Mfw Sup Forums gets BTFO by this show every episode

>mfw Sup Forums gets BTFO by this show every episode

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literally who

Literally who

Literally who

He looks like a nu_male OPEE

Literally who

Sounds like a safe space for butthurt liberals where all their strawman arguments are real and "heh, conservatives!" still generates laughter.

For a group which calls others users of echo chambers, the modern left has an obsession with them.

Trump won, get over it.

Literally who

That guy is a faggot.

Literally who

Would love to punch this faggot in the face. Don't know who he is, but I'd still like to.

Literally who

hes the cancer that killed college humor

not in 1 skit did i find him funny

he should do broadway

Seth Rogen?

Viral marketing is forbidden.
Also, it doesn't really work if you don't tell us who that guy is.

Nice advertising attempt.
Literally who?

Putting gel in your hair is absolutely faggot-tier.

Wow, a liberal saying liberal things and citing liberal sources. I sure am stumped.

I saw one of his videos somehow on youtube about how prescription drugs are bad. The majority of it sounded like he was just some pretentious prick who spends more effort on his hair than fixing his life. A lot of wrong information too

He's fucking annoying and think it's OK because he knows he is annoying

>this is what being BTFO feels like

>mfw saw the "Wild West" one the other day that pretty much shit all over cowboy culture

Makes sense that they are trying to kill that now, given that they demonized southern culture.

This fag doesn't know half the shit he is talking about. He just reads the scripts (((they))) give to him each week. kys.

Seriously who is he?

Your mom.

He actually uses shit that can't be proven to be right. Like that quote about Nixon using weed prohibition to go after blacks and hippies. It might be true, but the quote from the video is no where to be found it was only "remembered" by some Baum guy (Baum is jewish or kraut name). There was also one fake quote from Hesiod about children of next generation that this guy used in his presentation.

he's snopes personfied

>I speak in a highly smug and falsely confident tone to make people think I'm right all the time and cannot be questioned
funny there is no side of his show that offers a rebuttal
this show is not an argument


I SAGED and reported. Have you?

In a moment.

stay mad ya bogan cunt