well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
>White Privilege is real.
>Whites aren't superior.
Christianity has defined inferiority as the most righteous trait.
They arent mutually exclusive, retard
"Privilege" implies some sort of artificial framework to force a position of superiority.
If whites are genetically superior, that's not "privilege", it's just being superior. Naturally.
>well Sup Forums?
well Sup Forums?
>well Sup Forums?
well Sup Forums?
>well Sup Forums?
well Sup Forums?
>well Sup Forums?
well Sup Forums?
>well Sup Forums?
well Sup Forums?
>well Sup Forums?
well Sup Forums?
>well Sup Forums?
"white privilege" is implying that it's undeserved. If white were genetically superior, then their privilege is just an expression of a just society. So "white privilege" is the same as "smart privilege" or "attractive privilege". Of course they're privileged, they're better, so it's useless to have the term.
But the Germans BTFO the Red Army.
>implying its mutually exclusive
Whites evolved to become superior. They weren't endowed with magical "privilege".
>poll BTFO
poll BTFO
>poll BTFO
poll BTFO
>poll BTFO
poll BTFO
Literally said this in the other thread.
Military success =/= Ideological success
If so then Monarchism trumps all other systems by ten fold.
> Implying superior gene's weren't earned
Nice try cuck
1- Lets assume whitey is superior
2- Being born white is luck, you made nothing to get it
3- Therefore being white is a privilege (like someone born rich)
4-Because 2 and 3, if 1 is true then white privilege necessarily exists
Being a product of white on white reproduction was a hard fought battle.
Asian woman are a constant temptation to dilute the gene pool.
But still, (You) did not made anything to earn it, its a privilege to being born from someone who fought for muh white reproduction
you mean the race that constantly outscores whites in IQ tests and on average in the US earns more than them?
White privilege isnt real.
Blacks statistically live in worse conditions and get arrested more simply because they choose to live in those environments and suck the government dry of benefits. They live like that because its a culture for them. They suffer from groupthink and convince eachother that the white man is out to get them. Blacks that choose to not listen to this groupthink tend to live the same lives as most white people. Go to college, get a job, have a family, have a mortgage, etc.
this culture they choose to live under causes their fathers to leave them, then cause their mothers to live off benefits and raise 5+ children, and 2/5 of those kids are statistically more likely to be affiliated with a gang and commit a major crime and be sent to jail, while the other kids follow their mothers/ fathers footsteps.
>2- Being born white is luck
Mexican """""intellectuals""""
It's not luck. There's no luck involved with being white. If your parents are white then you are almost exclusively white. There's no "random" chance without genetic mutation that a black couple has a white baby (albinism =/= Caucasian) and same thing with white couples. You will never hear of a significant portion of European couples "randomly" having non-ethnically European babies.
Fucking retard.
>3- Therefore being white is a privilege
Privileges are given to you. This also entails that 3 does not follow 2
>Mexican """""intellectuals""""
>4-Because 2 and 3, if 1 is true then white privilege necessarily exists
Holy shit, you're like a wannabe philosophy major but dropped from all your argumentative logic classes.
>white privilige is real
>everybody is equal
checkmate op you cum guzzling faggot.
So "privilege" is a euphemism for "ability"
I am merely a gift to my white on white parents.
From their perspective - hard work and diligence paid off.
White privilege is real, the only issue is whether we should accept it as the natural way of things, or be ashamed of it and spend the rest of our lives with black and muslim cocks firmly lodged in our throats begging forgiveness for the sin of being born white.
My height gives me advantages in society, but I don't spend my days protesting for manlet rights.
My intelligence gives me advantages, but I haven't lobotomized myself to compensate.
My Americanism gives me advantages, but I don't eat rice and bugs or shit in the streets to make up for it.
If you want to define white privilege as whites being inherently privileged due to genetic superiority, then I'll acknowledge it's real. Currently, white privileged is defined as whites benefiting systemically from laws and customs in the country. This is, of course, not real.
Whites still very narrowly beat out Asians in test scoring in the United States.
*sips tea*
>*sips tea*
*sips tea*
>*sips tea*
*sips tea*
>*sips tea*
*sips tea*
>*sips tea*
*sips tea*
>*sips tea*
Asian girls are superior.. but I must carry on. I can't let my precious lineage be infected by small penis genes.
