Anyone else regrets voting for Trump?
Anyone else regrets voting for Trump?
I regret clicking this thread.
I didn't because I voted for Hillary. Enjoy 8 years of decline faggots.
You didn't vote for Trump.
Hes at least the lesser of the two . hillary wouldve meant a million rapefugees a year
Fuck Drumpf and Fuck white people
I regret not convincing my mom to vote Trump instead of Darrel
>when KEK makes the first and best post
>8 years of decline
it's funny because this implies trump wins a second term. jokes on you, retardfag.
Yes, I certainly do.
Me too, my vote was a mistake. I should have been with Hillary from the start.
We can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.
I feel betrayed
>"hurr the Clintons are good guys they need healing"
>Won't prosecute Shillary
>all cabinet picks are globalists except bannon
>most likely will give Secretary of State to Mitt
>durr I'm gonna need more help with the country with Obama
Anyone who defends him is just some blind Shill
Then gtfo my Sup Forums
not really a big deal. people in big finance are connected or at the very least, antiquated, with large funds.
This. Voted Hillary in a non trump cucked state
You were never a true trump supporter if that made you regret voting for him.
Nope, MAGA fuckhead.
wtf I hate Rumpf now!
>hue flag
>voted for Trump
Seems legit.
and people wonder why white nationalism is on the rise
and you think hillary wouldnt of declined this country? she would of been a female version of obama,enjoy continuing to be ignorant
See my friendly CTR shill, you expose yourself because you keep pushing the drumpf meme. You need to put aside your personal desire to attack something in order to actually appear as a genuine disenfranchised trump supporter. Instead you come across as an outsider, a foreigner to this particular ideology. Please dont get caught up on the concept of using foreigner as a word that is not in its contemporary sense, little outside the box thinking for you, I know.
You tried though. And your leaders will give you a gold star, right before they murder you and eat your corpse in one of their blood orgies. You will make a baller napkin tho'
Checked. What did Kek mean by this?
You're not even american you dumb shit, go back to your room.
Someone doesn't know the story of Heracles and the Nemean Lion.
The only thing sharp enough to cut open the beast is its own claws.
>replying to an aussie post
>implying the united kingdom is better
go get raped by some muslims just like your country is
nice try, buzzfeed.
Hillary would have been 10x worse. Whether that's a good thing or not (maybe it could have killed the Democrats as a party in the long run), not sure.
Cause if Trump fucks up I don't see the Republicans being around longterm and all the Democrats need to do is find another Obama.
Dude the support of Trump was mostly memes here, most people here who voted him did it on a lesser-evil basis
He was never Ron Paul and we never expected him to be.
Immigration, lower taxes, infrastructure, military, opposing globalism, etc is what he ran on and what we voted for.
Drain the swamp = term limits + lobbying bans which he hasn't reneged on
all democrats need to do is pass gun control on a federal level and they'll never be a party again
obama might as well of been the last democrat president this country will have with the way he has ran things in america for the past 8 years
>nobody bringing up how Mnuchin is against the Federal Reserve and wants to dismantle it
it's like you're trying to be retarded
>when you're 5'9
>when all you want in life is 6'0
>60% """white""""
The only question about anything Trump does is "Would Hillary have done better?"
So far it's been "no" for everything. And that's really what it comes down to in a presidential election. Sorry if you thought Trump was going to lead some sort of political revolution.
Fuck off. Trump was supposed to clean house and his picks are shit to run the country. Hillary probably would've been worse but at least we knew it.
What good is it when you have trash on all races?
>inb4 cherrypicked IQ charts
> hue post
>1 post by this id
well fuck the shills with saging hard
I didn't vote for that orange retard.
You dont know who he's picking and why
Ffs do some research. They all have a single purpose to fulfill.
That's fucking hilarious. I pity people who take these articles seriously. How do you cite Sup Forums as a source for your topic?
Because morons like you haven't quite been eradicated yet. Give it a decade.
I start to regret getting on the MAGA train and having been so invested. Trumps staff picks are shit (fucking ALL of them!), he backpeddaled on Hillary, no word of the wall and if he gets any swampier, we will have to call him Shrek. Hillary would have been the same, for sure. It's just a sign that nothing will ever change as long as we allow (((democratic elections))).
Soros is a very competent businessman whether you like him or not.
Having a Soros apprentice is a smart choice for treasurer.
Aww. So close!
Shut up, shitskin.
>replying to obvious bait copypasta
Mnuchin has been Trump's finance chair since April. Why are people acting like Trump is constantly doing unexpected things?
Literally an excuse for every piece of shit move Trump makes.
You going to be like the Obama mates and go down with the ship?
I didn't expect anything other than no war in Syria, enforcement of the border (with or without The Wall) and a conservative SC justice.
I actually have.
Quit being blind.
wtf i hate trump now
>Millennial detected
Name a Republican presidency that wasn't complete garbage.
Pro-tip: You can't, and that's why Trump's entire campaign was based off of how he's different from the establishment
Is there anyone in Washington, D.C. who isn't a lobbyist?
confirmed shill
Trump is a self described Democrat and has been all his life. Running the Republican ticket doesn't make him republican or conservative by nature.
>obama might as well of been the last democrat president this country will have with the way he has ran things in america for the past 8 years
Come on now. George W. Bush had an approval rating 22% points lower than Obama in the December before he left office, and yet 8 years later we have another republican president. In most respects, Obama will be widely remembered as a completely average president, if not slightly above average.
The draconian surveillance policies they are trying to push are fucked.
If you use tor/proxies, they are essentially saying that they then have the right to do whatever they want.
