Pluralism is on a global scale is inevitable, so why do you support nationalism?

Pluralism is on a global scale is inevitable, so why do you support nationalism?

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Fine leaf!, it's good to hear that you want me in your country!

This way i can go to your first world paradise, find your house in tbe suburbs, enter by night and rape your wife in front of you while you cant do nothing, then i'sd probably kill your children and you still cant fo anything about it because you would be a racist xenophobic, just like the ones that you dislike!

I'm sure the entire middle east will be just fine without borders.


The only way globalism would work is if we suddenly found alien life. At which point there is only one real choice.


>that picture

truly free-thought
what a dangerous and groundbreaking opinion

Give it time. After enough immigrants show up you'll realize your mistake.

Of course by then it will be too late.

Humans fighting humans for terriortie is literal the entire history of mankind. The fuck are you going on about, leaf?


I don't, a united earth is the next step for humankind, though it can not happen in one day for obvious reasons.

I mean, if you wanna get technical I see a lot of things on that image that could constitute borders.

Nationalism is a disease. Arbitrarily treating others as subhuman based on their utterly random location is simply barbaric.

I want to say 40k Warhammer... but i'm not 100% certain..

Because my country and the whites in it are better than every single shitskin on earth.

i dont see any humans either, fuck earthlings!

Not only do chimps set up territories but they cannibalize rivals who get caught on their turf.

Since we are all animals I guess I should eat the people who intrude on my territory. Dont want to waste the protein.

Because aliens don't exist

Why must all Mexicans rape?

You think that Globalism will be a utopia?

It won't.


>the globalist meme

surplus of people
surplus of labour
huge disparity between countries tech levels
remittance from 1st world to 3rd world areas, beaners come and take jobs, along with everyone else from africa since no employment there
unemployment rampant
constant gibs
elite bankers control everything

should I continue

This. Or we start colonizing other planets and they become their own independent state. While it would still pain me to see Earth burn from multiculturalism the species can survive.

unemployment rampant for those who live in the first world areas*

I support Nationalism, because the people (non-shitskins) that live in my country, and the things that are in my country are far superior to that of other countries. There is literally nothing wrong Nationalism, seeing as the Middle East can do it, so why can't we?

I support imperialism.
I support globalism.
I support humanism.

What I DON'T support is including subhuman, barely sapient mudskinned apes who call themselves human in all of that. Until the day that the world burns and the inferior hordes die, I will support nationalism as a means to preserve the TRUE humans of Earth, those that are capable of building, maintaining, and progressing civilization.

We cannot take the cancer with us to the stars.


You can have a united earth after space is properly colonized with separate politically independent groups. Civilization is a living thing, it multiplies itself so it can perpetuate itself because the fate of all empires is to die.

I'd trade all this arab scum in my country for mexican scum in a heartbeat. At least you are christian.

Because I like where I live and want to keep it in as best a state as possible. Saying since we all live on Earth and at the same time say we shouldn't be proud of where we live is illogical. Surely those that think this just want to live somewhere nicer or are oblivious to realize others can come in and destroy their place of living.

Pluralism can't work when the rest of the human race is 2000 years+ less evolved than the two leading races

so the movie Elysium in real life, without the bullshit ending??


you have to pick where it starts from. Globalism that is. Right now there is a competition to see who wins that, and that is where Nationalism comes from.

Liberals have tried time and time again to just hand out equality to people, and act like its a natural thing. Its not. When the UK dissolved its empire, look at where its former vassals are now; Arguably fucking worse off. Spain? Worse. Portugal? Worse.

All of the vassal countries save the fucking US are pathetically behind on where they should be developmentally.

If we just jump to globalism without an expansive culture to dominate, we get a global scale version of India pre breakoff of bangeldesh, Packistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, and Sri Lanka. Instead of trying to accept their differences and create a state system, they demanded to break off from each other, and each form shitty duplicates of each other's systems. Each more dysfunctional than the last.

Fuck man. The only reason India is in such good shape is that they are not at a relgious dogma to destroy the west, and only somewhat arrogant to the point where they will fuck everything up but then slowly correct it according to the rest of the world's tried and true efforts based on prior fuck ups and learning lessons. Pakistan just cant stop fucking up.

And that small slice, just like europe, just like everywhere else, is why the world is not ready for globalism.

