed a freshwater port though, that's why they invaded Ukraine. How would Guatemala be of any value to Mexico?
more land is always profit, we can figure it out later after the expansion., XD
Tranquilo bato, el sur si trae dinero y todo, no digo que sea malo, solo que la mayoría de los que son inmigrantes vienen de ahí, y así como hay gente trabajadora, también hay la que solo hace daño. Incluso aquí (Sonora) los vemos trabajando los viñedos y otras labores duras, pero también hay unos que se aprovechan o hacen desmadre. Lo de la piel y las diferencias es porque la traemos contra los wachos de siempre, nomás por joder.
No seas mamón y pendejo, siempre juntas a los del sur con los chilangos del centro, que no se te olvide que el sur en su mayoría es café y trae mucho dinero a México.
>Quiere ser de España y habla como chemo
Pendejazo, numero uno, obviamente chilangos y sureños son diferentes, es más, yo ni los junté, la foto solo la puse para ejemplificar las diferencias. Dos, ok la península aporta dinero con su turismo, está bien, pero otras parts exportan gente que viene a hacer daño, y esa no la quiero cerca, así como los gringos no la quieren, por eso nos quieren poner esa pared. Por último, no tengo interés alguno de creerme español, yo soy Sonorense y punto, aparte ni se hagan, en otras partes se ponen nombrecitos en inglés cuando tienen el nopal en la jeta... no la chinguen.
>pero otras parts exportan gente que viene a hacer daño.
A ver ignorante la peninsula no tiene ninguna necesidad de irse a eua, aqui es un paraíso con trabajo en abundancia, inclusive de oficina.
>Cancún-Turismo y dinero.
>Mérida-Doctores hasta de sobra.
>Playa del Carmen-Tranquilidad y turismo
Todos estos lugares son chingones a su manera y hasta traemos al norte de peso muerto y sabes que es lo mejor de todo la mayoría son CAFÉS.
estamos listos para la guerra aqui
Dos cerveza por favor you swine
You tried. And failed too.
Jajajaja, bien, pero hablando en serio, deberíamos anexarlos, asi nos ayudamos mutuamente.