Hi /leftypol/
>Leaf education
So before you were born you chose being white? Is hard to understand that anything given at birth is privilege? Are you stupid?
Two white people have babbie, child comes out white every time, I don't see how that is luck. If it comes out non white their is a serious problem.
some free advice, pic related
Life isn't fair.. if it was - everyone would be white. Choice is not required for earned privilege. Depends who did the earning.
>implying Monarchism isn't the answer
No, retard, but is luck that specific baby happened to be (You) and not Ahmed """soul""" (or concience, better defined)
>Race does not exist
>Racism does exist
makes you think
>So before you were born you chose being white?
You imply that anything but the genetic make up of your parents has to do with being white or non-white.
>Butt blasted at being a Mexican """""intellectual""""
>Is hard to understand that anything given at birth is privilege?
Being white is not "given" to you. You are the product of your genetics and nothing more at birth. You are not "given" anything. You are made by the traits that cause you to be superior or inferior in performance later in life.
There is no toll man warranting you certain traits over any other and it just so happens that white people get certain favorable traits over others. European genetic make up is a product of thousands of years spent in Europe.
Maybe take some biology classes instead of philosophy classes before you try to explain social concepts with any respect to biology (>Being born)
>calling a filthy sudaca spic Mexican
I know Mexican is a derogatory term in this board, but come on leaf, don't rise this jungle monkey's status.
>If your parents are white then you are almost exclusively white. There's no "random" chance without genetic mutation that a black couple has a white baby (albinism =/= Caucasian) and same thing with white couples.
I see someone has never watched Maury.
Holy fuck
You actually think there is a toll man warranting certain """souls""" or personalities upon people.
That explains why you're a fucking retard. Nevermind disregard what I said, it would be like arguing with a brick wall. You're actually a fucking moron.
Then we will make it fair :^), whiteys are obviously not genetically superior though, only because the actual social constructions, but that will end soon.
>There is no toll man warranting you certain traits over any other
He's called god bro.
Our skin pigmentation allows us to absorb Vitamin D better.
What is your special power? Ability to absorb spicy tacos without destroying a toilet?
Whites privilege is a function of genetics and historical achievements.
White privilege is real because whites are genetically superior.
Furthermore, they actually care for their future generations beyond just one or two.
But if you and your children live in Asia, then your hapa sons will still have the biggest schlong in town.
t. Expat anglo trying to doublethink my way out of my racemix-guilt
>did not made anything
>privilege to being born
Texas libshits showing true colors.
>whiteys are obviously not genetically superior though
[Citation needed]
Most actual studies point towards genetics accounting for most if not all gaps seen between ethnicies in any performance academic or otherwise.
Would you mind explaining how these two things are mutually exclusive?
whites have shown the ability to create a better future for their children and grandchildren (which is white privilige apparently) so i guess both buttons at once?
A little too much on the religious side for me, I prefer to deal in provable things not spiritual nonsense.
>Taking everything literal
>A fucking leaf
No you fucking moron its a simple analogy so your leaf brain can understand. Canadian "superiority", everyone :^)
> Singapore
The constant devil enticing me over to the dark side.. Begone yellow devil. I must breed with my sub-par females..
the rules and laws given to us by God are utterly pragmatic, its the source that is spiritual
being the genetically superior race is a privilege bestowed at birth.
>2- Being born white is luck, you made nothing to get it
i'm pretty sure it's not luck when an alpha male and an alpha female fuck, it's just the natural order compared to chile beta cucks
>american education everyone
>leaf posts strawman
like pottery
Well meme'd friend. Still doesn't change the fact that you're absolutely disillusion if you think you're little more than the product of your genetics impact on your environment.
At birth there is no determinable environment of which to impact you barring pre-birth (mutations) "mishaps".
At birth you are literally nothing but the pure product of your genetic make up. To think anything else would be absolutely retarded
>xd god gives u a soul and at birth u are dat soal and he choises who is what
White privilege is white people feeling guilty for not massacring all the lower races so they would never have to compete on the same level.
I press both buttons with my 2 hands
Superiority =/= privilege.