An Earth of... United Nations?

im not one of you half-breed monkies.

I can't believe you guys are STILL fucking here. Like STILL.

>Nationalism is a disease. Arbitrarily treating others as subhuman based on their utterly random location is simply barbaric.
Nations are sovereign, they always have been. People from other countries do not have an automatic right to everything America has, and Americans do not have an automatic right to whatever other countries have (not that there's anything we would want that we don't already have but better).

Don't they say that you can see the Great Wall of China from space?

Without borders, the white race would've been extinct a long ass time ago. We need nations for self-preservation you cucklord

but i know this is b8

I don't see any humans, do you?

a lot like that, actually.

United Earth Empire

"we are all earthlings"

you know what else is an earthling? cancer cells

endless space's united empire

Nativist/Nationalists mindset is for adult children. They deem their failure in life to be the blame of more competent brown guy who's successful and has only been in the country for several years.


Just wait till we build the wall leaf

United American Earth Trumpire

>simply barbaric.
That's reality for you. Civilization is a delicate and precious construct that goes against nature.
You cannot maintain it without EXCLUDING the rest of the world. And yes, barbaric niggers and muds count as the rest of the world.

Just as the body must discriminate against certain bacteria to survive, so the US must discriminate against certain humans.

I am sure you can't see your mother slut herself out to Americans for a bottle of maple syrup, but we both know borders and your mother being a whore exist.

agreed. global communism is the final stage of civil evolution but unfortunately the vast majority of humans are caught in a tribal mentality. whether its race, religion, nationality, gender, age, etc. we fail to see that we have more in common than not. maybe it will take an undeniable alien revelation to change our perspective. or maybe our monkey genes are bound by fear to violence and hostility and our ultimate fate is planetary suicude

In the grand scheme of things, why not purge the objectively inferior humans off the face of the earth? I mean systematic slaughter for all Africans, Arabs, Turks, and Abos. The world would recover and any phasing in of global pluralism would be accomplished tranquilly without subhuman savages ruining things. I'm not opposed to socialist policies generally, but as long as there are literal chimps that are good for nothing but violence and leeching it's absurd to try to support them.

>Culture, and history don't exist
Really makes you sage

you can come and you can stay beaner, just help use build that wall.

t. egocentric moron

No, not everyone considers themselves the most important thing.

Slaughter the men, sterilize the women. Use them as concubines.
I'd like an Arab milf and a couple of black girls, please.

Exactly this. This is exactly what I think about my home country. Despite all the FUCKING LEAFS around me, and being completely cucked on the multiculti. I love everything else about this place.

Oh right! Does Endless Space 2 include them yet?

One can dream, but I think it will be another.

Be honest. We would just go back to hating the Irish.

Sometimes i wish the terrorists would pull a Tom Clancy style nuking of Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver... just to push Canada in the proper direction.

Why not just have global communism where different people keep to themselves for the most part? There is literally no reason to make cultures and races live together.

Feel free to move to Somalia and experience your inevitable pluralism.

notice how there weren't any muslims on Star Trek?

typical globalist scum spouting his canadian globalist gibberish

Sure nations have always been sovereign but humans as a species have always changed and adapted. We need to evolve if we are going to survive. We will have one united planet when we are finally free of the retarded religious majority. Then we will be able to explore space.

I have yet to hear a single reason why we need globalism of cultures. A single world order could be achieved with unique cultures, and confederated system with migration control.

Libtards worship diversity while marching us over the one world government and culture cliff. If diversity is the golden rule, then nationalism is the strongest protection of minority cultures because nations are sovereign. Barring a foreign takeover due to war, independent nations are free to develop their unique cultural identity without being absorbed into the global culture.

Also, America has a unique cultural identity and heritage and I hate that that's taboo. I'm tired of the left's blasphemy about the "patriarchy" and "systematic oppression." It's 2016, we've outgrown many negative cultural norms in our history but unfortunately we've created a new monster: the sjws and their anti-western closed-mindedness.

I have yet to hear a single reason why we need a one world order.

Some of you, I assume, are good people.





Pluralism is communism, nationalism is capitalism. Capitalism > communism. Pluralism is NOT inevitable. Pluralism is going backwards.