I know this is most likely already happening to a degree. But this sounds worse than any Orwellian pipe-dream.
>implying (((mnuchin))) won't bend the knee
regret isn't the right word, but i'm disappointed with him so far and he hasn't even taken office yet
call me when people actually get appointed
nothing but media bullshit all day every day
>publicly identifying as a democrat
>trump is the only person on earth it's ok for on Sup Forums
You couldn't be any more blatantly a shill.
Face the music faggot. Trump is self described democrat who has pushed for liberal ideology his entire life. He's a draft dodging veteran bashing coward. He is at heart your garden variety liberal progressive democrat advocating for semi-automatic weapon bans in his own book. He is an honorary Jew having married all his children to kikes and his billion dollar fortune does nothing but tie him even further at the waist with the Jews who own and run the global economy.
Trump, at heart, is a globalist elitist scumbag without a care in the world for the average American. Like all other modern day presidents he will say one thing leading up tot he presidency and then his actions will prove to be the complete opposite as he takes office. This could not be any more clearer than it is with Trump, who has lived all his life as a liberal democrat. Trump, does not have a conservative bone in his body.
you couldn't even vote for him harambe
This picture was made on /leftypol/ so why do t you go fuck off back to it.
Maybe you should fuck off back to twitter until you learn how to form and engage in a valid argument.
>muh meme source
>donating to the clinton foundation is AOK
>but only if trump does it
>if anyone else does it, it warrants a 24/7 general on Sup Forums
>Worked for money management in private sector for years
>Chosen for money management in public sector
Honestly why is anyone surprised?
Can you find a single IQ chart that's even slightly different from every other?
>You were never a true trump supporter if that made you regret voting for him.
Fucking this. There are 4 things Trump supporters care about: getting The Wall build, getting allies to pay their fair share, getting jobs back and draining the swamp of corruption. If it doesn't violate these things, Trump supporters don't care.
That would make 24 years of decline
Who knew CTR had such lengthly contracts
You're a concern trolling fag. The god emperor had done so much and he's not even been inaugurated yet.
>and draining the swamp of corruption.
>globalist cabinet picks
>ex-Goldman Sachs banker who worked for Soros
Looks like you should care
I voted for him because I thought he'd be pro-White, I still think it was better than voting Hillary, I expected this for the record.
>Name a Republican presidency that wasn't complete garbage
Reagan, Eisenhower, hell Nixon if you ignore spying on opponents.
>using races
>Not ethnic group
This is why no progress will ever be made. Africans from Ethiopia or the Sokoto Caliphate probably better had a chance at literacy and learning than some idiot in Chad. There's a reason Asians have a higher baseline in a lot of cases.
>4 things Trump supporters care about: getting The Wall build,
Literally has no effect on a majority of jobs outside of the major concentrations of illegal migrants. TAKING OR JERBS scare tactic
>getting allies to pay their fair share
Not a bad point desu
>getting jobs back
Your factory job doing menial labor isn't coming back. Want to make America a 3rd World? Keep jobs like this in America.
>draining the swamp of corruption
Also a good idea
CTR still not free from their bondage, huh?
No, shill. I don't regret voting for the candidate who wants to build a wall on our southern border, bring back the gold standard, lighten requirements for European immigration into the US, cut taxes for the poor, and believes that the nation state remains the true foundation of happiness and harmony.
Go divide and conquer somewhere else. You have no power here.
lefty twitter frequently posts screencaps from here and the normies on twitter go nuts, im talkin thousands of likes for a screencap of your basic shitpost, its crazy out there senpai
not at all
I didn't vote for Trump. Unlike most of the retards here, I realized he was a sack of shit early on in his campaign when he started to openly support civil rights violations and war crimes.
>Making members of his administration sign no-lobbying contracts
>Cabinet is made up of those who would have likely been passed over by other GOP presidents (and know it)
>Banker chosen for banking job
If you're going to look for issues, at least try.
trips of truth
He was his finance chairman in his campaign too.
If he's a reformed /ourguy/ that means he knows their racket, and knows how financial firms will react. I do not trust him, but am very cautiously optimistic and will be keeping an eye on this for meme purposes. I just hope he hates his former boss and is totally cool with the US banning the Soros foundation and the Soros family.
That's what happened in Russia, and what needs to happen here.
ffs look at the artifacting. KYS
It's the jews. Until we get rid of them it will be the same thing every four years until the end of time.
Yeah dude they're still paying people because the election totally isn't over or anything
>Literally has no effect on a majority of jobs outside of the major concentrations of illegal migrants. TAKING OR JERBS scare tactic
Pushes down wages in the Southern states. Like it or not but 14 million illegals does that.
>Your factory job doing menial labor isn't coming back. Want to make America a 3rd World? Keep jobs like this in America.
And yet Germany manages. Sure there's a lot more automation, but the number of people doing those jobs at all skill levels remains high.
It's not going to be perfect if it does happen, the rest belt is likely to not get too much polish, but let's be honest the hope of things getting better was better then the assured reality of it not that every alternative offered.
No regrets.
I never wanted him to win the Republican primary (pic related was my boy), I don't think he was a very good candidate and I doubt he'll be a very good president; but once he won the primary he was the only realistic alternative I had to Hillary.
If the Democrats hadn't run an absurdly corrupt, smug bitch who seemed intent on starting WWIII with the Ruskies then maybe I wouldn't have voted for Trump; but in that scenario he became the only logical choice.
>wouldnt of declined
You must be new here.
Rule of Thumb we have on Sup Forums is to ignore all Australian posts as they always contribute nothing of value to any conversation.
Why can't you guys make good shops?
It's very easy.