Superiors grant inferiors privilege
By no means am I an atheist, but the laws that are observable is what I am interested in, If a horse mates with a donkey it produces a mule correct?, If a white and a white reproduce it doesn't produce mulattos and it never will.
but white people are superior,ask adolf hitler
no, how about a conscious fucking decision by your parents to have you in good circumstances and rear you to the best of their abilities as a natural extension of themselves?
jesus christ, you are not your own little universe
white privilege is something created by niggers to give them another reason to hate white people
Libtard race baiters chalk everything to luck.. anything to avoid getting a job.
The only people bitching about white privilege are women and minorities. Yes we are superior. We know how the world works better than everyone else. IF minorities followed in our footsteps instead of bitching like a bunch of babies, maybe they'd reach the level we are at, but at the current state I don't see that happening in many decades. So you can shove your opinions up your ass until you reach my level cunt.
Why you even bring the materialism vs metapyhsics here.
Your consciousness, the experience of being alive (indepently if its in the brain or a "soul") just happened to be in a leaf body, you could had born in Muhammed body in Syria, but no, you are a leaf, you did not chose it so its random. That's the privilege
The brit got it
Dare I say best leaf post yet?
It's not a privilege. It's the top spot on the podium in the perpetual Olympic game of life that being fought for and earned daily.
Sure. But would this be the same "white privilege" referred to in the OP image or the same "white privilege" that the left is always complaining about? I don't think so. You seem to be using the same term to label multiple unrelated hypothetical examples of privilege
So are you just trying to tell white people that they are superior to others and therefore are lucky? You want us to feel bad about this?
Whites are genetically superior to shitskins but shit like Affirmative Action and Diversity quotas has been put into place to cancel out the natural superiority so therefore no, White Privilege doesn't exist anymore.
It's that simple.
Yeah SJWs refer to white privilege as something social not genetical, but the source of it its irrelevant
So someone born rich is not a privilege? Its the same than someone that work for his wealth? What your ancestor and parents did its not something to be proud of, because you didnt made shit, its literally the WE WUZ KANGS meme
>White privilege is because of genetic superiority so we need to make everyone equally inferior
Fuck off not-polan
Riddle me this, Sup Forums
The SJW's are mad that one race has an inherent advantage over the other and is trying to make society fair for all.
Their current definition of white privilege is wrong because they refuse to accept the genetic argument.
But white privilege is still real because whites are more intelligent and that is inherently unfair.
Robert Solomon on Nietzsche's Master morality vs Slave morality - 2 minutes:
>globalism makes us all the same
Have you had a look at europe lately? How about your local ethnic ghetto? Groups of different ethnicity do not fully integrate. They never do.
>So someone born rich is not a privilege?
It is, whats your point? As you say they have no control over it, so why should they feel bad about it?
>What your ancestor and parents did its not something to be proud of, because you didnt made shit, its literally the WE WUZ KANGS meme
I agree, whats your point though? It seems like you're just desperate for some white guilt
Fuck off faggot kike, this isn't even a good attempt
its funny because both buttons are wrong instead of normally one just being an outrageous strawman
I fell for the meme.
When I left I was an apprentice wizard, and now I am actually living a life where the major problem I have is that too many women want to have sex with me and I don't have the time for them all.
White privilege indeed.
Both. You are confusing prestige for privilege, Ahmed.
>monarchism trumps all other systems by ten fold
it's as though your logical conclusion is correct
Short little story by Kurt Vonnegut, 'Harrison Bergeron'
Since I know your internet-seared attention spans won't let you read it (it's short though), it's about a world where fast runners get weights tied to their legs, smart people have to wear headphones that make distracting noises, etc.
>Plays a rigged game being obviously advantaged
>He claims he wins because his own capacity
Really makes you think
I disagree that we're objectively superior but I agree with your characterization of the SJW's self-contradiction.
>can't actually make a point
>resorts to strawman meme arrows
I thought Chile wasn't retard-tier?
An ethnostate implies multiple ethnostates which, of course, mean the preservation of different races and their respective cultures. Assuming these cultures and people are incompatible, the ethnostates would benefit from not having to mediate race relations.
Kind of a shit meme, dude.
The two aren't mutually exclusive. Privilege implies that it is a rigged system that provides us advantages. Reality is that it's because we're genetically superior.
Demarchy is the only sensible form of rule
is that the taco shell girl?
SAGE and report ffs. Don't give him (You)'s