I don't see any fences around your house

Fuck ownership
We're housemates

thats exactly what i mean. as long as people are not killing each other, it doesnt mater what they are doing. its healthy to be proud of the things that separate an individual from a group, but its harmful to identify with that difference more than their similarities to the group. i have little faith that i'll live to see a world that shares my societal ideal, but hey, maybe AI will allow each person basic human provisions and then we'll have the energy to be compassionate to each other

Sounds like someone's a bad hombre

I don't think user you referred to (not I) is implying globalism per se simply that religious majority thing has got to stop. At least their control over money spent on things like space exploration. I think we can have that while maintaining cultural identity. I don't care one way or the other for cultural identity, I think it is as much bullshit as patriotism, or religion, or any other bullshit people want to identify with. At the end of the day it's all identity politics.

more equality = better moral outcome if you follow John Rawls philosophy and the vial of ignorance thought experiment. Also the economy would work better as one global system (inequality would be higher, but that's why you have communism).

Even disregarding all of that you should still have countries work together on mega-engineering projects such as a orbital ring or space elevator.

This all can be done with very limited global governance.

Yeah, the Muslims will hold us back.

We have to make sure the Muslims don't go to space.

Doesn't matter, and there was never a time where Irish/Slavs/Latins were hated and niggers weren't.
Those without wealth will always gravitate to those with wealth.

The strategy you propose is one that always loses.

Anybody who decides to act as a group will slowly gain advantage over those who don't. That's why the world you describe will never exist.

It can only happen through a totalitarian oppressive government that controls the thoughts of its people.

>maybe AI will allow each person basic human provisions and then we'll have the energy to be compassionate to each other want not only a one world order but one run by omniscient robots? Wow

Because some Earthlings don't deserve to live

All the savages into Canada now!

Thanks leaf.

>Some borders are based off geography, so yes I see borders in that image.

>Mass migration to Canada
>Eventually we outnumber Canadians
>A lot of Canadian politicians are ethnic Latinos
>Annex Canada by the end of the century

That sounds great

You do realize that there are more beheadings in Mexico than the Middle East? You fags don't have guns, Mexicans have guns. You'd be done for.

NEXT ITEM FOR GLOBAL VOTE: Proposal to turn the former territories of Canada into the world's largest landfill. All for...
>6 billion ayes
All opposed...
>35 million neighs
Ayes have it. Transfer of global garbage dumping begins tomorrow.

>more equality = better moral outcome if you follow John Rawls philosophy and the vial of ignorance thought experiment.
I do not follow John Rawl's philosophy. Equal opportunities are fair, not forced equal outcomes.

I do agree that space is so hard that nations should work together for big projects which advance humanity as a whole. However, this can be done without a global governing body.

Where you are born is not random. Someone made the decisions necessary for you to be born in the location you were.

what is this globalist shitting on here now?

who wants no borders and one world guberment -yes yes you know it.

count to three, and say it outload, say their name.

Magic of Kek will bound them for and extra day, for they are working tirelessly hour by hour and day by day.

there is plenty of space for everyone... BUT just because everyone wants what I got does not mean I just let them take it.

A nation is like your house, you get it setup nice then all these filthy spics and shit think they can just eat everything in the fridge and fuck your couch up.

>America has a unique cultural identity and heritage

No matter how good you are at something you can always learn more. The same applies to culture, no matter how "great" your country is you can still learn from other cultures.

Why can't they make their house nice?

Absolutely, fuck nationalism!

So much more reason to cull the bipedal monekeys and start MASSIVE racial wars, this abhorrent excess of resource-gorging coddled predators is a vicious threat to THE EARTH and to ALL its creatures, and when all those 3rd world impulsives start demanding first world lifestyles, it'll rip it apart!

Wow, nobody has posted that satellite image of the Hati border where the jungle just stops yet?

Why bother theyre already number 1

this is like Jaden Smith tier argument,


not necessarily. i want a global governing order ran by humans that utilize technology to mass produce clean water, food, shelter and electricity to every living person. once basic living conditions are guaranteed, violence would be drastically reduced. now, human nature may be too tyrannical to create such a system which is why i have more faith that AI could evolve to a level that could objectively establish such a government.

no actually they had it all figured out 6000 years ago, the key tenants of building a successful civilization is already known. There is nothing to improve on.

Thats so planetist

Because it yields mediocrity.